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企业间网络的效率边界:经济组织逻辑的重新审视   总被引:59,自引:5,他引:59  
企业间网络是一种既不同于市场也不同于企业科层的组织形式,它是一些经过筛选的独立的企业通过正式契约和隐含契约所构成的互相依赖、同担风险的长期合作的交易模式。本文综合交易成本理论以及企业能力理论对影响企业网络边界的因素分别进行了阐释,对资产专用性、企业能力、不确定性等因素对企业边界的影响机制进行了分析。随着资产专用性的逐步提高,在其他条件不变的情况下,交易的治理机制逐步从市场过渡到企业网络,当资产专用性进一步提高时,企业科层将替代企业网络。当企业之间的能力是互补但不相似时,交易将通过企业网络来进行。同时,产品需求的不确定性也将导致企业间网络组织的出现。  相似文献   

基于再造、外包和关系能力的供应链再设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过流程再造、外包和创造关系能力来进行供应链再设计,可以达到提升供应链网络整体竞争优势的目标。关系能力的发展是这一再设计方法中的核心环节。在具体的供应链再设计过程中应注意几个关键问题,包括通过内部分析和关系分析决定外包业务,注重供应链流程整合,注重关系能力的衡量。按照核心企业业务活动的竞争力水平和对企业战略目标的贡献不同,供应链网络中关系能力可以沿着不同的路径发展.关系能力的发展会强化企业内部能力,最终通过塑造内部竞争优势和关联性优势,而使供应链网络整体竞争优势得到提升.  相似文献   

为有效应对市场挑战,传统钢铁制造企业开始结合自身实际情况,改变原有的采购理念,不断推动以供应链为基础的战略采购实践。同时,在实践过程中仍然存在运营理论与实际操作的分歧与碰撞。通过尝试应用战略采购和供应链等相关理论,结合对A公司多年来战略采购发展管理实践的疏理和分析归纳,澄清传统钢铁制造企业目前在实施战略采购过程中存在的模糊认识,并提供相关实践的解决方案和思路,为战略采购供需双方获得资源共治、风险共担、交易共赢、信息共享的路径提供帮助,以实现传统制造企业战略采购高质量发展的目标。  相似文献   

建章立制。积极推进分包采购交易工作。需重点把握以下几点: 建立规章制度,积极推进公开交易、集中采购工作。为提升公司总承包管理能力和资源整合能力,降低交易成本,适应建筑市场激烈的低成本竞争,实现规模效益的需要,公司推行公开交易、集中采购,成立了采购交易中心,制定了一系列分包采购交易相关制度,印发了《关于成立中交二航局采购交易领导小组和采购交易中心的通知》《中交二航局采购交易工作实施意见》《中交二航局采购交易相关表格》等文件,并监督、指导、协调各级交易中心工作开展。  相似文献   

Internet技术的出现,使人们借助互连网络广泛的从事商品与服务的电子化交易成为可能,这不仅人人扩展了交易范围,而且可以有效的缩短交易时间,降低交易成本。在这种背景下,传统企业纷纷应用INTERNET技术,以实现企业E化和增强企业的市场竞争力。电了商务应运而生,它将传统商业活动中物流、资金流、信息  相似文献   

演从运营的视角通过案例研究的方法对嘉能可全球化的商业模式进行了分析.研究认为, 为实现“可持续采购全球各个行业每天需要的基本原料, 并向世界各地的客户供应” 这一商业理念, 嘉能可采用了投资并购、市场网络、物流体系和套利策略等四种实现方式.在此基础上, 嘉能可进一步形成和积累了多向整合能力, 多元经营能力, 高效运营能力和套利交易能力等四种核心能力, 从而创造了卓越的企业价值.这对目前正在或拟通过实施全球化战略谋求竞争优势的我国能源资源企业具有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值.  相似文献   

所谓战略性采购,即企业立足于与供应商建立战略合作伙伴关系,是以企业最低总成本建立业务供给渠道的过程,而不是以最低采购价格获得当前所需原料的简单交易。战略采购管理充分平衡企业内部和外部的优势,以双赢采购为宗旨,注重发展与供应商长期战略合作关系,是一种全新的采购管理体系与操作模式。  相似文献   

