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引用本文:莫春梦,王俊明,肖俊波,辛胜林. 基于CiteSpace的国内石漠化研究知识图谱与可视化分析[J]. 科技和产业, 2024, 24(4): 224-230
作者姓名:莫春梦  王俊明  肖俊波  辛胜林
作者单位:广西壮族自治区水利科学研究院,南宁 530023;广西水工程材料与结构重点实验室,南宁 530023;南宁勘测设计院集团有限公司,南宁 530001
摘    要:为全面了解中国石漠化研究发展趋势,以中国知网(China National Knowledge Infrastructure, CNKI)数据库为数据源,利用CiteSpace可视化分析软件,对国内石漠化研究的文献发表、研究力量、研究热点等方面进行文献计量分析及知识图谱绘制。结果表明,国内石漠化研究年发文量大致经历了“平稳-缓慢增长-快速增长-大幅度下降-平稳波动”五个阶段变化趋势;石漠化研究机构主要包括贵州师范大学、贵州大学、中国科学院地球化学研究所、西南大学、中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所等,研究机构主要集中在贵州省,机构间跨区域合作较弱;国内石漠化研究具有区域特色,石漠化空间格局变化、驱动机制、生态治理、石漠化贫困等方向研究是石漠化研究的热点方向;生态恢复领域是未来石漠化研究需要关注的方面。

关 键 词:石漠化  CiteSpace  文献计量  可视化分析

Knowledge Mapping and Visualization Analysis of Domestic Rock Desertification Research Based on CiteSpace
Abstract:In order to comprehensively understand the development trend of rock desertification research in China, CNKI database was used as the data source and CiteSpace visual analysis software was used to conduct bibliometric analysis and knowledge mapping on literature publication, research power and hot topics of rock desertification research in China. The results are as follows. The annual publication volume of domestic rock desertification research shows a five-stage trend of "stable-slow growth-rapid growth-substantial decline and stable fluctuation”. Research institutions on rock desertification mainly include Guizhou Normal University, Guizhou University, Institute of Geochemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute of Karst Geology, Southwest University, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, etc. Research institutions are mainly concentrated in Guizhou Province, and inter-institutional cooperation is weak. Domestic research on rock desertification has regional characteristics, and research on spatial pattern changes of rock desertification, driving mechanisms, ecological management and poverty of rock desertification are hot directions of rock desertification research. Ecological recovery needs attention in future rock desertification research.
Keywords:rock desertification   CiteSpace   bibliometrics   visual analysis
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