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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Henry L. A1der and Edward B. Roessier
Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications, Emanuel Parzen
Introduction to Probability and Random Variables, G. P. Wadsworth and J. G. Bryan
Elements of statistical inference, R. M. Kozelka
Measurement: delinitions and theories, C. West Church man and Phi1burn Ratoosh
Regression Analysis, E. J. Wi11iarns
Meer door kwaliteit, J. van Ettinger en J. Sittig.
Economic Arithmetic, Robin Marris
Lehrbuch der praktischen Statistik, Bevolkerungs-, Wirtschafts-, Sozialstatistik, Peter Quante
Statistisch Stedenboek. Cijfers omtrent de Nederlandse gemeenten met 50.000 en meer inwoners, 1955-1960
De Joden in Nederland na de tweede wereldoorlog. Een demografische analyse, Amsterdam 1g61, 39 blz.
Waterlandse Varia, W. A. van der Donk
Gezinsbudgetten in Belgie 1957-1958, Levenswijze in drie sociale beroepsmilieus, Pierrede Bie
Papers on National Income and Allied Topics, Vol. I, Edited by V. K. R. V. Rao, S. R. Sen, M. V. Divatia and Uma Datta
Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, L. F. Richardson
Arms and Insecurity, L. F. Richardson
Linear Programming, Sauli. Gass
Einfuhrung in die Theorie der Spiele, Ewald Burger
Mathematical methods for digital computers, Anthony Ra1ston and Herbert S. Wi1f
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