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Abortion Access and Risky Sex Among Teens: Parental Involvement Laws and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Authors:Klick, Jonathan   Stratmann, Thomas
Affiliation:Florida State University
Abstract:Laws requiring minors to seek parental consent or to notifya parent prior to obtaining an abortion raise the cost of riskysex for teenagers. Assuming choices to engage in risky sex aremade rationally, parental involvement laws should lead to lessrisky sex among teens, either because of a reduction of sexualactivity altogether or because teens will be more fastidiousin the use of birth control ex ante. Using gonorrhea rates amongolder women to control for unobserved heterogeneity across states,our results indicate that the enactment of parental involvementlaws significantly reduces risky sexual activity among teenagegirls. We estimate reductions in gonorrhea rates of 20% forHispanics and 12% for whites. Although we find a relativelysmall reduction in rates for black girls, it is not statisticallysignificant. We speculate that the racial heterogeneity hasto do with differences in family structure across races.
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