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日本、韩国在发展本国汽车制造业的过程中,实行“政府主导型”的经济赶超战略,汽车制造业得到了迅速发展。日本、韩国的政府主导型的发展战略主要特点:1.政府和企业的官方合作。政府建立了和企业直接对话和协调机制,企业在政府调控下的自主能力受到限制。2.企业决策受双重参数制约:市场和政府。政府通过财政、金融、税收等政策影响企业决策,使得  相似文献   

浅议美国、日本、韩国金融对结构调整支持的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融会对产业结构调整给予怎样的支持是由各国的金融体制决定,目前,世界上有两大具有代表性的金融体制,即银行主导型金融体制和资酝市场主导型金融体制,我国正处在计划经济金融体制向市经济金融体制改革的重要时期,又恰逢新一轮产业结构调整的关键时期,肯这次产业结构调整以立以对他国的金融支持产业结构调整的做法进行学习是不无必要的,这里以美国,日本和韩国为例,着重通过研究他们各自的金融市场和金融政策手段来获取一些经验和启示。  相似文献   

政府经济职能如何转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前政府经济职能的定位和功能出现了某种程度的“越位”和“缺位”,这种状况已不能适应中国正在进行的经济双重转型的需要;从一个政府主导型的经济体制转变为市场主导型的经济体制,从一个以经济建设为主导型的政府转变为一个以公共服务为主导型的政府,是政府职能转变的目标和方向;要实现这一转变需要更新旧的观念,克服利益集团的障碍。  相似文献   

俄罗斯打造消费型经济的经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林跃勤 《中国金融》2006,(12):46-48
近年来国际石油价格上涨和俄罗斯石油出口规模扩张,有力地推动了俄罗斯经济走出低谷、步入增长通道。但经济增长动力结构单一、结构失衡和对外依赖严重的“荷兰病”症状也在俄罗斯表现得日渐明显。为了消除增长中的隐患,增强增长的自主性、稳定性和持续性,俄罗斯及时提出了扩大内需、挖掘居民消费与投资潜力、形成内向主导型增长的新战略。俄罗斯政府在提高居民收入、改善消费环境、扩大消费需求等方面的政策选择及其成果,对中国转变增长方式,建立以消费为导向的经济增长模式可以提供一些有益的启发。  相似文献   

韩国金融开放的经验和教训   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曲凤杰 《新金融》2006,(8):24-27
20世纪90年代以前,韩国基本实行“官制金融“,政府将金融业作为执行宏观经济计划和产业政策的工具,直接控制银行的信贷经营.这种以政府干预为导向、以银行为基础、执行严格的资本管制的金融体系使韩国创造了几十年经济快速发展的“经济奇迹“.但是,90年代初期以来的不当的金融自由化和金融开放直接导致了韩国的金融危机.危机后,韩国不是通过截断金融市场与外部联系的办法进行消极的防御,而是进行了更加大刀阔斧的金融自由化和金融开放,政府的政策重点转移到金融结构的调整和金融体制的改革上,并对金融监管体制进行了适应性调整.韩国的经验表明,国家主导型的模式取得不错的经济发展业绩的同时,几十年的金融压抑也培育了一个官僚金融体系和向市场经济转型的阻碍势力,经济转型也必然面临复杂的经济政治挑战,金融开放一定意义上成为政府推动金融体系改革的无奈之选.韩国金融开放的初始条件与我国有一定的相似性,可以为我们提供启示和经验借鉴.  相似文献   

钟凌 《南方金融》2004,(9):35-37
近年来,在国际收支顺差高速增长的背景下,我国外汇管理的政策从过去的“轻人重出”实现了向“进出并重”平衡管理的转变,这一转变既出于宏观经济调控和可持续发展的需要,又包含有经济和政治安全的考虑。本文试对这一变化进行分析并对未来的走势做一预测。  相似文献   

文章回顾了韩国利率市场化改革的历程及其经济金融运行的积极变化。20世纪80年代起,韩国逐渐放弃政府主导型的管理政策,启动利率市场化改革进程。其改革经历了从放开到管制、从管制到重新放开的两个阶段,虽然其中经历了挫折,但最终还是成功实现。利率市场化促进了实际利率由负转正,达到了在控制通胀的前提下促进经济增长之目的。  相似文献   

