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The core of the inductive limit of a direct system of economies with a communication structure
Authors:Dave Furth
Affiliation:affl1University of Amsterdam, Dept. Economics, Faculty of Law, PO Box 1030, Amsterdam 1000 BA, Netherlands
Abstract:This paper studies direct systems of finite, that is with finitely many agents, communication structures, finite (balanced and superadditive) NTU games and finite economies. The inductive limit of such a system is again a communication structure, an NTU game or an economy, this time possibly with infinitely many agents. As a matter of fact, each infinite communication structure, each infinite NTU game and each infinite economy, is the inductive limit of a direct system of finite communication structures, finite NTU games and finite economies. A communication game is an NTU game with a communication structure on the set of players. To each economy, there corresponds a balanced and superadditive NTU game. To each economy with a communication structure on the set of agents, there corresponds a communication game. In the paper it is proved that the core of the inductive limit of a direct system of communication games is not empty and in fact the intersection of the cores of the finite communication games of the direct system. It follows that each infinite economy (with or without a communication structure on the set of agents) has a nonempty core. A direct system of economies is a generalisation of the Debreu and Scarf [Debreu, G., Scarf, H. A limit theorem on the core of an economy, International Economic Review 4, pp. 235–246.] example of `replica economies'. The proof of the nonemptiness of the core of the inductive limit of a direct system of economies is along the lines of the proof by Debreu and Scarf. As by-product it is shown that an NTU game is totally balanced if and only if all its finite subgames are balanced.
Keywords:Arrow&ndash  Debreu economy   Communication structures   NTU-games   The core   Balancedness   Direct systems   Inductive limit
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