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谢伟 《现代金融》2006,(5):41-41
近年来,金融业之间的人才竞争异常激烈,如何减少本行知识型员工的流失,降低流失风险,已成为农行管理者关注的课题。笔者认为可采取以下管理措施,将流失风险控制在可接受的限度之内。一、树立农行与员工合作伙伴关系的理念。承认知识型员工在农行中的地位,能够对知识型员工产生持久的激励效应,从而降低其离职意愿。比如,作为战略合作伙伴,知识型员工可以与农行管理者一同参与农行决策过程,从而使他们感受到农行对他们的认可与尊重;在报酬方面,除了工  相似文献   

武国民  张红兵 《中国外资》2011,(12):258-259
员工流失,是很多企业在生产经营过程中面临的一个比较棘手的问题。特别是一些中小企业,由于自身发展的局限,员工流失给企业造成了很大的人力资本浪费。本文讨论了中小企业员工流失的现状、特点及人力资源管理现状,并对中小企业员工流失的原因和产生的影响进行了分析和阐述,最后提出了一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

员工流失,是很多企业在生产经营过程中面临的一个比较棘手的问题.特别是一些中小企业,由于自身发展的局限,员工流失给企业造成了很大的人力资本浪费.本文讨论了中小企业员工流失的现状、特点及人力资源管理现状,并对中小企业员工流失的原因和产生的影响进行了分析和阐述,最后提出了一些对策和建议.  相似文献   

金梦云 《时代金融》2009,(7X):131-132
在产品、技术、信息、渠道等竞争因素趋于同质化的今天,核心员工已经成为企业间差异化竞争的关键所在,留住核心员工对企业创造高绩效的工作目标具有重要影响。本文主要从企业内部控制的角度分析了核心员工流失的风险和原因,并从企业的角度提出了若干对策防范核心员工流失或者降低流失对企业的风险。  相似文献   

付霜林  秦延飞 《中国外资》2013,(18):312-312
革开放以来,特别是中国加入WTO以来,民营企业得到了飞速发展,在此过程中,民营经济在市场经济中的地位也逐渐凸显。21世纪是知识经济时代,知识型员工对企业的运行和发展日趋重要。但是,我国民营企业近年来陷入了人才流失的困境,限制了企业的快速发展和壮大,使企业遭受巨大损失。本文通过对民营企业知识型员工流失的原因分析,找出应对措施,希望能有助于民营企业对知识型员工进行有效管理,解决知识型员工流失问题并最终促进民营企业不断发展壮大。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,特别是中国加入WTO以来,民营企业得到了飞速发展,在此过程中,民营经济在市场经济中的地位也逐渐凸显。21世纪是知识经济时代,知识型员工对企业的运行和发展日趋重要。但是,我国民营企业近年来陷入了人才流失的困境,限制了企业的快速发展和壮大,使企业遭受巨大损失。本文通过对民营企业知识型员工流失的原因分析,找出应对措施,希望能有助于民营企业对知识型员工进行有效管理,解决知识型员工流失问题并最终促进民营企业不断发展壮大。  相似文献   

核心员工对于各家商业银行的长远发展来说至关重要。商业银行要防范核心员工流失,除了传统的做法之外,可从心理契约角度有针对性采取如下一些管理对策:以企业文化为重点,构建核心员工的良好心理契约基础;以激励机制为抓手,维护核心员工的心理契约;以违背补偿为契机,修复核心员工的心理契约;以动态管理为核心,实施核心员工的管理创新。  相似文献   

员工流失一直是困扰酒店业经营和发展的问题,其造成的负面影响显而易见。如何留住员工,使员工忠诚于酒店,是酒店企业求发展的关键。文章从酒店从正人员的忠诚度入手,分析了员工流动频繁的内在原因,并提出了从提高员工归属感等方面入手来提升员工忠诚度的建议。  相似文献   

随着我国饭店业的发展饭店的人才流失现象日趋严重,对饭店来说,这无疑是一个非常大的损失,而且还会影响饭店的服务质量和经济效益。因此,如何防范和控制员工流失.已是饭店人力资源管理亟待解决的问题。本文针时该问题提出了员工流失对饭店的影响,进而分析了问题产生的原因,最后提出了控制员工流失的相关对策。  相似文献   

"千金易得,一将难求",酒店优秀员工的高流失率一直困扰着酒店的管理者。好的工作机会总是会敲响高素质的员工的大门。即使没有对手的竞争的"袭击",酒店管理者想让一名员工终生为一家酒店服务,也始终是件艰苦的工作。如何留住优秀员工成为各大酒店迫切需要解决的问题。本文浅谈了酒店优秀员工流失的现状,总结了酒店优秀员工流失的危害及原因,并在此基础上提出一系列相对有效的措施来稳定优秀员工的队伍。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to measure the efficiency of hotel units in Romania from the customers’ point of view and to identify factors that explain the differences in efficiency between hotel units. A stochastic production frontier is estimated together with a technical inefficiency model using cross-sectional data from 622 hotel units in Romania. The results show that the average efficiency is high. However, there are significant differences between hotels in different regions and with different star ratings. The most influential factor affecting efficiency is the online visibility of a hotel unit on social media platforms and on travel planning sites. The study’s results offer insight for hotel decision-makers to be able to improve the perception of hotel efficiency by taking appropriate action to meet customer needs.  相似文献   

