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本文介绍了欧委会出台的《欧盟第七研发框架计划(FP7,2007—2013年)国际合作新举措》,并提出有关建议。FP7下的国际合作举措与FP6下的相比有着明显不同,其目的是通过框架计划包括地域和主题目标整合国际研究合作。  相似文献   

海涛  嘉亮  雅林 《大陆桥视野》2012,(13):28-28
2012年6月27日,从国家交通运输部传来消息,《连云港港低碳港口建设实施方案》(简称《方案》)通过部政法司组织的专家评审。这标志着交通运输部已确定连云港港为全国唯一节能减排专项资金区域性和主题性管理试点港口。连云港市领导丁建奇代表市政府在评审会上作“举全市之力强力推进贯彻落实工作”的表态性发言,并向交通运输部递交了承诺书。  相似文献   

韩国李明博政府的科技政策之探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年2月,李明博就任韩国总统后推出一系列科技新政。本文主要介绍李明博政府推出的《第二期科技基本计划(2008—2012年)》内容,对其科技政策进行分析和总结,供相关人士参考。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实《国务院关于落实科学发展观加强环境保护的决定》(国发[2005]39号)、《国务院关于印发节能减排综合性工作方案的通知》(国发[2007]15号)以及《国务院办公厅关于印发2008年节能减排工作安排的通知》(国办发[2008]80号)精神,加快节能减排技术产业化示范和推广,引导环保产业发展,我部组织编制了《国家先进污染防治技术示范名录》(2008年度)和《国家鼓励发展的环境保护技术目录》(2008年度)。  相似文献   

2012年6月27日,从国家交通运输部传来消息,《连云港港低碳港口建设实施方案》(简称《方案》)通过部政法司组织的专家评审。这标志着交通运输部已确定连云港港为全国唯一节能减排专项资金区域性和主题性管理试点港口。连云港市领导丁建奇代表市政府在评审会上作"举全市之力强力推进贯彻落实工作"的表态性发言,并向交通运输部递交了承诺书。2012年年初,交通运输部下发了《关于组织开展交通运输节能减排专项  相似文献   

经国家环保部审定,吉林省全面完成了2008年减排目标,两项主要污染物减排成效明显。化学需氧量(COD)排放总量为37.43万吨,比2007年度下降6.42%,在全国排名第4位;二氧化硫(S02)排放总量为37.75万吨,比2007年度下降5.38%(超过年度目标3.91%)。  相似文献   

在哥本哈根协议的框架下,中国于2010年1月底向联合国气候变化框架公约组织(UNFCCC)提交了自愿减排的目标认定书,正式确认在2005年的排放基础上到2020年自愿降低40~45%的碳排放强度(Carbon Intensity),也就是单位国民生产总值的碳排放水平实现40—45%的降幅。与以往其他国家提出的减排目标相区别的是,中国依据“共同但有区别的责任”原则,  相似文献   

文章分析了欧盟战略能源技术计划提出的背景,综述了计划确定的欧盟未来十年面临的技术挑战以及欧委会提出的四个方面具体措施建议。欧委会认为,欧盟在应对气候变化方面处于全球领先的地位,为保证欧盟减排政策目标的实现,欧盟应该抢占低碳能源技术的制高点,领导世界低碳能源技术的发展。为此,欧委会在广泛征求各方意见的基础上,提出了未来十年需要解决的关键技术,并提出了联合编制战略计划、采取具体措施保证计划有效实施、增加资源投入和建立统一而有差别的国际合作战略等四个方面的具体建议。  相似文献   

《国务院2008年工作要点》指出,要加大节能减排和环境保护力度,推进经济结构调整,转变发展方式,完善能源资源节约和环境保护奖惩机制,健全审计、监察体系,强化节能减排工作责任制。《工作要点》指出,要坚决控制高耗能、高排放和产能过剩行业盲目投资和重复建设,要落实电力、钢铁、水泥、煤炭、造纸等行业淘汰落后产能计划,抓好重点企业节能,  相似文献   

蒋留新 《时代经贸》2009,(9):114-114
为贯彻落实《建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系2008-2012年工作规划》(以下简称《工作规划》),人民银行党委印发了《关于贯彻落实〈建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系2008—2012年工作规划〉的实施办法》(以下简称《实施办法》),提出要经过5年的扎实工作,初步建立起拒腐防变教育长效机制和较为健全的反腐倡廉制度体系,权力运行监控机制基本形成,政风行风明显改进,中央银行支持和服务社会反腐倡廉建设的作用不断增强,基本建成人民银行系统惩治和预防腐败体系框架。  相似文献   

意大利是一个能源高度依赖进口的国家,在可再生能源的利用和使用技术方面处于世界领先地位。其节能减排计划是在欧洲气候能源包计划总体框架的基础上进行的,有出台鼓励改善建筑能源效率政策、实施建筑光伏计划、热太阳能利用等;在应对气候变化方面,适时修改税收政策,加强废弃物的立法管理,推行新型城市交通变化,发展碳捕获和存储技术等。我国应看到欧美联手利用气候变化问题抬高第三世界国家发展经济的门槛。  相似文献   

