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引用本文:刘锐,邓辉. 基于SSM模型的甘肃省农业综合实力结构分解与类型划分[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2019, 40(11): 136-145
作者姓名:刘锐  邓辉
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“乡村旅游集聚区类型结构、构建路径与效应评估研究”(41571139); 安徽省教育厅人文社科重点项目“环湖旅游区乡村旅游发展与当地人居环境优化耦合机制研究”(SK2017A0485); 外研社教学科研资助项目(2018091012)
摘    要:[目的]以农业生产水平、农业成长水平和农业产出水平为研究变量分析甘肃省农业综合实力发展总体水平和结构性现状。[方法]运用SSM模型,从农业生产水平、农业成长水平和农业产出水平3个维度动态分析和比较2004—2010年和2010—2016年甘肃省农业综合实力结构状况并进行类型划分。[结果]2004—2016年农业成长水平和农业产出水平均为推动甘肃省农业综合实力发展的贡献要素,农业生产水平是主要的制约因素; 甘肃省各地农业综合实力呈现不同程度变化,武威、张掖表现为较大幅度的提升,酒泉、金昌、嘉峪关、兰州则出现一定程度的下降,平凉、临夏、甘南表现为小幅提升,其他地区则表现为不同程度的下降。甘肃省农业综合实力划分为优势发展型、滞后发展型、结构突破型和竞争突破型4类,酒泉一直属于优势发展型,张掖、平凉一直属于结构突破型,金昌、兰州由竞争突破型发展为优势发展型,武威由结构突破型发展为优势发展型,嘉峪关、白银、定西、天水、庆阳由竞争突破型发展为结构突破型,临夏由结构突破型发展为竞争突破型,甘南、陇南由结构突破型发展为滞后发展型。[结论]2004—2016年甘肃省农业综合实力地区差异明显,武威、张掖、酒泉、金昌、嘉峪关、兰州农业综合实力保持全省重心位置; 农业综合实力内部结构差异明显,农业成长水平相较于农业生产水平和农业产出水平对农业综合实力贡献率更高,农业生产水平是主要的制约因素,农业产出水平作为农业成长水平的补充是进一步提升地方农业综合实力的主要动力。针对甘肃省农业综合实力状况提出今后提升建议。

关 键 词:农业综合实力动态演化SSM模型类型甘肃省

Liu Rui and Deng Hui. STRUCTURE DECOMPOSITION AND TYPE DIVISION OF COMPREHENSIVE OF AGRICULTURAL STRENGTH BASED ON SSM MODEL IN GANSU PROVINCE[J]. Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2019, 40(11): 136-145
Authors:Liu Rui and Deng Hui
Affiliation:College of Tourism Management ,Chaohu University, Hefei, Anhui 238000, China;College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China and Institute of Natural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract:Taking agricultural production level, agricultural growth level and agricultural output level as research variables, this paper analyzes the overall level and structural status.Based on SSM model, from the dimensions of agricultural production level, agricultural growth level and agricultural output level, this paper dynamically analyzed and compared the agricultural comprehensive strength structure of Gansu Province between two time periods: 2004 to 2010 and 2010 to 2016, and classified the different types. The results showed that both agricultural growth level and agricultural output level were contributing factors to the development of agricultural comprehensive strength in Gansu province from 2004 to 2016, and agricultural production level was the main constraining factor. The agriculture comprehensive strength in different parts of Gansu province varied ifferently. Wuwei and Zhangye showed considerable improvement in agriculture comprehensive strength, while Jiuquan, Jinchang, Jiayuguan and Lanzhou showed certain degree of decline. Pingliang, Linxia and Gannan showed small improvement, and other parts showed different degrees of decline. The agricultural comprehensive strength of Gansu povince was divided into four categories: advantageous development type, lagging development type, structural breakthrough type and competitive breakthrough type. Jiuquan belonged to the advantageous development type, Zhangye and Pingliang belonged to the structural breakthrough type, Jinchang and Lanzhou developed from the competitive breakthrough type to the advantageous development type, Wuwei developed from the structural breakthrough type to the advantageous development type, Jiayuguan, Baiyin, Dingxi, Tianshui, and Qingyang developed from the competitive breakthrough type to the structural breakthrough type, Linxia developed from the structural breakthrough type to the competitive breakthrough type, Gannan and Longnan developed from the structural breakthrough type to the lagging development type. From 2004 to 2016, there were obvious regional differences in the agricultural comprehensive strength of Gansu province. Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan, Jinchang, Jiayuguan and Lanzhou maintain the core position in the comprehensive agricultural strength. The internal structure difference of agricultural comprehensive strength is obvious; compared with agricultural production level and agricultural output level, agricultural growth level contributes more to agricultural comprehensive strength; agricultural production level is the main restricting factor; agricultural output level, as a supplement of agriculture growth level, is the main driving force to improve the comprehensive strength of local agriculture. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the comprehensive agricultural strength in Gansu province.
Keywords:agricultural comprehensive strength   dynamic evolution   SSM model   type   Gansu province
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