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引用本文:张弘毅. 论背俗一物二卖中的回复原状救济[J]. 当代金融研究, 2023, 0(5): 147-161
摘    要:一物二卖中第二次买卖违背善良风俗时,如何救济第一买受人对于取得实物的期待利益,是民法学中的经典疑难问题,也是实践中经常发生的代表性案型。就此存在“处分背俗无效”与“处分有效+背俗侵权”两种救济进路,无效进路下可进一步分为“绝对无效”与“相对无效”方案,侵权进路下可分为“标的物返还出卖人”“标的物直接让与第一买受人”等侵权责任承担方式。救济第一买受人的目标是使其法律地位回复到应有状态,影响回复原状方式选择的实质因素包括出卖人原本另行处分之可能性、出卖人原本破产和被执行的风险大小。根据这一分析框架,第二买受人单方背俗时,所有权变动并不无效,只能采侵权进路,第二买受人应将标的物直接让与第一买受人;出卖人与第二买受人双方背俗时,应采相对无效方案,所有权变动相对于第一买受人无效。

关 键 词:一物二卖 背俗侵权 回复原状 破产和执行风险 相对无效

On the Remedy of Restoration of Status Quo Ante in Double Sales in Breach of Bone Fides
Zhang Hongyi. On the Remedy of Restoration of Status Quo Ante in Double Sales in Breach of Bone Fides[J]. , 2023, 0(5): 147-161
Authors:Zhang Hongyi
Abstract:When the same property is sold for twice and the transfer to the second buyer is in breach of bone fides, the question of how to protect the first buyer''s interest in obtaining the property is not only a classic dilemma in literature, but is also a representative case that often arises in judicial practice. In this regard, two possible remedies could be conceived, namely, the remedy of invalidity and the remedy of tort law. The aim of the remedy for the first buyer is to restore his legal status to the proper state. The material factors affecting the choice of the relief method include the possibility of the seller''s original disposal, the seller''s original risk of bankruptcy and the risk of enforcement. According to this analytical framework, the change of ownership is not invalid when the second buyer is unilaterally in breach of bone fides, but can only take the tort remedy, and the second buyer should directly transfer the subject property to the first buyer; when the seller and the second buyer are both in breach of bone fides, the relative invalidation scheme should be adopted, and the change of ownership is only invalid in relation to the first buyer.
Keywords:Double Sales   Invalidity Deriving from Breach of Bone Fides   Restoration of Status Quo Ante   Risk of Insolvency and Enforcement   Relative Invalidity
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