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摘    要:手机舞台上的戏码从未像今天这样精彩过。自美国人马蒂.库珀发明了全球第一部手机以来,通信终端这台大戏已经开唱了39年。舞台上的角儿们你方唱罢我登场,各领风骚三五年。所有人似乎都已经习惯了这样的节奏和腔调。

关 键 词:手机  男人  通信终端  美国人  舞台  互联网时代  苹果  布斯  所有人  运营商

Abstract:The play of telecom terminals has lasted 39 years since the invention of the first mobile phone,and with the introduction of iPhone by US commercial electronics giant Apple Inc.in 2007,its innovative model of "intelligent terminal + application store" has rewritten the rules of the industry.This is a time of mobile Internet.Mobile phone is changed from simply a communication tool into the primary entrance of mobile Internet.New powers including the Internet companies,telecom operators and APP developers all joined the fight for the entrance.In 2012,three men rose on this crowded stage:Lei Jun,Liu Lirong and Yu Chengdong,and each of them stands for a power standing behind:Internet companies represented by Xiaomi Tech Co.,Ltd.,operators represented by Huawei Technologies Co.Ltd.and traditional mobile phone manufactures represented by Gionee Communication Equipment Co.,Ltd.Lei Jun came onto the stage with solid Internet background and lots of supporters.His Xiaomi Phone has grown quickly in less than one year.But today,it is going away from its initial idea:the triplet concept of "hardware + software + application" is blurring,and "revolutionary innovation of the mobile industry" has become merely a slogan.Yu Chengdong is quite open and talkative,and this has pushed Huawei closer to the end users,which is necessary to win the customers.However,Huawei’s social retail channel has become a constraint and its brand awareness is still weak.Yu needs to improve them while maintaining the brand image.Liu Lirong is a veteran on the stage.With 10years of industrial experience,he knows everything about traditional mobile phone marketing and owns a huge channel network.But this magic network is becoming a restriction on the mobile Internet stage,and he needs to develop more partners,roles and directions.The smart phone market is an arena of men.Three men have to continue to fight for their respective beliefs.
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