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引用本文:邱建国. 试论人文精神在2000版ISO9001质量标准中的蕴涵[J]. 上海商学院学报, 2004, 0(4)
作者单位:上海商学院陆家浜路院区教育研究督导室 主任、副编审
摘    要:近代管理科学的发展,经历了一个以"物"为中心的管理向以"人"为中心管理的转移过程。所谓 "管理的回归本色",其内涵是管理不是单纯的控制,而是一种如何使人的价值在组织的经营活动中得到实现 及如何尊重人的价值。这一理论视角的转换,在改版后的2000版ISO9001标准中得到了鲜明的体现和阐释。

关 键 词:ISO9001:2000质量标准  人文精神  组织  管理

Humanism in the 2000 Edition of ISO9001 Standards
Qiu Jianguo. Humanism in the 2000 Edition of ISO9001 Standards[J]. , 2004, 0(4)
Authors:Qiu Jianguo
Affiliation:Qiu Jianguo
Abstract:Modern management science has gone through the transition from assets orientation to people orientation. This new trend is referred to as a return to the essence of management with the implication that control is realization of human values through business operations rather than a way to control people. This important shift in management theory is clearly manifested is the new 2000 edition of IS09001 standards. In other words, the new edition reflects profound humanism.
Keywords:ISO9001  2000 quality standards  humanism  organization  management
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