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陈闪 富二代的“永久”之路文
摘    要:<正>陈闪:干点自己想做的有两件事陈闪从小到大都很确定:一是自己得对身边的人好;二是自己将来肯定要跟着父亲管理企业。后者陈闪称之为"觉悟"。他的父亲陈荣以服装批发起家,第一桶金来自于1990年代初的上海股市,2002年位列《福布斯》中国内地首

关 键 词:永久  管理企业  服装批发  上海股市  90年代  父亲  大都  觉悟

Chen Shan:the Rich Second Generation,and CEO of Forever Bicycle
Abstract:Chen Shan knew nothing about the future of Forever Bicycle in 2007.But he remembered well what his father Chen Rong once said:"The only way to change Forever is to change its product structure." It is common sense for the senior CEOs of the bicycle industry,but a pointed warning for Chen Shan.In April 2010,Chen Shan spent 1 million yuan in participating in China International Bicycle & Motor Fair held in Shanghai,where Forever Bicycle made an extraordinarily striking presence.Five months later,Forever C became popular on the Internet,thanks to a post titled "the Rebirth of Forever Bicycle".The participation in the fair has been the best decision Chen Shan has ever made in his two-year career as CEO of Forever.Presently,"Light Chic" has become the equivalent of Forever C,signifying life that is light and low-carbon.However,it seems obvious that Chen Shan never wants Forever to be another Giant.Instead,he wants to make a new Forever legend.
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