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VMI模式对配套供应商的经济效益影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
VMI库存控制模式对于整个供应链和下游企业效益的提高是非常明显的。但是VMI模式对供应商的经济效益的影响一直处于争论之中。本文依据配套供应商和成套企业组成的供应链,分析了供应商在实施VMI前后经济效益的变化。从而得出结论只要上下游的合作是真诚的长期的,无论是长期还是短期供应商都能够从VMI模式中获利。  相似文献   

VMI模式下信息共享对违约风险的防范和控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供应商管理库存(Vender Managed Inventory,VMI)是21世纪前沿的供应链管理模式,VMI对供应链的新形式供应的形成和发展都产生了影响。但由于我国信息化起步晚,使得很多企业在实施VMI模式时仍存在不同程度的风险。为了实现对VMI违约风险防范和控制的有效性,供应链上的各个企业越来越注重供应链成员之间的协调关系,而这就需要以供应链上各个节点的成员企业进行高质量的信息传递和及时完整的信息共享为基础来建立和完善整个VMI系统。研究供应商实施VMI的过程中所面临的违约风险,重点分析VMI模式下信息共享对违约风险防范控制作用,可有效地实现信息共享以降低VMI模式下的违约风险。  相似文献   

笔者根据VMI的概念原理及实施VMI后供应商的优势,描述了VMI的实施步骤,并建立了库存模型.模型分析了VMI的实施过程中供应商如何确定最佳库存量以及在允许缺货的情况下确定合适的缺货量,可以解决供应链管理中常常出现的库存过多等问题。供应商管理库存能实现供应链企业之间的信息共享,带来多赢局面,富有成效的VIM战略是提高企业竞争力的重要工具。  相似文献   

本文分析了供应商管理库存及其相关理论,并指出了第三方物流参与VMI实施的原因及第三方物流参与VMI实施的优势。在此基础上,利用XM公司运营的实践案例对VMI和TPL-VMI两种模式下的企业库存成本、利润变化进行比较,用实际数据和图形证明了基于第三方物流的供应商管理库存模式(即TPL-VMI模式)对企业降低物流成本、提高物流运作效率起到了积极作用,为企业带来了较大利润。  相似文献   

库存控制问题是供应链管理中的核心问题.VMI作为供应链库存管理模式在理论上和现实物流活动中得到了极大的发展.但是对于企业实施VMI的研究,通常是从外部因素进行分析,本文从价值增值的角度分析VMI发展的内部因素,并运用经济增加值(EVA)方法分析VMI实现价值增值的路径,认为影响企业价值的要素主要包括:销售收入、销售成本、费用、库存、其他流动资产和固定资产.而这些因素正是VMI实施的主要内因.最后本文从供应商和客户双方的角度提出VMI的经济增加值策略.  相似文献   

VMI在供应链管理中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍VMI的基本概念和特点,讨论了VMI在管理思想、预测体系、补货模式、决策方面的优越性和先进性。接着论述了在供应链管理环境下,企业实施VMI的步骤和对供应商的管理,概括了VMI系统的工作流程。在综合分析VMI优缺点的基础上,最后总结了VMI在实践中给供应商、零售商带来的收益和竞争优势。  相似文献   

近年来,供应商管理库存(VMI)作为一种供应链管理工具被发展和应用,日益受到制造型企业和零售商的青睐。本文简要分析了VMI的概念、内涵,VMI给企业带来好处,以及实施VMI的要素和方法。  相似文献   

供应商管理库存理论对传统存货理论的丰富与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的飞速发展,企业信息化建设日益完善,在信息化平台基础上通过进一步整合供应链以应时存货管理带来的挑战成为发展的必需.基于此,一种新的存货管理模式--供应商管理库存(VMI,Vendor Managed Inventory)越来越受到世人瞩目,它对传统存货管理理论有了进一步的丰富和发展,并在许多大企业的实践应用中取得了卓越成效,本文对此进行探讨.  相似文献   

供应商管理库存模式成为企业界和学术界关注的焦点,许多研究者进行了并且还在继续进行相关的研究工作。从VMI模式下一般收益、VMI模式下运输和库存整合收益、VMI模式下信息共享收益三方面综述VMI收益,并指出今后的研究方向,对促进企业实施VMI有着重大的指导意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

VMI(供应商管理库存)的模式可以帮助企业降低库存成本,提高服务质量,加快资金流动,因此被各大跨国企业广泛采用。但是对国内大多数企业而言,由于并不处于供应链的核心地位,完全依靠供应商管理库存有很大难度。对利用第三方物流服务供应商管理库存的相关问题进行了研究,提出了通过借助第三方物流企业所提供的专业化服务建立企业自己的VMI-Hub的形式实施VMI策略,从而达到降低企业库存管理成本、更好的发展企业核心竞争力的目的。  相似文献   

目前,国外许多企业应用VMI已经获得很大的收益,相对而言,国内企业应用VMI还是一个相对较新的课题。文章透过一家第三方物流公司(3PL)——日本近铁国际物流公司实施的VMI为例,阐述VMI管理的思想,分析中国VMI发展现状及障碍。我国企业应根据当前的发展阶段,分析推行VMI的条件是否已完善,并非先进思想就一味引进,而应依靠企业自身特色和优势,采用适当库存管理方法。  相似文献   

基于转移支付的供应链VMI库存协调策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以制造商和分销商组成的简单二阶段供应链系统为研究对象,分别建立了独立库存控制策略和VMI库存控制策略下的供应链产品库存控制模型,并对两种策略下的供应双方利润变化进行了分析;然后在此基础上,提出了基于转移支付补偿方式的VMI库存协调策略,并得出了转移支付产品库存协调策略实施的有效性条件;最后,通过仿真试验对相关结论进行了验证和分析。  相似文献   

