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Money, cycles and capital formation: von Mises the 'Austrian' vs. Robertson the 'Dynamist'
Authors:Costabile   Lilia
Affiliation:* Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Abstract:A ‘disequilibrium’ between saving and investmentdecisions determines a maladjustment in production, the disruptionof capital, and a downturn in economic activity, according tothe ‘Austrian’ approach. By contrast, the ‘Dynamists’argue that it may lead to economic growth, as disequilibriummay well be instrumental to capital accumulation. What explainsthese different predictions in otherwise similar models? Thekey is in the interplay between the analytical features andthe ideological options underlying each of these approaches:alternative lines of thought, entirely compatible with theiranalytical models, were abandoned by some of these authors whenthey conflicted with their pre-analytical views. This paperillustrates the argument by exploring the models of two ‘fathers’,von Mises and Robertson.
Keywords:Growth    Banking policy    Consumers' sovereignty    Disequilibrium    cycles
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