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常陆军 《基建优化》2001,22(2):36-37,40
监理单位对业主的独立性问题在我国目前监理理论,实践中有很多的争议。监理单位的独立性有两种含义:责任意义上的独立性和组织意义上的独立性。应该否定其责任意义上的独立性而强调其组织意义上的独立性。监理单位的“代理人”问题则是与“独立性”问题紧密相关的,应该重视其经济学意义上的代理角色。  相似文献   

FIDIC独立性条款与我国监理的独立性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡颖 《基建优化》2003,24(1):22-24
明确监理单位“独立性”的确切合义,对监理事业的健康发展及理顺工作关系具有重要的意义。通过研究分析FIDIC“独立性”条款的演变过程及其他相关条款的规定,明确其准确的合义,并根据我国监理工作的现状,得出有关的结论,对明确监理的定位,正确处理监理机构与业主和承包商间的关系有善重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在数据采集中,香港审计署计算机审计处(CAB)已由“一步式”过渡到“两步式”。传统的“一步式”是指审计技术完全在被审计单位的信息系统上应用,此种做法受被审计单位的信息部门干涉较多,削弱了审计独立性。“两步式”是指审计人员首先从被审计单位的信息系统中下载数据到其个人电脑数据库中,然后使用自己的系统处理下载的数据。“两步式”增强了审计的独立性和保密性,提高了审计效率和质量。  相似文献   

旧时对著名京剧演员或组织戏班的京剧演员尊称为老板。后来对私营商业的财产所有者或掌柜的称老板。总之,老板是对集能力、财力、权力、责任于一身者的称谓。目前,随着政治和经济体制改革的涌动,出现了“老板现象”。一些机关和企事业等单位的主要领导,开始接受着“老板”的称谓。“老板”者,排行前头也。主要领导在单位上对人财物有绝对的决定权,从这种意义上说,主要领导有其“老板”的含意。但作为老板在重大问题出现失误时,一定负总责。现实中,有的单位一旦出现失误就把责任推到“集体领导”份上,或推在具体办事员身上,而作为单位的主要领导  相似文献   

耿艳丽  董耀群 《活力》2010,(19):61-61
什么是“旁站监理”?为什么要实行“旁站监理”?怎样去进行“旁站监理”?这些问题,在当前的监理工作中,很有必要进一步加以明确。从而取得统一的认识.达到提高工作质量的目的。旁站监理从词义上解释.是指在项目施工过程中.监理人员在一旁守候、监督施工操作的做法。这种就字面的解释也许大多数人都能认同。  相似文献   

监理工程师的责任风险及其规避   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林海  颜剑锋 《基建优化》2002,23(4):15-16
造成监理工程师责任风险的原因是复杂的,多方面,有些风险来自社会环境,有些风险来自工作环境,有的风险来自监理工程师本身,因而有必要从理论上进行分析研究,按照其不同的责任属性进行归类,在处理上应该区别对待,作为监理工程师,必须对监理责任风险有一个全面、清晰的认识,从而有效地规避可能面的责任风险。  相似文献   

何存花 《会计之友》2002,(10):36-37
一、独立性--注册会计师审计的灵魂 注册会计师尽管接受委托单位的委托执行业务,而且要向委托单位收取费用,但注册会计师所承担的却是对于整个社会公众的责任这就决定了注册会计师必须与委托单位和外部组织之间保持一种超然独立的关系,即注册会计师审计应具有独立性.  相似文献   

所谓独立性原则,是指审计人员必须保持独立的地位。在现代审计中,一般均把独立性作为一条基本原则。国际最高审计组织在1977年秘鲁利马通过的《利马宣言——审计规则》第二章“独立性”中规定,最高审计组织要有职能上的独立性、原则上的独立性、成员及官员的独立性以及财政上的独立性。一般国家释义独立性主要有两层含义:一种是实质上的独立性,即精神上的独立,是指注册会计师与委托单位2间必须实实在在地毫无利害关系;另一种是形式上的独立,是指在外界人士看来注册会计师独立于委托单位。以往在解释独立性行为原则时,比较强调实质…  相似文献   