Using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), the vendor determines the replenishment decisions at the location of buyers (retailers). This strategy is used primarily for handling demand fluctuations stemming from the Bullwhip effect, leading the system to prevent from holding excessive inventory that result in a reduction in the overall cost of the supply chain. The main advantages of VMI for vendors are higher levels of accessibility to inventory information and more direct contact with the customers. Similarly, VMI has some pros for the buyers, such as shared risk with upper levels of supply chain and reduction in their holding costs of inventory. In this paper, a vendor-managed inventory system is developed containing one vendor and two buyers in which the main assumption is that back-ordering and lost sales are permitted. In this system, (r, Q) and (R, T) replenishment policies are compared according to their performances to see which one performs more cost-efficiently when partial back-ordering is allowed. In accordance, mathematical models utilizing (r, Q) and (R, T) replenishment policies are developed, and algorithms for deriving the optimal replenishment decision variables are proposed. Moreover, significant differences between the two replenishment policies are discussed. The main finding obtained by this research is that when shortage is permitted, both (r, Q) and (R, T) replenishment policies under VMI have pros and cons in different contexts.  相似文献   

刘冬 《中国市场》2009,(6):21-22
供应商管理库存(Vendor Managed Inventory,VMI),是一种战略贸易伙伴之间的合作性策略,它以系统的、集成的管理思想进行库存管理,使供应链系统能够同步优化运行。这种库存控制策略,允许上游组织对下游组织的库存策略、订货策略进行计划和管理。供应商与客户之间实现信息交换、信息共享后,信息便代替了库存,拥有最佳的信息就可以达到最小的库存,降低缺货的概率,从而更好地改善客户的满意度和销售状况。  相似文献   

供应商管理库存模式作为一种供应链环境下的库存运作模式,突破了传统的条块分割的库存管理模式,以系统化、集成化的思想实施库存管理,能够提升供应链的整体竞争力。供应商管理库存模式是一种以供应链各环节企业都能实现最低成本为目的,在一个共同协议下由供应商管理库存,不断监督协议执行情况并修正协议内容,使库存管理得以持续改进的合作性策略,具有合作性、互利性、协议性、连续改进性等特点。实施供应商管理库存模式,可以降低零售商和供应链整体的库存成本,增加二者的收益水平。尽管在实施初期,可能会导致供应商库存成本的增加以及收益的减少,但从长期来看,由于供应商对库存的专业化管理以及零售商将更多资源用于商品的市场营销活动之中,可以有效扩大商品的市场销售规模,降低库存管理成本,从而最终提高供应商收益水平。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代后期,VMI在企业中广泛应用,然而由于买方数量的不断增加,供应商的物流能力和信息能力已严重影响VMI的实施效果,为此中外许多供应商将目光转移到寻求与第三方物流(TPL)的合作。但是,对大多数企业来说,实施VMI&TPL供应链感到无所适从,缺乏相关理论指导,亟待从理论上说明VMI&TPL供应链集成机理,设计出VMI&TPL供应链的运作流程,以便为企业实施VMI&TPL供应链提供理论支撑和参考数据。  相似文献   

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) involves the vendor making the replenishment decision for products supplied to a customer based on various inventory and supply chain policies. Information sharing between supply chain members is required in VMI. Sometimes VMI decisions are delayed and/or the information shared is inaccurate. This research examines the effects of information delay and accuracy, and the sharing of sales and forecast information in a VMI environment facing stationary and nonstationary demand. The simulation experiments show the impact of information delay, information inaccuracy, and information sharing on a variety of performance measures, including inventory levels and fill rates.  相似文献   

A common assumption in inventory analysis is that replenishment orders arrive in the same sequence in which they were placed. In practice, however, a variety of factors may cause orders to arrive out of sequence, a phenomenon known as order crossover. This article analyzes a periodic‐review inventory system for a single item with discrete variable demand and discrete variable and long lead‐times (relative to the review period). Under such a scenario, multiple orders are simultaneously outstanding, and orders may arrive in a different sequence than placed. If such order crossover occurs, traditional inventory analysis overstates expected shortages and standard inventory control policies are no longer optimal. This article discusses why orders may cross over in practice and investigates the implications of order crossover to inventory management policies. We investigate the cost performance of optimal policies under order crossover and also suggest approximate policies which are easier to compute and implement. Both the optimal and approximate policies take advantage of detailed real‐time information about the status of pending orders and goods in transit, and hence in a majority of cases perform better than commonly used policies which do not incorporate such information.  相似文献   

Practitioners and researchers describe inventory service level with metrics that communicate the likelihood of demand fulfillment without considering the ongoing capabilities of the supplier, for example, in‐stock and fill rate. We develop a method for measuring inventory service level that incorporates such supplier capabilities, namely consistency (the ability of a supplier to fulfill orders repeatedly) and recovery (the ability of a supplier to fulfill orders after a lapse in service). Using data from two retail supply chains, we illustrate our approach. To demonstrate the impact of consistency and recovery on supply chain performance, we model a retailer purchasing from competing suppliers with different levels of consistency and recovery. The model incorporates the retailer's uncertainty about demand and the retailer's uncertainty about its suppliers' service levels. We characterize how the retailer's orders and profitability change with a supplier's delivery performance through numerical experiments calibrated with field data. We find notable differences in market share across suppliers with similar traditional inventory service level metrics but differences in consistency and recovery. Further, we observe that a retailer can increase its profitability by determining orders via consistency and recovery in lieu of common metrics like in‐stock. Given the influence of consistency and recovery on supply chain outcomes, we discuss implications for practice and future research.  相似文献   

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