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皮革的质量除仪器进行检验外,人们在日常购买的过程中,只能用感官去鉴定。感官鉴定是指通过人的手摸眼看对各种皮革的质量直接进行鉴定,这种感官检验简便易行,是一种实用有效的检验方法。感官检验主要包括以下几项: 一、丰满性——皮革的丰满性是  相似文献   

在开展产品质量监督检验工作中,感官检验同理化检验一样,是通常采用的一种重要的检验方法。感官检验一般是指用人的各种器官,如视觉、味觉、听觉、嗅觉和触觉等器官来观察和鉴别产品质量的一种方法,因此感官检验又可称为官能检查。感官检验主要应用于鉴定产品的色泽、气味、外形结构、外观疵点、硬度、弹性等方面的质量情况。例如:对酒、啤酒的味、色、泡及其透明度的观察;对蛋糕的色泽、气味、口感的观  相似文献   

本文通过对产品标准中感官检验的必要性和重要性分析,对当前感官检验工作现状进行梳理,找出存在的问题及原因,并给出了下一步的工作建议和做法,告诫检验者在产品检验中要慎重对待感官指标检验。  相似文献   

在小麦收购中,质量检验是收购的第一环节。实验室中检验小麦的理化指标费时,费力,而且费用太大,同时工作量也大,需要的人员也多。感官鉴定是利用人的视觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉等感觉对食品外观及嗜好性进行检验的方法。为了适应快速收购的要求,感官鉴定成为小麦收购中最行之有效的检验方法。  相似文献   

食品感官检验是与理化检验、微生物检验并行的重要检测手段,是利用人的感觉器官,对食品的感官性状进行评价的方法。现对其进行简要分析。  相似文献   

作为质检部门的工序之一,感官检验,人们似乎司空见惯,而在日常工作中对于众多产品的感官分析在整个工序中,往往被人们视为可有可无的附带检查,却不知它虽然是一种模糊数学概念,但仍有通过人的感官所能体会并描述后达到的检验效果。感官检验众所周知,笔者重提,有小题大做之嫌,但从普遍存在的问题来看,未必如此。我国目前的质检机构对于感官检验,多以检验人员的感觉器官,对照产品检测的标准文字要求加以判定。化工、冶金、建材等方面的感官要求比较简单,即第一产业生产的产品感  相似文献   

一、竞争力的经济学解释在竞争力经济学分析中,假定了相互竞争的企业所生产和销售的产品在类别上是相同的,因而产品具有替代性(有替代性才会发生竞争,有竞争才有竞争力问题)。但不同的企业所生产和销售的产品又有差别性(差别性主要体现在质量、品牌等方面),这种差别性导致了消费者对  相似文献   

产品质量中感官指标占有较重要地位,像啤酒的口感、风味,饮料的爽口度等均为产品的重要质量指标。对这些指标的检验目前国内有多种感官检验方法标准。国内较流行的方法是打分法或评分法,它是标度法的一个特殊形式,如在一次产品的评优评奖中由评价员对某感  相似文献   

近几年来,我们依据GB8885-88《食用玉米淀粉》标准对本地区食用玉米淀粉产品的质量监督检验,发现此标准在实施过程中存在以下问题: 1.产品标准中的各项技术指标的检验方法在标准的检验规则中已明确指出。灰分的检验按照GB12086-89《淀粉灰分的测定方法》进行。单说检验方法标准是参照国际标准ISO3593-1981制定的。检验方法理论依据可靠,科学严密。但是,GB12086-89中规定的检验  相似文献   

食品各有其感官特征,感官指标是食品的重要技术标准。人的感觉器官指眼、口、耳、鼻、手,用它们来检查食品的感官特征如色、香、味、形,即感官分析检验。消费者常常以感官加感情取向来判断食品,这往往不够客观;感官结合理化、卫生指标,综合进行检验,才显其科学公正。 视觉,通常用来检验食品的形状和色泽。食品的颜色往往来源有三:食品本身、原料和色素。形状和色泽在一定程度上还反映了食物的新鲜与陈旧程度,譬如有些食物放置时间久了会发生  相似文献   