从性质上讲,注册会计师协会只是民间审计行业的自律性组织,它不应该具有民间审计行业的监管职能,监管职能当属政府管理职能的一部分。注册会计师协会长期以来都一直扮演着双重角色:既是注册会计师合法权益的守护神,又是注册会计师执业行为的监管者。这种制度规定的本身就存在着严重的利害冲突。因此虽然协会也采取了同业监督等措施,但受同业利益一致性的影响,无法收到预期效果。这种“自律”与“监管”的连体,使得协会的监管不具有独立性,影响着对民间审计独立性的有效监督。前不久“五大”之一的德勤对安达信的审计质量开了“绿灯”就是明…  相似文献   

实行领导干部任期审计,其本意是领导干部离任时要先经过审计,分清经济责任,然后再安排上任。但是,实际操作起来遇到一个很突出的矛盾,就是“先审计后离任”还是“先离任后审计”的问题。从组织人事部门安排调配干部的角度来讲,目前,比较普遍的做法是“先离任后审计”,即组织部门已将干部调配完毕,公布上任,然后再通知审计部门去审计。但是,这种审计形式给审计部门开展工作造成很大的被动。因为领导干部已经调离了原单位,审计部门再对其任期经济责任进行审计时,有些问题就不好认定,查出的问题也不好处理。如果处理,实际上还是…  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Recent regulatory initiatives stress that an independent oversight board, rather than the management board, should assume the role of auditors' client. In an experiment, we test whether the type of client affects auditors' independence. Unique features of the German institutional setting enable us to realistically vary the type of auditors' client as our treatment variable: we portray the client either as the management preferring aggressive accounting or the oversight board preferring conservative accounting. We measure auditors' perceived client retention incentives and accountability pressure in a post-experiment questionnaire to capture potential threats to independence. We find that the type of auditors' client affects auditors' behaviour contingent on the degree of the perceived threats to independence. Our findings imply that both client retention incentives and accountability pressure represent distinctive threats to auditors' independence and that the effectiveness of an oversight board in enhancing auditors' independence depends on the underlying threat.  相似文献   

To enhance board oversight, since 2002, US legislation has required listed companies to have a majority independent board. This paper uses this legislative change to examine the relation between board independence and audit fees. To provide a clean estimate of this relation, we adopt a difference-in-difference approach using a sample matched on client firm characteristics. We find that greater board independence is insignificantly associated with a change in audit fees when client firms operate in a weak information environment. When the information environment is strong, greater board independence is associated with an increase in audit fees. Our results are consistent with the nascent theory emphasizing information asymmetry and provide insight into the effectiveness of the mandated board independence in relation to audit quality.  相似文献   

邹蕾 《价值工程》2007,26(5):146-148
注册会计师承担的是社会责任,却受雇于某一委托人,并从委托人手中接过决定其经济状况的审计费用;这不免让人怀疑当注册会计师与委托人观点不一致时,能否抗拒利益诱惑保持独立性。通过对这种失衡审计收费模式的分析,找到平衡的中间力量,并提出了一种新的审计监督和收费模式的构想。  相似文献   

