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Light rail or busway? A comparative evaluation for a corridor in Beijing
Authors:Andrew H Spencer  Wang Andong
Institution:Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS, UK;Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Northern Jiaotong University, Xiwai Shangyuancun, Beijing 100044, PR China
Abstract:Like most developing cities, Beijing's public transport is unable to meet demand, but it also faces growing bicycle use. Alternative public transport improvements in a congested corridor of the city — busway, light rail and elevated rail — were modelled and compared in a simple cost-benefit analysis. Complications arose in attempting bus-bicycle modal split modelling and in making due allowance for crowding in a developing country setting. Only the busway showed a positive net present value, but whether the implied withdrawal of roadspace and consequent restraint on the growing number of motorized vehicles is a virtue or not will depend on wider policy considerations.
Keywords:light rail  busway  cost-benefit analysis  Beijing
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