核心能力是企业获得长期稳定的竞争优势的基础,其培育和发展是通过企业外部重组、企业内部重组和企业市场结构重组这几个层次得以实现的。该理论作为企业战略理论的新发展,对我国国有大型企业的战略性重组,具有颇为现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

战略转型主要是指企业由传统管理模式转变为符合未来发展需要的现代管理模式,是不断对内外条件变化进行动态平衡的过程。企业通过战略调整,可以重新建立自己的竞争优势、实现差异化的发展战略,提高企业的核心竞争力,最终实现市场份额的持续扩大。  相似文献   

论企业与市场的相互融合   总被引:62,自引:16,他引:62  
当代经济组织发展的新趋势是企业与市场相互融合。一方面,企业吸收市场的比较优势,在经营层次上利用市场机制替代科层机制,在战略层次上用模块协调代替行政协调,是权威和价格这两种资源配置方式的有机融合。另一方面,市场利用企业的比较优势,在管理上引入科层机制来提高交易效率和降低交易费用。总之,企业中有市场,市场中有企业,企业和市场都是一种以模块化运作为基础的网络。  相似文献   

This paper proposes that transaction costs and capabilities are fundamentally intertwined in the determination of vertical scope, and identifies the key mechanisms of their co‐evolution. Specifically, we argue that capability differences are a necessary condition for vertical specialization; and that transaction cost reductions only lead to specialization when capabilities along the value chain are heterogeneous. Furthermore, we argue that there are four evolutionary mechanisms that shape vertical scope over time. First, the selection process, itself driven by capability differences, dynamically shapes vertical scope; second, transaction costs are endogenously changed by firms that try to reshape the transactional environment to increase their profit and market share; third, changes in vertical scope affect the nature of the capability development process, i.e., the way in which firms improve their operations over time; and finally, the changes in the capability development process reshape the capability pool in the industry, changing the roster of qualified participants. These dynamics of capability and transaction cost co‐evolution are illustrated through two contrasting examples: the mortgage banking industry in the United States, which shows the shift from integrated to disintegrated production; and the Swiss watch‐manufacturing industry, which went from disintegration to integration. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A firm's network capability refers to its ability to build, handle and exploit relationships. These capabilities are interwoven in a complex configuration with the other capabilities and competencies of the firm and in practice, are very difficult to separate from them. Rather than assuming that firms inherently possess network capability, our aim is to discover if the shared managerial logic of top management teams confirms its presence. In order to understand how managers perceive, process and interpret network capability, we guided the management teams of five industrial suppliers through a novel five-step process of introducing, identifying, critically screening, challenging and verifying the capabilities of the firm. The paper introduces a framework for strategic capability architecture and investigates how network capability emerges from among the configuration of other capabilities in industrial firms. We found that network capabilities are central to the formation of customer capabilities. Network capabilities also play an important role as assets contributing to the formation of other capability sets. Furthermore, we found that the networking capabilities act in unison with other capabilities through three different strategic logics termed partnering, value streaming, and horizontal allying.  相似文献   

Overseas Chinese business networks have been a powerful growth engine propelling local economies in Southeast Asia and the Greater China region. However, relatively little research has been conducted on the relationship between social capital and a firm's synergy creation in overseas Chinese business networks. To narrow this knowledge gap, this study adopts an integrative approach drawing on two complementary theories of transaction cost economics (TCE) and social capital to investigate how a firm creates synergy in overseas Chinese business networks. A multiple regression method was used to test hypotheses. The results indicate that repeat transactions and close ties with government offices and financial institutions contributed positively towards a firm's synergy creation while other variables such as trust, transaction uncertainty and information sharing did not show any significant relationship with synergy creation. Data from 108 Hong Kong-based Chinese manufacturing firms provide evidence that the integrative approach is rather effective in studying a firm's synergy creation in the context of interorganisational relationships.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s the theoretical and practical issues associated with organizational capabilities have been a major research focus in marketing. However, there has been little focus simultaneously on industry environment and internal competitive capability development. A manager's perception of his/her industry environment has the potential to impact the firm's marketing-related capability development through their strategic responses to their perception of the environment. This paper advocates that managers (i.e., firms) perceiving their industry environment as turbulent will develop superior market learning and marketing capabilities. Market learning will assist in the process of building superior marketing capabilities. Both capabilities lead to higher brand performance. To explore these issues a study was designed to measure perceived industry competitive intensity, market learning and marketing capabilities. Data were gathered from senior managers of commercial firms and the results largely support the hypothesized theoretical relationship that industry competitive intensity influences market learning activity and marketing capability development. Interestingly, the study findings suggest that market learning impacts brand performance through marketing capability. The findings significantly contribute to the debate on the influence of the competitive environment on a firm's internal capability development which suggests the need for further research to examine the industry competitive intensity-internal capabilities-firm performance relationship.  相似文献   

