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Organizational characteristics and the CRM adoption process
Authors:Eunju Ko  Sook Hyun Kim  Ji Young Woo
Affiliation:a Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-dong, Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul, 120-749, Republic of Korea
b University of Rhode Island, United States
c Sunchon National University, Jeonnam, Republic of Korea
d Nike, Inc., Seoul, Republic of Korea
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to identify the status of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) adoption and explore the influence of organizational characteristics on the CRM adoption process in the Korean fashion industry. Using Rogers' [Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. New York: Free Press; 1995] innovation decision process model as the conceptual basis, this study surveyed 94 Korean fashion companies to investigate the persuasion, decision, and implementation stages of CRM adoption. Organizational variables included firm characteristics (size, strategy, maturity of information system), product characteristics (category, fashion position, seasonality), and CEO characteristics (age, education). The most frequently used CRM technology is the development of a customer database, whereas the mostly frequently mentioned benefits of CRM are encouraging repurchase. Moreover, respondents' perceptions of CRM benefits affect CRM adoption, influencing the use of various CRM technologies. Organizational strategy, maturity of information system, and product category all significantly influence the adoption process. Empirical findings provide further support for the innovation decision process model developed by Rogers [Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. New York: Free Press; 1995] and the CRM adoption model can be used when fashion companies do strategic planning and evaluate the possibility of adopting CRM strategies.
Keywords:Customer Relationship Management (CRM)   Adoption process   Organizational characteristics
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