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摘    要:一部荟集国传统美食之粹的专题片《舌尖上的中国》,没有预告造势,没有商业炒作,却奇迹般地一夜蹿红——它是那样强烈地激发起人们对于中国传统美食的相像力,几乎让全国的电视观众为之颠狂。《舌尖上的中国》并不徘徊于灯红酒绿的美食之都,几乎完全舍弃了国际级豪华大酒店的后厨,它的镜头总是在交通闭塞、人迹稀少的地域细细搜索,搜索那些即将消失的古老、原始和传统。它是一部土色土香、土得掉渣的中国饮食文化纪实片。而在这部极具商业价值

关 键 词:中华老字号  传统小吃  舌尖  中国饮食文化  纪实片  中国传统  商业价值  商业炒作  美食  传统美

The tongue of China
Abstract:A feature film"A Bite of China",it has no notice,no commercial hype,but it is well-known in a very short time.It makes people inspire people’s alike for traditional Chinese cuisine,and totally makes people crazy/ "A Bite of China" is not about the wonderful big hotels or good towns,it almost abandons the big kitchens of big hotels but goes to the places blocking traffic, sparsely populated for the almost disappeared,traditional,old things.This feature film is about the original Chinese cuisine.Butin this commercial value feature film,we can see quite nothing about commercial things.It is all about Chinese cuisine and Chinese culture. But what i wanna say is not about to praise this film but to remember the old Chinese culture which is going to be oblivion by people now. The restaurant industry is the smallest investing, the shortest recovery cycle, the most profitable industry.But the truth is even if the average interest rate is around 50%-60%,those famous Chinese traditional food is still facing the problem of live or death.So,when we watch "A bite of China" and get touched by it,we should worry more about "The tongue of China".If we still don’t do more about this situation,Chinese traditional food will be gone during this commercial wave.Not long,we will can only remember these Chinese tastes in the books or only in our imagination.And for our posterity,those Chinese traditional food will only be a beautiful but faraway stroy for them,and disappears in the long river of history.And that is what we don’t want to see.
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