齐绍洲  王薇 《环境经济研究》2020,(1):1-20,F0002
欧盟碳排放权交易体系第三阶段改革成效显著,研究其关键改革政策对碳市场的影响,将为我国的碳市场建设提供一定的经验借鉴。本文选取了第三阶段三项主要改革政策——配额总量递减、折量拍卖、市场稳定储备机制作为评估对象,以第三阶段欧盟碳配额期货价格的日度数据为被解释变量,三大改革政策为解释变量,采用时间序列协整模型和向量误差修正模型对各因素的影响作出评估。研究结果表明,各项改革政策都与碳配额期货价格呈正向协整关系,通过改善市场供求失衡状况,有效推动了第三阶段碳价格的提高,对减排企业形成了长效的激励和约束,提高了欧盟碳排放权交易体系的运行效率。因此,我国在建立和完善碳排放权交易体系进程中,要根据本国情况合理设置配额总量和配额分配方式,设置配额柔性调整机制,不断提高市场流动性,促进碳价格的提高,保证碳排放权交易市场的稳定发展。  相似文献   

For reasons of political feasibility, emission trading systems may have to rely on free initial allocation of emission allowances in order to ameliorate adverse production and employment effects in dirty industries. Against the background of an emerging European‐wide emission trading system, we examine the trade‐off between such compensation and economic efficiency under output‐based and emissions‐based allocation rules. We show that the emissions‐based allocation rule is more costly than the output‐based rule in terms of maintaining output and employment in energy‐intensive industries. When the international allowance price increases, the inferiority of emissions‐based allocation vis‐à‐vis output‐based allocation becomes more pronounced, as emission subsidies drastically restrict efficiency gains from international trade in emission allowances.  相似文献   

The building sector is regarded as having one of the highest benefit-cost ratios from greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction strategies. However, because of uncertainties around household behaviour patterns, it is very difficult to assess and compare the GHG reduction impacts of different intervention schemes for whole housing stock. Intervention schemes include policy instruments such as incentives or rebates for energy efficient appliances or renewable energy, and regulatory building code requirements for energy efficiency. This paper presents a decision support tool based on mathematical diffusion that evaluates the adoption levels of different schemes or pathways towards reducing GHG emissions in housing stock. It is an extension of the Bass diffusion model that accommodates financial and non-financial benefits, ceilings of adoption and interactions between intervention options. The model capability was tested using a case study of seven suburbs in Brisbane, Australia, comprising of 25,000 houses and units. Estimates of GHG emission reductions to 2019 of a household rebate scheme for solar panels and a rebate scheme for solar hot water compared to a base case of no rebates were presented and analysed. Modelling also allowed identification of important characteristics of adoption trends that could assist policy makers and industry to substantially improve the design of effective intervention options.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of volatility transmission between EU emission allowances (EUA) and oil markets using a range-based volatility measure. We propose a multivariate conditional autoregressive range model with bivariate lognormal distribution to capture volatility dynamics and volatility spillovers between oil and EUA markets. Our findings for Phase II of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme point to the existence of volatility dynamics and leverage effects and to no significant volatility spillovers between these markets. These results remained robust to other volatility measures and model specifications.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach to identify the key factors that influence greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction potentials in air transport (ERPAT). We explored the correlations among constructs from the perspectives of aviation GHG emission reduction. Organisation type is one of the contextual factors that may change the nature of these correlations. Person- and self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from 249 aviation experts. The results obtained using SEM showed that aircraft technology and design, aviation operations and infrastructure, socio-economic and policy measures, and alternative fuels and fuel properties are the key factors for reducing GHG emission. Conclusively, organisation type can help in controlling the relationship among the constructs. Thus, organisation type acts as a moderator in the research model. The outputs can be used to measure the level of knowledge and understanding regarding ERPAT and can provide policy-makers, government organisations, and airlines with valuable information for designing appropriate air transport policies for emission reduction.  相似文献   

In recent years, European environmental policy has focused primarily on the reduction of carbon emissions and on fostering the expansion of renewable energy production. In 2008, the EU established the 20/20/20 vision, demanding that carbon emissions and energy consumption both be reduced by 20%, and that the production of Green Energy be further increased in order to account for 20 percent of total energy production by 2020. Regarding the reduction of emissions, a cap-and-trade system (Brown Certificates) was implemented. for the fostering of so called renewable, i.e. Green, energy different nations chose different measures, such as direct subsidies, feed-in-tariffs (e.g. Germany), or Green Certificate markets based on a quota system (e.g. Denmark). Recently, a market-based instrument (White Certificates) intended to improve efficiency of non-commercial energy consumption is also on the agenda of several European nations (demand side management). All of these instruments are directed towards the energy market. Therefore, this paper deals with identifying interdependencies and trade-offs that might occur, if both, supply and demand side, of a single market are regulated by different policy measures. Our results show that, in fact, significant interdependencies and trade-offs exist. In our model, a feed-in tariff in combination with an emission cap or tax renders the most favorable results??in the absence of demand side management.  相似文献   

"十一五"期间我国对电力行业实施了一系列节能减排政策措施。基于方向距离函数和ML指数,运用2000~2010年29个省份的面板数据,测度了电力行业的绿色技术进步。基于环境波特假说,运用非参数"Kruskal–Wallis"秩和方法实证检验了"十一五"节能减排政策对电力行业绿色技术的影响。结论证实,相对于"十五"期间,"十一五"期间严格的节能减排政策显著促进了电力行业的绿色技术进步。  相似文献   

本文分析了欧盟理事会2008年3月批准了欧盟气候与能源的一揽子行动计划的背景,提出:欧盟高度重视气候变化,除了因为气候变化已经日益影响人类的生活外,主要是基于自身能源、经济增长和就业的考虑。分析了欧盟实现减排的方式,更新的排放交易机制将是主要手段,还有发展可再生能源、提高能效、利用清洁发展机制,以及应用碳捕捉与储存技术等,指出:欧盟气候变化关键目标是“两个20%”,即:到2020年,温室气体排放至少减少20%,能源消费中可再生能源的份额占20%。  相似文献   

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