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Painless disinflation? Monetary policy rules in Hungary, 1991‐99
Authors:Roberto Golinelli  & Riccardo Rovelli
Institution:Universitédi Bologna, Italy;, Universitédi Bologna, Italy
Abstract:We estimate a small structural model for inflation, the output gap, the domestic interest rate and the exchange rate for Hungary during the period of the transition (1991-99). The transmission of monetary policy impulses to macro variables is characterized in a similar fashion to that of advanced open industrial countries. In particular, in the context of our rational expectations, forward-looking model, the interest rate channel on aggregate demand and the exchange rate channel work together as parts of the same disinflation policy. We draw several conclusions on understanding and modeling the effects of monetary policy, and also on the desirable design of policy rules during the process of disinflation.
JEL classification: E17, E52, P24.
Keywords:disinflation policy  interest rate rules  transition economies  small open-economy macro models  estimation and simulation of rational expectations models
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