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摘    要:小知从何时起,徐工将“十二五”的奋斗目标从1000亿元调整到了3000亿元。低迷的市场行情、减速的全球经济、空前激烈的市场竞争,似乎都给这个骤然跃升的庞大数字加上了“不可能”的注脚,但徐工却从没想过调低未来的预期。那么,它将靠什么实现新的腾飞?

关 键 词:翅膀  隐形  市场行情  全球经济  市场竞争

The Invisible Wings of XCMG
Abstract:When Xu Xiaohui raised the championship trophy high above her head,her crew yelled with crying,"Secretary Xu,we love you! We love you forever!" On hearing such heartfelt words,Xu Xiaohui was nearly moved to cry.She understood that the crew’s love for her was not only because of this trophy,but,more importantly,because of the revolutionary change she made on the minds of these young crew about the hypothesis of "impossible",which also gave them the strength to move forward.Although compared to numerous honors and achievements that XCMG has ever won,this championship is really not a "heavyweight",Wang Min,chairman of XCMG,is sincerely happy about that.Because this result tells him,the painstaking efforts that XCMG has made these years to shape the "soft power",has achieved initial success.
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