浅析大型酒店成本控制问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前酒店业市场竞争激烈,如何取得更高的经济效益,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,使酒店在竞争中处于有利地位,酒店管理者不得不开始重新思考酒店管理的思路、办法,探索酒店管理的改革之路。酒店是劳动力密集,成本耗费大的行业,节约成本,实现合理、有效的管理与控制,是创造效益的重要环节。酒店管理者应该运用战略管理手段降低成本与费用,使企业在日益小的市场空间中树立竞争优势,寻求更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

当代西方社会代表性的公平理论认为,公平是一个包含起点公平、机会公平、过程公平与结果公平四个环节的循环过程。社会保障与社会公平的相关性表现为:公平是社会保障的核心理念,社会保障制度源于对公平的诉求;社会保障制度的设计体现公平原则,其自身的公平性确保机会公平并维护过程公平;社会保障制度具有公平功能,即通过弥补起点不公平和缩小结果不公平来增进整个社会的公平程度。  相似文献   

酒店行业发展,高素质员工的需求量越来越大,以大学生为代表的高技能、高水平的服务人员的流失率却居高不下.本文以酒店管理专业学生酒店管理岗位实习为探讨,留住酒店优秀的专业管理人才,加强校企合作,酒店提供全面的顶岗实习,尤其是管理岗位实习问题值得我们关注.  相似文献   

Interview and survey data have been collected to study the nature and antecedents of accounting systems involved in hotel outsourcing decision-making and control. It has been found that there is considerable cross-hotel variation in the degree of accounting system involvement in outsourcing management. Performance and whether outsourcing decisions are made in the context of a long-term strategic agenda, appear to be variables affecting both the nature of accounting involvement and the degree of accounting sophistication in hotel outsourcing management. Hotel quality was also a significant factor affecting the degree of accounting sophistication in hotel outsourcing. It appears that accounting appraisal of outsourcing proposals rarely include long-term oriented sophisticated techniques such as the discounting of future cash flows. It is conjectured that this may be because outsourcing decisions are not conducted in the context of the formal capital budgeting process.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the concept of social capital to outline a distinctive approach to understanding the interplay between management control systems and the development of social connections in and between organisations. Social capital provides a comprehensive framework for examining the nature of social connections through its focus on both structural networks (bridging) and interpersonal relationships that predispose individuals towards mutually beneficial collective action (bonding). In doing so, social capital provides a means of considering how individuals react to management control systems in terms of the social ties that exist both within the organization and external to the organization. Using a case study of a non-government organization, we show how social capital is implicated in efforts to attract economic capital and cultural capital. We demonstrate how elements of a management control system can either enhance or inhibit the bonding and bridging dimensions of social capital with potential consequences on both economic and cultural capital. We highlight the mixed and sometimes contradictory effects of management control systems on social capital, and provide a powerful illustration of the role of management control systems in brokering alliances and bridging structural holes.  相似文献   

张芹 《中国外资》2010,(2):165-166
2009年快捷酒店开始走俏唐山市场。行业的迅速发展的同时,也存在诸多问题。本文从唐山经济型酒店的发展现状入手,论述了怎样改善经济型酒店的经营管理,提高经济型酒店的竞争力,创建唐山经济型酒店品牌。  相似文献   

Whilst the service sector is a major component of world economies, research into, and thus our understanding of, how management control systems function in the service environment is limited. To advance our knowledge and understanding of the role of budgets in service organizations, this organizational level study extends prior manufacturing context research investigating the influence of contextual variables on budget system characteristics (BSC) to hotels. Since the nature of service firm operations is highly dependent on the external environment, perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) is likely to be a key contextual variable. Consistent with the organizational theory literature, this study conceptualizes PEU more correctly as a multi-dimensional construct and seeks to ascertain the influence of components of PEU on the BSC of hotels, the chosen service industry. Based on a sample of 106 hotels and using path analyses, the results indicated that: (1) different dimensions of PEU have differential effects on BSC and organizational structure, (2) hotel size has a significant effect on BSC, (3) hotel size does not significantly influence structure, and (4) hotel organizational structure has significant influences on BSC. The finding for PEU raises implications for future researchers studying PEU.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to call into question the concept of organization delimited as a social object of discrete character, in order to propose that the organizational space is a product of multiple operations of knowledge that conform and delimit its spatiality in a contingently and current way, according to the knowledge process that are functioning at that time. Going along with this line of thought, we differentiate the roles of the management system, the standardization system and judicial-legal system in the delimitation of the spatiality of the organizational phenomenon and we propose that this delimitation produces a rethinking of the management system as to internal system of the discrete organization. Consequently, this results in rethinking the political dimension that is present in the organizational phenomenon. This also impacts on the processes of including subjects in this complex spatiality. We conclude that the concept of organization as a social object of discrete character is not only insufficient to conceptualize the organizational phenomenon, but is also insufficient as a tool for organized action.  相似文献   

The Russian airplane crash in 2015 has severely affected the tourism industry in Egypt. The present article is focused on the impacts of economic, political, and social impacts on Egyptian tourism after this crisis. The present study aimed at dealing with the crisis to mitigate the consequences and allow the companies to make the best use of it to restore their business. The present article has also discussed the crisis impacts on the financial situation of company A which is one of the top five hospitality companies in Egypt. Crisis management and investments in human resources were the most effective strategies to overcome the harsh consequences of the crisis on tourism sector. The present study data is based on the Egyptian ministry of tourism figures, internet, articles, and international channels reports aimed to explain how the political, social, and economic events had a negative impact on the hotel industry in Egypt.  相似文献   

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