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引用本文:程淑平,孟令杰,程业炳. 新生代农民工信息获取行为关键影响因素分析[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2019, 40(11): 103-110
作者姓名:程淑平  孟令杰  程业炳
基金项目:安徽省社会科学规划项目“新型城镇化视阈下新生代农民工城市融入机制研究”(AHSKY2015D48); 安徽省软科学项目(乡村振兴战略背景下新型农业经营主体的新信息技术应用障碍及激励机制研究, 201806a02020052); 安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划一般项目(gxyq2017047); 安徽省社会科学创新发展研究课题攻关项目(数字经济驱动农业农村发展新动能培育的路径与策略研究, 2018CX045); 安徽科技学院项目“新型城镇化背景下推进安徽农业转移人口市民化的路径选择”(SRC2014404)
摘    要:[目的]针对新生代农民工信息获取行为受多种因素交互影响的问题,提出了一种基于模糊数学和DEMATEL耦合的量化分析方法。[方法]首先,以社会认知理论为基础,从个体因素、信息源因素、环境因素3个方面构建新生代农民工信息获取行为影响因素指标体系,然后运用三角模糊数表征因素间的关联程度,再通过实证调研,利用DEMATEL方法进行结果分析。[结果](1)个体因素类的F1、F3、F4、F6、F7,环境因素类的F14、F15为原因组因素; 个体因素类的F2、F5,信息源因素类的F8、F9、F10,环境因素类的F11、F12、F13为结果组因素; (2)以中心度为基础,进行综合分析,得出新生代农民工信息获取行为关键影响因素分别是原因组的F1、F14、F6、F15和结果组的F10、F8、F12。[结论]原因组关键影响因素易对其他因素产生影响,从长期来看,应优先考虑对其进行提升或投资,结果组关键影响因素易于受到其他因素的影响,且对新生代农民工信息获取行为的作用最为直接,因此可以采取适当的管理措施进行调整和控制。

关 键 词:新生代农民工信息获取模糊数学DEMATEL影响因素

Cheng Shuping,Meng Lingjie and Cheng Yebing. ANALYSIS ON KEY INFLUENCING FACTORS OF INFORMATION ACQUISTION BEHAVIOR OF NEW GENERATION OF MIGRANT WORKERS[J]. Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2019, 40(11): 103-110
Authors:Cheng Shuping  Meng Lingjie  Cheng Yebing
Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to develop a quantitative and hybrid analysis framework to address the influence factors identification problem for the information acquisition behavior of the new generation of migrant workers. In such case, the triangular fuzzy numbers is integrated with the DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method is proposed to determine the key influencing factors for the migrant workers by considering the interactions relationships among these influencing factors under uncertain environment. In addition, the analysis result can also help to improve the information acquisition ability of the new generation of migrant workers. In the proposed analysis framework, first, an influence factors set of information acquisition behavior for the new generation migrant workers was constructed from three aspects, namely, individual factors, information source factors and environmental factors, which was based on the theory of social cognition. Then, the linguistic terms based on triangular fuzzy numbers were adopted to model the uncertainty and interaction relationships among influence factors. After that, the DEMATEL method was introduced to determine the key influence factors. According to the analysis framework mentioned above, we conducted an empirical research to analyze the key influencing factors. Based on the analysis result, we can obtain some interesting conclusions which were summarized as follows. (1) In the class of individual factors, education level (F1), labor time (F3), income level (F4), destination (F6), job stability (F7) were the cause group factors; in the class of information source factors, information service level (F14), information of individual factors discrimination (F15) were cause group factors; on the other hand, in the class of individual factors, skill level (F2), gender (F5) were effect group factors, in the class of information source factors, information content (F8), information impressibility (F9), willingness to provide information (F10) were effect group factors, in the class of environmental factors, interpersonal communication (F11), organizational communication (F12), mass communication (F13) were effect group factors. (2) According to the central degree calculation result, we found that education level (F1), information service level (F14), destination (F6), information of individual factors discrimination (F15) were the key cause group influence factors for the information acquisition behavior of new generation of migrant workers; On the other hand, willingness to provide information (F10), information content (F8) and organizational communication (F12) were the key effect group influencing factors. In summary, the key cause influencing factors are more likely to affect factors in other dimensions. In such case, the appropriate management measures can be carried out to regulate and control the key effect group influence factors because that these factors are easily affected by other factors, and they have the most direct influence on the information acquisition behavior of the new generation of migrant workers. Therefore, the improvement and investment for the key effect group influencing factors should be preferential satisfied in the long term development.
Keywords:new generation migrant workers   information acquisition   fuzzy mathematics   DEMATEL   influencing factors
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