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作者姓名:房煜  马钺  张刚
摘    要:这个早年在黄光裕坚实羽翼下安逸生活即可的弱好,不仅要在危难时刻快速转型,还要学会担当、斡旋,学会做"女一号"。化解"陈黄之争"后的杜鹃,如何收拾旧河山,让国美追回"失去的两年"

关 键 词:杜鹃  董事局  黄光  非执行董事  学会  大股东  陈晓  故事  电器  斡旋

Du Juan:What will the Next Year Bring?
Abstract:Huang Guangyu’s office on the 18th floor of the Pengyun skyscraper is the same as it always been.However,as the chair behind the desk spins around the person who stands up smiling to meet me isn’t Huang Guangyu,but his wife Du Juan. Huang Guangyu’s wife seems to be the only identity Du Juan has at Gome.However,after 20 months in jail she has now become the true ruler of the Gome empire.Despite the fact she actually doesn’t have a title within the company,there are those executives within the company who now refer to her as "Boss Du’";just like they used to refer to her husband as "Boss Huang". Not long ago two appliance retailers.Gome and Suning,released their 2011 financial reports. The data revealed that Gome’s net profits were only 38%of Suning’.The situation isn’t just limited to this.Gome falls short of Suning in many areas; to include amount of stores,store profitability or the development of electronics providers. Although she has been able to straighten out internal relations within Gome;bringing Gome back to its position as the number on home appliance retailer in the country is something that an expert strategic planner such as herself(even if you consider the fact she is also a serious investment player) can accomplish.With no prior experience in the retail business,Du Juan needs to turn herself into an expert retail professional just like Huang Guangyu in the shortest time possible. Will Du Juan be able to lead Gome into the future just as her husband once did?
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