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摘    要:随着经济的快速发展,我国的富裕阶层呈"爆炸式"增长态势,其迅速膨胀的理财需求为我国私人银行的发展奠定了坚实的基础,故而近两年来我国私人银行如雨后春笋般相继成立。在这一阶段的发展过程中,我国的私人银行取得了长足的发展,但也遭遇了"中国式的困境"。比如:分业经营的局限,严重的金融产品同质化,金融工具的单一,以及高端金融人才的缺乏等等。正是带着这些疑惑,本期银行家论坛邀请到几位著名的国内外私人银行业务专家,为我们解读我国私人银行业务发展的潜力、面临的困境及如何走出困境等相关问题。所有嘉宾发言仅代表个人,不代表其所在单位。

关 键 词:私人银行  银行业  分业经营  选择  走出困境  挑战  机会  经济的  

Opportunities,Challenges and Choices of Private Banking in China
Abstract:With the rapid economic development,the growth of China's wealthy class appeared"explosive"situation.The rapid expansion of the financial needs has laid a solid foundation for the development of private banking in China.At this stage of the development process,China's private banks have undergone the"plight of Chinese-style."The Banker Forum invited several well-known private banking business experts to interpret the related issues about China's private banking business for us.
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