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摘    要:经历了过于漫长的严冬,终于挨到3月的最后一个星期一.出现了一个“小阳春”。对于唱片业和一些互联网公司,似乎也在这一天闻到了春天的气息?3月30日,谷歌音乐搜索正式版上线。发布会场面之盛大在互联网界算得上罕见:不仅唱片公司、版权公司和唱片业协会等主管部门的高管、领导悉数出席捧场,而且这些大公司还动用了“小天后”蔡依林、飞儿乐队等旗下的多位艺人前来“站台”造势.不难看出唱片业对此次合作的高度重视和给予厚望。

关 键 词:唱片业  互联网公司  埋单  唱片公司  主管部门  星期一  发布会  大公司

Google Pays Bill for Record Labels
Abstract:Google Inc.launched ano nline music search servicei n China on March 30,al ong-awaited move by theI nternet giant and its record-l abel partners.G oogle hopes to draw traffica nd win new advertisersb y allowing the ChineseI nternet users to search forf ree music on its Chineses ite.Record companies,i ncluding the world's biggestf our-Warner Music,U niversal Music,EMI,andS ony Music-which partnerw ith Google,will taker oughly half of any revenuef rom banner ads placed ont he page when the users ared ownloadi...
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