当前的经济危机对中国的辉煌发展战略带来了巨大挑战,挑战的出现源于中国经济的不平衡状态。温家宝总理曾对中国经济“不稳定、不平衡、不协调和不可持续”深表担忧,并在2006年颁布的“十一五”规划中,强调中国经济必须开始一个重大的结构性转变,从出口主导型经济增长模式转向消费驱动型经济增长模式。服务于经济的金融系统,也必将以建设规范的消费信贷市场为己任,为中国经济转型贡献自己的力量。  相似文献   

<正>2009年,我国人均GDP超过2000美元,但居民消费率不足50%,低于国际平均水平28个百分点,消费市场潜力巨大。为促进我国经济由投资主导型向消费主导型转变,经国务院批准,原银监会开始消费金融公司试点工作,允许非存款类金融机构提供消费金融服务,这是贯彻国家“扩大内需、促进经济增长”战略方针的重大举措。  相似文献   

转变经济增长方式,提高国民经济的整体素质和效益,是我国经济发展战略转变的核心内容。《我国国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要》强调,在“九五”期间,要切实把经济工作的重点放在转变经济增长方式上,并要求从法制建设、政策实施和工作考核等...  相似文献   

2007年以来,随着美国次贷危机不断向纵深发展,引发了全球性的金融危机和经济衰退,这给中国经济尤其是实体经济带来了巨大的负面影响。究其原因是我国近十年来形成的出口导向型经济增长模式存在问题,理论与实践已证明,这种出口导向型经济增长模式难能保证我国经济持续稳健的增长,只有消费拉动型经济增长模式才是促进我国经济持续稳健发展的最优选择。最后,就我国如何启动消费拉动型经济增长模式,本文提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Limits to growth rates in an ethereal economy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lenore Newman  Ann Dale 《Futures》2008,40(3):261-267
It has been argued that economic growth can continue despite the finite nature of the Earth and its ecological systems if growth is concentrated in an ethereal economy where ideas and information dominate over physical inputs. In this paper, we agree that in a sustainable society continued growth must eventually be concentrated in the ethereal economy; however, we argue that such growth cannot occur at the ongoing exponential rate that currently underpins the constant rate of returns relied upon within our economies. As there is a limit to how fast a population can adopt new ideas, and as such adoption and innovation itself occurs in unpredictable bursts, growth in an ethereal economy will follow a model of punctuated equilibrium composed of exponential bursts, logistic growth, and stable/stagnating periods in a manner similar to ecological evolutionary processes. Although such an economic environment is likely far in the future, lessons in not overtaxing ecological capital and encouraging information dissemination and knowledge diffusion are applicable to problems we face today.  相似文献   

20世纪70-80年代,经济崛起中的东亚经济体遵循金融深化的发展思路,纷纷开始了金融自由化进程。然而,1997年亚洲金融危机的爆发使得东亚经济体遭遇重创,韩国经济也陷入战后以来最严峻的时期。为应对危机,韩国政府果断地对金融体系进行改革,逐渐走出了危机的阴霭。韩国与我国有着相近的文化、历史背景及经济增长道路,经济社会的可比因素较多,韩国面临的一些经济金融困境对我国是难得的“前车之鉴”。分析韩国1997年金融危机爆发的原因、影响及应对策略,无疑会给我国正在推进的金融体制改革提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

