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拉动内需促消费市场繁荣 玩具创新与品牌仍是重点
摘    要:11月5日,国务院总理温家宝主持召开国务院常务会议,研究部署进一步扩大内需促进经济平稳较快增长的措施。会议确定了包括加快建设性安居工程、加快农村基础设施、加快医疗文化教育事业发展、加快自主创新和结构调整、提高城乡居民收入、

关 键 词:自主创新  消费市场  国务院常务会议  品牌  玩具  文化教育事业  国务院总理  扩大内需

Stimulate domestic demand and promote the prospenity of the domestic market,focus on innovation and brand of toys
Abstract:On Nov.5th, Premier Wen presided over State Council executive meeting to study the measures on further expanding domestic demand to promote a stable, fast economic growth. Ten measures were confirmed on the conference including: to speed up constructive home project, to speed up rural infrastructure, to relieve the press on enterprises and so on. According to statistics, the state will invest about 4 trillion yuan to implement these ten projects by the end of 2010.
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