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An analysis of recruitment,training and retention practices in domestic and multinational enterprises in the country of Brunei Darussalam
Authors:Abdul Fattaah Mohamed  Zahir Irani  Tamer Khalil Darwish
Institution:1. Business School, Brunel University, Uxbridge, MiddlesexUK;2. Faculty of Business, University of Jordan, AmmanJordan
Abstract:This paper studies the behavioural differences in the recruitment, training and retention practices of domestic enterprises (DEs) versus multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the country of Brunei Darussalam. Hypotheses from literature survey predict MNEs to be more stringent in their recruitment and training and rigourous with promotion practices. Results show this is to be largely true. MNEs are found to be more rigourous in recruitment and place more emphasis on such traits as candidates' ‘devotion to task’, ‘self-motivation’ and ‘independent judgement’. MNEs were found to rely more on internal appointments. MNEs place more emphasis on training; they also emphasise a stronger work culture by relying on ‘induction by socialisation’ and ‘buddy system for mentoring’. When analysed by age, older firms were found to place more importance on language and commitment. They also rely on training via the buddy system and on external appointments for senior posts. Large firms place emphasis on employees' willingness to travel and on work experience in other countries as the main recruitment criteria. Large firms also believe in external appointments for senior positions. The study, which is one of few of its kind conducted in non-Western environment, and the only one in the context of Brunei, adds to our understanding of human resource practices in the context of two different genres of enterprises and has implications for future research.
Keywords:domestic enterprises  multinational enterprises  recruitment  retention  training  t-test
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