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摘    要:日本核事故后,世界各主要核国家对核电发展态度各异。我国应在高度重视核安全的基础上,从自身发展出发审慎考虑核电发展,不轻言放弃2011年3月11日,日本东北部发生里氏9级特大地震及其引发的海啸,导致福岛核电站辐射泄漏事故,最终定位7级最高级别核事故。几个月过去,这一事件给世界主要持核国家所带来的不同程度影响正在显现。

关 键 词:核电站  核事故  核电发展  核电厂  高度重视  泄漏事故  核安全  核国家  日本  核能

Options for China's Nuclear Power Policy: Not Asking the Light Word to Give up
Abstract:Mr.Wang Yiping,an expert of energy business department,China International Engineering Consulting Corporation has considered that the major of nuclear nations in the world,including the United States,France,United Kingdom,Germany, India and Korea and other countries have differential attitudes in the direction of nuclear power development and has been derived from different camps in the face of Japan's nuclear crisis.We should be based on careful consideration of nuclear safety to cautiously considerate nuc...
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