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Ansatzpunkte und probleme einer erfolgsbeurteilung beim neutralen gütertest
Authors:Günter Silberer
Affiliation:1. Leiter der Forschungsgruppe Konsumenteninformation, Universit?t Mannheim, D-6800, Mannheim
Abstract:Independent test reports represent an important element in the sphere of consumer information. Evaluation of the impact of previous information and the search for better policies in future would certainly be useful. What is needed at this point is a scientific analysis oftest-report efficiency. Data concerning the dissemination and use of test reports exist but do not provide sufficient information to describe the further and more substantial benefits of testing institutions. It is the purpose of this paper to set out an approach to such an analysis of test efficiency by suggesting a set of evaluative criteria and a conceptualisation of some of the major problems involved in the empirical analysis of test efficiency. First of all, the actual and potential goals of testing institutions are formulated, since it is out of this set of goals that one can draw a list of appropriate test efficiency criteria. Such criteria include: (a) the consumer's knowledge of relevant products, prices, and services; (b) improvement of the consumer's purchasing decisions in terms of his own needs and scarce resources as well as of environmental protection; (c) improvement and stabilisation of regulative mechanisms, particularly the consumer's influence on the marketing system. Secondly, the various areas of test-report effects are analysed. In this context most authors concentrate solely upon the consumer and his purchasing behavior. The question presents itself, however, whether test effects upon the marketing system can be neglected. Considering the direct and the indirect impact of test reports on product marketing (both for merchants and for producers) and on the “consumer interest,” the answer is clearly in the negative. If test reports lead to changes, for example, in product quality and price, benefits to consumers can be said to exist even if consumers themselves do not use test reports in their actual purchasing decisions (“non-use benefits"). Such impact of test reports can be of great value especially to the poor. The body of this paper then deals with various efficiency indicators both in the consumer and in the marketing system. The indicators presented in the consumer section include: (i) perception of needs; (2) perception of relevant products (quality, price, etc.); (3) simplification in the purchase decision; (4) articulation of needs; (5) results in the context of bargaining over price and service; (6) product quality and satisfaction with the product and service; (7) post-decisional articulation of dissatisfaction and complaining behaviour; (8) external effects of consumption on scarce resources and environment. Efficiency indicators concerningmarketing effects are those of the following factors: (1) products; (2) prices; (3) channelling and distribution; (4) communication and information. In addition, such structural variables as competition effects and quality consciousness are treated. Where available, empirical data related to these various effects of test reports are also reported. The final section of this paper deals with the question of whether and to what extent certain effects can be seen as a result of consumer test reports. The problem of causality endemic to such analyses of efficiency in complex social systems cannot be resolved, of course, as it can in controlled experimental situations. Some other approaches to the establishment of causal indicators are therefore considered. Generally speaking, the chief concern of this paper lies in the development of a social-scientific basis for future consumer information policies, although a substantial part of the approach presented here can clearly be of value in many other areas of consumer policy. Er möchte Herrn Prof. Dr. Hans Raffée für wertvolle Anregungen herzlich danken.
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