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摘    要:根据社会资本理论,从社会网络视角,探讨微型茶企社会网络对茶叶营销渠道绩效的影响机制。通过实地调研与深度访谈收集问卷,运用结构方程模型与层次回归分析法对微型茶企社会网络影响茶叶营销渠道绩效的机制进行实证研究。研究结果表明:社会网络维度中网络中心性、网络异质性、网络关系度均对营销渠道绩效有显著的正向影响;渠道稳定性在社会网络对营销渠道绩效的影响中起中介作用;社会信任在渠道稳定性对营销渠道绩效影响中具有调节作用。据此,从构建关系网络维护体系,实现信息资源的高效传递与利用;拓展异质性社会网络,实现信息资源的有效开发和重组;占据社会网络中心位置,实现信息资源的快速交换与整合等方面提出建议。

关 键 词:微型茶企  社会网络  营销渠道绩效  社会信任

Research on the Influence of Micro-tea Enterprises' Social Network on the Performance of Tea Marketing Channels
Affiliation:,Anxi College of Tea Science,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,School of Management ( School of Tourism) ,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fujian Province New Think Tank Research Center for Ecological Civilization with University Characteristics
Abstract:⑴ Background——Micro-enterprises play an important role in poverty eradication,employment promotion and economic promotion,injecting new forces into China's economic development.Micro-tea enterprise is a type of micro-enterprises,whose tea sale mainly depends on the recommendation of relatives,friends,customers and other network members.⑵ Methods——Combined with features of micro-tea enterprises and tea transaction,the social capital theory is introduced.From the perspective of social network,structural equation model,Bootstrap mediator test,and hierarchy regression analysis are employed to probe into the mechanism of micro-tea enterprises' social network affecting the performance of tea marketing channels.⑶ Results——This research explores the influencing mechanism of tea marketing channel performance from the perspective of social network.The final results are as follows:Firstly,network centrality(0.150),network heterogeneity(0.200)and network relationship(0.210)all play a stimulative role in marketing channel performance.Secondly,channel stability plays a mediating role in the impact of social network on marketing channel performance,in which channel stability plays a full mediating role in the impact of network centrality(0.078)on marketing channel performance,and plays a part of mediating role in the impact of network heterogeneity(0.050)and network relationship(0.050)on marketing channel performance.Thirdly,social trust(0.170)has a positive moderating effect on marketing channel performance.As an informal institutional arrangement,social trust can supplement the shortcomings of the formal contract system,help to improve the efficiency of market operations,and thus improve the marketing performance of enterprises.According to the influence intensity of tea marketing channel performance,the three can be ranked as follows:network relationship(0.241),network heterogeneity(0.219),and network centrality(0.171).The expansion and maintenance of social network is of great significance to the transmission an sharing of social capital in the operation of micro-tea enterprises.Thus,it is necessary to establish a good and stable social network with enterprises,government agencies or other organizational consumers so as to promote the growth of micro-tea enterprises.In addition,the level of social trust is also an important environmental foundation that influences the survival and development of micro-enterprises.⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Based on these results,some suggestions are as follows:①It's necessary to establish a relationship network maintenance system to realize the efficient transfer and utilization of information resources.②We should expand heterogeneous social network and realize the effective development and recombination of information resources.Moreover,we should try to connect with employees and scientific research institutions with different industrial backgrounds.③It is essential to try to occupy the central position of social network,realizing the rapid exchange and integration of information resources.In addition,we should establish direct connection with organizational consumers in order to occupy the central position of the network.
Keywords:micro-tea enterprises  social network  marketing channel performance  social trust
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