Anglo-American countries like the US and the UK allow companies to switch auditors every year. In contrast, some continental European countries restrict auditor switching by allowing only renewable long-term audit mandates. This paper aims to analyse the impact of renewable long-term audit mandates on audit quality. Audit quality is considered from the viewpoint of the external users of the financial statements. It is questioned whether renewable long-term audit mandates have an impact on the auditor's reporting behaviour and on auditor independence. This research is motivated by the lack of consensus in the literature on the impact of the length of the auditor client relationship on audit quality. Moreover, few empirical studies use publicly available secondary data in order to determine whether perceived threats to auditor independence actually compromise auditor independence. Therefore, our research methodology consists in the development of a logistic regression model in which the explanatory variables are measured using publicly available data. The results of the study suggest that long-term auditor client relationships significantly increase the likelihood of an unqualified opinion or significantly reduce the auditor's willingness to qualify audit reports. A significant difference was also found between the auditor's reporting behaviour in the first two years versus the last year of the audit mandate. Auditors are more willing to issue an unqualified audit report in the first two years of their official mandate than in the last year of their mandate. This could be an indication that the decision to renew the auditor's mandate is already taken and known to the auditor before he has issued his last audit report within his current mandate. The policy implications of these findings could be in favour of mandatory auditor rotation to maintain the value of an audit for the external users. However, given recent theoretic evidence on the adverse effects of mandatory auditor rotation, there is a need to develop alternative measures to safeguard auditors' independence.  相似文献   

Using, the method of correlation coefficient, this paper discusses the empirical relationship between audit tenure and audit opinion in annual reports in China A-share market and period of mandatory rotation of auditor. The research finds that the negative correlation between auditor tenure and non-standard unqualified audit opinion is statistically significant, and auditor tenure might impair his/her independence. To enhance auditor independence and improve audit quality, it is necessary to rotate mandatory auditor. The results also fred that consecutive auditing years should not exceed 5 years when the existing auditor has been the auditor of listed company, and mandatory rotation of auditor adapts to the rotation of CPA firms in charge of a client.  相似文献   

注册会计师的独立性是审计监督的本质特征,是区别于其他经济监督形式的关键,也是保证审计监督的客观性、公正性和廉洁性的必要条件。我国民间审计的独立性存在注册会计师执业质量不高,社会公信力不强,人力资源整体素质不高,组织形式缺失,规模经营水平不高,审计市场恶性竞争,客户委托目标偏差,审计执业规范体系不健全,财务会计报告规范不完善等问题。本文认为,应从完善公司治理结构、规范制度基础、变革事务所组织形式、建立健全监管模式、优化规模结构、加强对人力资源的管理等方面加以解决。  相似文献   

变量间的条件独立性可视为在概率空间上对其因果关系的一种描述,因而可以通过检验变量之间的条件独立性来检验因果关系。文章详细介绍了几个条件独立性检验统计量的构造方法和基本原理,包括线性模型假设下的Fisher-z检验统计量和在非线性模型下或无法确定变量之间的模型时使用的3个非参数的条件独立性检验统计量,并对这几个不同的条件独立性检验统计量的检验效率进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

只要存在委托代理关系就有可能存在代理问题,解决代理问题的核心是使剩余控制权与剩余索取权相对应,也就是使委托人与代理人的目标融合。因此,要选择可行的激励方式,激励代理人实现委托人的目标。  相似文献   

Why should an employer hire a former welfare client?What human resource management practices can help employers retain former welfare clients? This study addresses these questions against the backdrop of changes in welfare legislation in the United States that have lessened support to welfare clients and their families and emphasized movement into the workplace. We conducted a large‐scale empirical study of the effectiveness of a wide range of HRM practices and found that higher wages, better financial and health benefits, and development opportunities were positively associated with job retention. Unexpectedly, supervisory training had no relationship to retention, and appraising supervisors on providing a supportive and inclusive work environment showed a negative relationship. We provide suggestions to employers for improving the job retention of former welfare recipients along with directions for additional research. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

审计师的执业特征对被审计单位的会计信息质量有一定的影响。以审计师客户重要性为经,以会计信息可比性为纬,运用2005—2014年我国A股上市公司数据实证分析审计师客户重要性与会计信息可比性之间的相关性。实证结果表明:会计师事务所对某一客户的经济依赖越强,该客户的会计信息可比性越差;同样地,签字注册会计师的客户重要性与会计信息可比性呈现显著负向关系;并且,会计师事务所和签字注册会计师的客户重要性在对会计信息可比性的作用过程中存在互补关系。  相似文献   

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