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作者姓名:李翠  孔勇
摘    要:到圣地曲阜游览,人们首提孔府、孔庙、孔林,但舞雩坛却鲜为人知。周代鲁国故城内外的古台很多,现仅存舞雩台、望父台两处。舞雩坛,本名雩坛,位于曲阜城南沂河之北,原为周鲁国祭天求雨的祭坛。"雩"是古代求雨的一种祭礼。《周礼》有记:"若国大旱,则帅巫而舞雩。"明嘉靖四十五年(1566年),秩署东平州判官陈文信在台上立"舞雩坛"三字石碑,为保护此碑,将其移入孔庙。

关 键 词:雩坛  鲁国故城  州判官  望父台  城南  文信  明嘉靖  公西华  Temple  诸侯会盟

The Stone Tablet for the Wuyu Altar in the Confucian Temple
Abstract:When touring Qufu, many people first of all will visit the Confucian Mansion, the Confucian Temple and the Cemetery of the Confucius Family. However, few people know the scenic site of the Wuyu Altar. Inside and outside of the ancient city of the State of Qi during the Zhou Dynasty, there used to be many ancient altars.
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