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红木市场 贵族的彷徨
引用本文:周南.红木市场 贵族的彷徨[J].中国市场,2012(34):13-15,6.
摘    要:<正>原材料日益稀缺、行业鱼目混珠、宏观调控加重消费者观望情绪……寒流袭来,红木新标准能否为困顿中的红木行业领航?红木市场发展之路,路在何方?"你们这儿红木的价格还没降下来啊!"这是鸿翔阁红木家具销售经理安中林最近常听到的抱怨。国家对楼市的宏观调控政策,对建材装修和家居行业造成了不同程度的冲击,红木市场也不例外。再加之仿冒者的层出不穷,红木,这位中式家具的贵族,正遭遇着前所未有的彷徨与无奈。销售寒冬价格难下行在北京集美红木家具卖场内,顾客寥寥无几,在某红木家具店上班的小宋也早就适应了"一上午不来一个客人、一整天不开张"的生意。

关 键 词:红木家具  新标准  消费者  市场发展  黄花梨  原材料  贵族  家具行业  中林  宏观调控政策

Blackwood Furniture: the Troubled Nobility
Abstract:The country’s policy control over the real estate market has also brought about influences to the building material decoration sector. There is no exception to the blackwood market. Moreover, there are innumerable counterfeits in the market. As a result, the blackwood furniture which used to be the nobility of traditional Chinese furniture, is faced with unprecedented confusion and chaos, including shortage of raw materials, market disorder with products of mingled quality, and the wait-and-see attitude of the consumers. A new national standard on blackwood furniture was released jointly by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of P.R.C., and the Standardization Administration of P.R.C. on August 1st, 2012. Will it lead the blackwood industry out of the troubled water? Where is the blackwood market heading? The blackwood furniture has been the implacable king in the Chinese family decoration due to the combination of its precious texture and traditional Chinese culture. However, it has been losing its position in the growing market economy. Nevertheless, king is king. Probably there will be a revival after temporary chaos thanks to the efforts of the dealers and the attention from the government.
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