When the property bubble burst in the 1990s, the corporate and banking sectors in Japan suffered from historically huge losses that resulted in a sluggish economy that lasted nearly 15 years. In 2002, the economy finally bottomed out. By going through this process, Japan learnt many lessons in the fields of economics, sociology, and politics. Two critical lessons that the financial authorities gleaned from this experience are: (1) Disclosure of the current conditions of financial institutions in the early stages is of the utmost importance. Once losses start to mount, disclosure and one-time compensation should trigger a systemic risk. (2) At times when a country is going through a strong economic period, it is important to make preparations for economic stagnation. To ensure that this is successful, the first step is for the public sector to share the understanding of the current economic conditions and the forecasts for its seeable future. It is also important that they disclose this knowledge to other authorities and people to ensure transparency. Those lessons are not so special, rather ordinary. But it is difficult to practice them. The mechanism of the bubble economy and how it burst is not clear yet in economics. But history shows such situations repeat themselves in different ways. In the process of globalisation, excess liquidity in the financial market is invested into too illiquid assets all over the world, especially in the emerging countries and real property market. To know what is happening is critical. But the domestic authorities who supervise financial institutions in the mother market face two difficulties to do it. Owing to the development of IT, the boundary between financial institutions and funds becomes vague and investment money will go freely over cross-border.  相似文献   

In Korea's high-growth economy, the Bank of Korea had been willing to tolerate double-digit inflation, provided that it remained at `non-explosive' levels. In this article, we estimate a monetary policy feedback rule for Korea and find that the upper threshold of tolerable inflation for the Bank of Korea was about 20%. It appears that the Bank of Korea's disciplined, rule-like approach to monetary policy was able to control inflation and keep it away from explosive levels, despite the well-known empirical regularity that inflation becomes more variable at higher levels. After 1983, however, our regime-switching model suggests that the inflation target has been 6%. We also find little evidence that the Bank of Korea has targeted real growth, except for a period in the mid-1980s when industrial production growth suggested that the economy was overheating, relative to an implicit growth target of 7.4%. We conclude with a discussion of possible reasons for Korea to choose to stabilize inflation at lower levels since the mid-1980s.  相似文献   

While degrowth is about reducing energy and material flows in the economy while sustaining basic human needs, capitalism fosters the opposite trend. How then is degrowth to be implemented on a large scale? In line with different critical intellectual traditions, we argue that degrowth is unlikely to occur within an economy based on capital accumulation and free market of assets. Our objective is then to preliminarily investigate the links between economic structures, democratic principles, and degrowth. We do this, firstly, by briefly exploring some of the main theoretical models of economic democracy in order to find out their potential for achieving sustainable degrowth. In our view, models of self-managed socialism have the best potential for this. Secondly, we intend to learn some empirical lessons from a countrywide experience: Cuban agroecology, today's largest real-life experience of agroecological “degrowth”. Our hypothesis is that the Cuban economy, which limits the private accumulation of capital and of productive assets, is in a better position for achieving forms of sustainable degrowth than capitalist economies, but that it would be even more so with more democracy. The Cuban agricultural system faces the challenge to free itself from the central planning tradition. This could be achieved by following the current process of giving increasing autonomy to small producers. Specifically, we argue that small-scale farmer cooperatives have the best potential for achieving the degrowth-oriented goals of agroecology.  相似文献   

刘彤  巩丽媛  王逢宝 《金卡工程》2008,12(11):12-13
本文以"城市一卡通"系统性工程的发展前景为切入点,结合现代市场经济的大环境和其他城市发展过程中的经验及教训,探讨了"城市一卡通"系统建设中所涉及到的若干经济性问题.  相似文献   

本文通过回顾韩国证券市场自20世纪50年代以来的发展历程,认真梳理和总结了韩国证券市场发展过程中的成功经验和失败教训,以期对我国证券市场的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

自欧洲主权债务危机爆发以来,虽经历数次救助其破坏性和影响力仍在持续升级,受到欧债危机的牵连,全球经济复苏乏力。对欧债危机持续现象的分析应透过经济表象,运用马克思主义经济学的相关理论,坚持唯物辩证法和唯物史观的方法论,揭示危机背后隐藏的深层原因,汲取经验教训以指导我国的经济建设。  相似文献   

Using the 2011 Word Input–Output Database (WIOD), we examine the economic impact of Korean reunification on Japan, China, the United States, and Russia by industry. We conduct a standard Leontief-type analysis with the assumption of supply constraints in the unified Korea. The results of our analysis show that Korea’s major trade partners would experience a substantial increase in GDP and employment through Korea reunification. In particular, we found that China would benefit the most from Korea reunification.  相似文献   

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