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引用本文:吴蓓蓓,栾敬东,吕开宇. 安徽省农村留守儿童健康状况的调查与分析[J]. 技术经济, 2009, 28(7): 121-127
作者姓名:吴蓓蓓  栾敬东  吕开宇
作者单位:1. 安徽农业大学,经济与贸易学院,合肥,230036
2. 中国农业科学院,经济与发展研究所,北京,100081
摘    要:
本文在对安徽省农村留守儿童的健康现状及可能影响其体质健康的因素进行实地调查的基础上,通过建立Ordered Logistic计量模型,定量分析了各因素对儿童体质健康的影响。研究结果表明:父亲外出务工会对留守儿童的体质健康产生不利影响,且其外出这一行为本身对儿童营养状况的负面影响显著;家庭特征层面上,父亲的体质状况会对儿童营养健康产生正面影响,且影响显著;食肉频率、锻炼频率及营养知识得分等变量对子女的体质都会产生影响,且在模型中显著;由于地区间存在差异,地区变量对儿童的体质状况也会产生影响。最后,依据分析结果,从家庭、学校和国家3个层面提出了改善我国农村留守儿童体质状况的有效途径。

关 键 词:城镇化  农村留守儿童  体质健康  人力资本  安徽省

Investigation and Analysis on Health Status of Left-behind Children in Rural Areas in Anhui
Wu Beibei,Luan Jingdong,Lv Kaiyu. Investigation and Analysis on Health Status of Left-behind Children in Rural Areas in Anhui[J]. Technology Economics, 2009, 28(7): 121-127
Authors:Wu Beibei  Luan Jingdong  Lv Kaiyu
Affiliation:1. College of Economics and Trade, Anhui Agricultural University. Hefei 230036, China; 2. Institute of Agricultural Ecunomics and Development,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081 China)
Based on the field survey for health status of left-behind children in rural areas in Anhui.this paper establishes an Ordered Logistic regression model to analyze the factors influencing physical health of left-behind children in rural areas. The results show: 1)father going out to work has significant negative impacts on children's physical health;2)there is significant positive relationship between father's health status and children's nutritional status;3)food intake,regular exercise and nutrition knowledge have significant impacts on children's physical status;4)regional difference is another factor influencing children's physical health. Finally,it puts forward some suggestions for improving the physical health status of left-behind children in rural areas in China.
Keywords:urbanization  left-behind children in rural area  physical health  human capital  Anhui
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