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摘    要:一、住房改革遇到的困难及其原因有两个方面可以确定无疑地证明 ,过去 2 0年中住房改革已经取得了巨大成绩。一是城镇居民的住房条件有了根本性的改善 ,人均占有的住房面积从过去的不足 4平方米提高到 1 2平方米以上 ,而且住房本身内在的质量提高程度还不止 2倍 ;二是城镇居民的消费观念已经发生了实质性的转变 ,绝大多数人认识到 ,住房迟早会完全进入市场 ,住房消费肯定会成为家庭支出中最大的项目之一。但是 ,同样从这两个方面来看 ,住房改革的不足也显而易见。 80年代以来人均国民收入增长了将近 4倍 ,住房条件的改善显然还没有达到同样…

The Risk of Monetization of Housing Distribution and Its Choice
Abstract:Housing reform in China has encountered many problems and reversals although the target had been made rather clear long ago.The crucial point is,different from other rationed products,housing involved both the current account and the capital account,it can not be dealt with in only one.after introducing two kinds of subsidy,namely,stock subsidy and incremental subsidy,there is no longer any serious obstacle to raise the price or rent of the housing to meet the market equilibrium.One of the preconditions of the solution is breaking the unit ownership and pushing forward the socialization of the housing management.The more thoroughly to follow the principle of equity,the more easily and rapidly to complete the transition.
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