Using evidence from exporting firms in China, this research aims to determine the conditions that foster manufacturing flexibility and the way in which firms support it. The contingency perspective and the competence and capability theory are utilized to develop a framework to enhance the knowledge of internal competence, external flexibility, and manufacturing performance, and the understanding of the moderating roles of strategic and organizational choice on the competence-flexibility and flexibility-performance relationships. Empirical evidence from a sample of 222 export product/market ventures confirmed the main effect that manufacturing, assembly outsourcing, and marketing competencies support a firm's manufacturing flexibility and in turn enhance manufacturing performance. Several notable moderating effects were also identified. Although a strategic emphasis on low-cost manufacturing and long-term contracting weakens a firm's transformation of core competencies into flexible capabilities, specific organizational choices regarding private ownership and direct exporting strengthen the conversion of manufacturing flexibility to superior manufacturing performance.  相似文献   

The present study combines industrial marketing and purchasing research on network pictures with a practice perspective of strategy research to examine strategizing by small firm managers in a network context. Network pictures are framed to function as a part of a situational mechanism of strategy formation, a dynamic process of emergence at the intersection of cognitive interpretation and network-embedded acting. The situational mechanism is presented and the theoretical framework further elaborated through a case study of three small software firms. As a result, the situational mechanism of strategy formation is discussed in relation to how small firm managers make sense of change in industrial networks and reflect it in the strategic activities of their firms.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that firms can use a transaction cost approach to make multiple channel system design related decisions. The author differentiates between two types of multiple channel systems and hypothesizes that transaction asset specificity, behavioral uncertainty and environmental uncertainty lead manufacturers to adopt either a dual channel system or a multiple independent channel system. Furthermore, the author proposes that when all three transaction cost variables match with the type of multiple channel system used, firms can minimize their transaction costs and eventually increase their channel system performance in terms of contribution to firm profitability. The author tests the hypotheses with survey data collected from 229 firms. The results support that the fit between the type of multiple channel mix and the three transaction-cost theory variables results in lower transaction costs and higher contribution to profit. The author presents theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

信息技术应用对企业纵向边界的影响--实证研究与讨论   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
基于交易成本理论的分析表明:信息技术应用节约了企业的内部协调成本和外部交易成本,从而影响企业纵向边界的变动,然而这一理论推断需要进一步的检验。本文利用我国信息技术行业的数据进行实证研究.分析信息技术应用与企业纵向边界变动之间的关系。结果表明:现阶段的信息技术应用使企业纵向边界呈现扩大的趋势。文章据此讨论了中外企业信息化进程的差异和影响.并解释研究结果对企业规模边界和能力边界变动趋势的含义。  相似文献   

Business-to-business marketing literature acknowledges the value firms, including business process outsourcing firms, realise through their supplier networks. Such value realisation is often possible through a dynamic exchange of complementary organisational capabilities between a firm and its network partners. However, little is known about how outsourcing firms develop these capabilities and thus realise value. This paper addresses an unexplored theoretical gap of developing market-based organisational learning capabilities in business process outsourcing firms. Using a capabilities lens, this study assesses the impact of quality management capabilities in developing market-based organisational learning capability. Findings from a case study of four business process outsourcing firms in India suggest that effective knowledge transfer, diffusion and the development of market-based organisational learning capabilities are contingent upon the strength of a firm's quality management capabilities. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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