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Debt Relief Incentives in Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC): An Empirical Assessment
Authors:Dobdinga C Fonchamnyo
Institution:(1) Department of Economics, University of Buea, Buea, South West Region, Cameroon
Abstract:For more than two decades, the majority of countries in the African continent have experienced repeated episodes of rising external debt and debt service, which has led to numerous efforts of external debt relief. This paper provides new evidence on the effects of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative on different economic and social indicators in 60 low income countries (LICs). Results show that LICs that were included in the HIPC Initiative marginally performed better than non-HIPC countries. There is evidence that countries that have reached the completion point of the HIPC Initiative by 2005 have experienced an average improvement in investment, health care, gross secondary education enrollment, and GDP per capita growth.
Contact Information Dobdinga C. FonchamnyoEmail:
Keywords:HIPC initiative  Debt relief incentive  Economic performance
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