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引用本文:庄平,毕保良,赵峰,张涛,彭军,章龙珍,孔令富,杨刚. 云南淡水渔业种业发展战略的若干思考[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2023, 44(9): 1-7
作者姓名:庄平  毕保良  赵峰  张涛  彭军  章龙珍  孔令富  杨刚
作者单位:1.中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090;2.云南农业大学,昆明 650201;3.昆明市水产科学研究所,云南昆明 650021
摘    要:目的 为了充分发挥云南的资源和气候优势,服务国家战略,服务地方社会经济发展,服务东南亚,乃至全球渔业发展,提出将云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的战略构想。方法 文章通过实地考察和历史文献资料研究,综合分析论述云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的可行性、必要性和和重要意义,在气候条件、种质资源、淡水资源等必备条件方面论证云南建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地不可替代的优势。结果 (1)云南具有优越的气候条件、丰富的特有渔业种质资源、充足的淡水资源,为建设我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地奠定了重要的物质基础。(2)滇南地区日照充足,积温高,鱼类可周年生长,提早性成熟,缩短繁育周期,提高良种选育效率,为快出良种、出优质良种提供了极佳的气候条件。(3)云南是我国淡水渔业种质资源的宝库,分布鱼类达629种,占全国淡水鱼类种类总数的39.93%,居全国各省市之首,其中有大量性状优良的特有物种,开发利用潜力巨大。(4)云南淡水资源蕴藏量丰富,人均水资源占有量是全国人均的2.3倍,澜沧江下游的西双版纳州人均水资源占有量是全国的4.6倍,但水资源开发利用率仅5.7%,发展渔业是符合大食物观,提高水资源利用率的有效途径。因此,云南完全具备建设成为我国淡水渔业种业南繁基地的必备条件。结论 云南建设成为我国省淡水渔业种业南繁基地是可行和必要的,将服务于云南经济和社会发展,改善优化云南农业产业结构,培育出的优良品种将支撑我国淡水养殖业升级换代,满足消费者对优质水产品的需求,还可以澜沧江—湄公河下游的中南半岛国家为依托,向全世界提供中国新品种和中国技术方案。

关 键 词:渔业种质资源  气候条件  水资源  渔业种业  云南

Zhuang Ping,Bi Baoliang,Zhao Feng,Zhang Tao,Peng Jun,Zhang Longzhen,Kong lingfu,Yang Gang. PERSPECTIVE ON THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF FRESHWATER FISHERY SEED INDUSTRY IN YUNNAN PROVINCE[J]. Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2023, 44(9): 1-7
Authors:Zhuang Ping  Bi Baoliang  Zhao Feng  Zhang Tao  Peng Jun  Zhang Longzhen  Kong lingfu  Yang Gang
Affiliation:1.East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China;2.Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, Yunnan, China;3.Kunming Fisheries Research Institute, Kunming 650021, Yunnan, China
Abstract:China is the world''s largest country in aquaculture, occupying 2/3 of the total aquaculture production of the world. However, the contribution rate of improved seeds to the increase of aquaculture production in China is only 25% to 30%. There is a huge demand for the development of aquaculture seed industry in China. Yunnan province, with its suitable climatic conditions, plentiful freshwater resources and abundant fishery germplasm resources, has the irreplaceable natural advantages to establish a freshwater aquaculture seed industry center in China. The southern part of Yunnan province, including the areas of Xishuangbanna, Honghe and Pu''er, has tropical rainforest climate, with high temperature, sufficient sunshine and superior climate conditions, which is favorable to the growth and development of fish. Yunnan province is rich in freshwater resources, and the per capita water resource is 2.3 times higher than that of the national, with great potential for water resources development and utilization. Especially in the south part, for example in Xishuangbanna in the lower reaches of Lancang River, the per capita water resource is 4.6 times higher than that of the national. Sufficient water resources provide excellent conditions for the development of aquaculture seed industry. Yunnan province is a bank of freshwater fishery germplasm resources, distributing 629 species of fish, accounting for 39.93% of the total number of freshwater fish species in China. Many native fish species may be developed to into excellent aquaculture species. Therefore, the superior climatic conditions, plentiful freshwater resources and abundant fishery germplasm in Yunnan province provide favorable support for the establishment of the freshwater aquaculture seed industry center in China. With the development of freshwater aquaculture seed industry in Yunnan province, it will be not only service for the economic and social development of Yunnan province, by the improvement and optimization of the agricultural industrial structure; but also service for the development of the whole country''s freshwater aquaculture, by exploration and utilization of Yunnan''s unique and excellent fishery germplasm resources. Furthermore, Yunnan is geologically close to the Southeast Asia, and may easily provide new aquaculture species and relative techniques to the neighboring countries. In conclusion, it is feasible and necessary to establish China''s freshwater aquaculture seed industry center in Yunnan province.
Keywords:fishery germplasm resources  climatic conditions  water resources  fishery seed industry  Yunnan province
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