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Abstract:D. C. G oleman
H. B. A. P etersson
J oyce G odber
D avid J. J ohnson
W illiam H erbert
D orothy S tyles (Ed.)
J. T. C liffe
D. G. V aisey (Ed.)
D onald V eall
E lizabeth R alph and M ary E. W illiams (Eds.)
H. J. D yos and D. H. A ldcroft
D. C. C oleman (Ed.)
W. E. M inchinton (Ed.)
F rank T yrer (Ed.)
R alph D avis
T. S. W illan
A. E. M usson and E ric R obinson
R ichard L. H ills
O wen A shmore
W. E. C oe
J ohn H olland
J. R. L eifchild
R obert L. G alloway
H. S tanley J evons
T. P akenham
M alcolm I. T homis
F. O. D arvall
R obert E. C arlson
S eymour B roadbridge
J oel H. W iener
J. L. H ammond and B arbara H ammond
E lizabeth I sichei
E. P. N eufeld
R oderick M artin
C olin and R ose B ell
A nn S aunders
F rank B arlow (Ed.)
Sredniye Veka , no. 32. (Moscow): Nauka, for the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 1969. Pp. 331.)
S idney H orrocks (Comp.)
E dmund S penser
A udrey M. E rskine (Ed.)
E sther M oir
R. J. C ornewall -J ones
H enry F ry
L. T. G. R olt
L. H. C. T ippett
E dwin A. P ratt
C. E. R. S herrington
F rancis W hishaw
P hilip S. B agwell and G. E. M ingay
A delaide W einberg
W. O. H enderson
D onald W inch
M. I. F inley.
A lison B urford
F. B echhofer (Ed.)
R obert and E lborg F orster (Eds.)
E. L. J ones and S. J. W oolf (Eds.)
A. H. B unting (Ed.)
R ichard G ray and D avid B irmingham (Eds.)
M onica W ilson and L eonard T hompson (Eds.)
D. A. F arnie
A ndrea G under F rank
A ndrea G under F rank
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