将术语学与感官分析技术的特点相结合,提出了感官分析一般术语、方法术语和风味描述词良好释义方式和表达范式,以期为规范我国感官分析词汇,提高产品感官评价的科学化水平有所借鉴。  相似文献   

文章分析了国内外感官分析实验室建设的相关标准和现状,研究并提出了食品感官分析实验室硬件环境建设和软件环境建设的标准化要素和要求。  相似文献   

李永轮 《价值工程》2012,31(33):324-325
文章侧重通过对西部区域民间美术群落的图形线条设计、色彩色度涂饰以及形体姿态体现等视觉感官层面的感性认知、理性解析,提炼其视觉符号特征的普遍化与差异性、主观统一与客观分离,从而最终得出具体可行的视觉层面人文释放、触觉层面实效享受的双元一体式的交融亲和。  相似文献   

Urban studies and criminology have much to offer each other, but the links between the two have so far been underexplored. This article is an illustration of how aspects of both can, and should, be brought into conversation: namely the literatures on sensory urbanism (in urban studies) and visual criminology. The benefits of doing so are evidenced by a case study exploring the ways in which the senses shape residents’ perceptions of brothels in Blackpool. Three key findings emerge from the case study. First, the residents interviewed tended to focus on the visual aspects of brothels rather than other sensory aspects. Nevertheless, touch and smell (and their interaction with the visual) also played small but important roles in shaping residential perceptions. Second, residential perceptions of sex work and brothels are linked to, and encompass, a plurality of emotional responses. Third, while the residents could see or hear little of what was happening inside the brothels, they often sought out sensory clues from outside, typically drawn from the architectural features of the brothels. Such insights, we argue, are made possible by, and highlight the possibilities of, the bringing together of urban studies and criminology.  相似文献   

Management Review Quarterly - As recent years have seen a growing interest in integrating consumer and sensory science, this paper aims at presenting a systematic literature review of empirical...  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - Sensory evaluations are adopted in many fields for measuring and comparing sensory properties of products and improving their quality. The selection of panelists able to...  相似文献   

A bstract .   The deficiencies of economic science are examined against its historical development: the utilitarian concentration upon individual choice conflates preferences and values and the hedonistic calculus is inoperable in the presence of incommensurability. In restricting explanations of behavioral patterns to changes in prices, incomes, and other "economic" variables, neoclassical analysis was destined to draw implausible conclusions. While the uniqueness of man rests in a highly developed self-consciousness, his rationality need not imply conscious reason. Decisions and actions that are made in response to inputs from all of the sensory modalities are led by conventions and traditions that give structure to every response. Biological, psychological, social, and ethical constraints so limit purposeful action, that a complete economist ( pace G. L. S. Shackle) is one who has mastered mathematics, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, history, geography, and political science.  相似文献   

Individual differences in psychophysical data are examined in an olfactory experiment using a group of sixteen children (9 year olds) and three different techniques: magnitude estimation (ME), reglets or sticks (RE) and finger span (FS). From the responses given in the three techniques Steven's functions were calculated. Group and individual fits to the power law are analyzed. Comparisons of all individual curves were also done and consistency of the subjects responses across techniques was examined. Results show that: (1) while group data fit to the power law, individual data, in general, do not; (2) individual differences are found in both slopes and intercepts and (3) subjects are consistent in their judgments across techniques. These results might be interpreted in a sensory and cognitive context. Further research is needed to identify the specific contribution of sensory and cognitive sources to the individual differences in the psychophysical function.  相似文献   

We consider balanced incomplete block data when ties occur and propose new statistics for testing (a) differences in mean ranks, (b) differences in distributions of ranks, (c) differences in nonlinear effects of ranks and (d) linear contrasts. A sensory evaluation example where the data are ranks is given.  相似文献   

现在的消费者在消费产品或服务时,不仅关注它们的价格和品质,消费过程中的体验也成为消费者做出购买决策的重要依据。天福茗茶连锁店的成功是体验营销的杰出典范,本文从氛围体验、情感体验、感官体验和文化体验等四个方面分析其成功之道。  相似文献   

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