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作者姓名:乔风  孙志荣
摘    要:有人说,大理是个像本书的一样的城市,不仅美丽而且有内涵。每到一处景点犹如翻阅一页书本,都会让你沉迷其中,流连忘返,不舍离去。所以大理的美理应是用心去品的而非单单用眼睛去看。崇圣寺三塔崇圣寺位于大理古城北1.5公里处,是大理国时期的皇家寺院,也是大理最具历史文化气息的信仰圣地。她东临洱海,西靠苍山应乐峰,不仅风景十分优美。其内的三塔更是已有千年历史的遗迹,成为此处观光的最大看点。远眺三塔,云天相接,古塔矗立,仿若可以直达天际与云相生相伴,又似载着族人古老的信仰与祝愿,镇守着这一方世外桃源。

关 键 词:大理国  崇圣寺三塔  寻梦  古塔  默画  建筑风格  白族人  西吉  耐得住  格桑花

Dream Chasing in Dali
Abstract:Suited in the northwest of Yunnan Province, Dali city, one of the areas of earliest settlement in thesouthwest frontier regions of China, is located between the Cangshan Range to the west and Erhai Lake to the east. The low latitude and high altitude form a kind of climate that has four non-distinctive seasons with a mild climate. As a tourist hotspot, it is renowned for its exquisite landscapes and unique ethnic customs.
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