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索尼外包的元器件,废品率是千万分之一,瑞士航空公司的顾客满意率是99.9%,在网上购买戴尔的电脑,时限是24小时送到全球任何一个角落。西方人做产品,做生意,包括做商人,很讲究精确,喜欢实打实,硬碰硬。中国人曾经将圆周率的小数点搞到世界最精确,但不知从什么时候起,难得糊涂却成为一种美德。以致当我们遇到了很好的发展机遇时,常常是因为不精确、不细致、不严谨而痛失良机。像食品的保质期、黄金的含金量和电器的开箱合格率等,本来就是不应该有的问题,但实际上漏洞百出的事司空见惯,在市场调研、顾客调查、战略系统分析和企业发展方略等“模…  相似文献   

在这个高速变化的时代里,当科技革命真的把“日新月异”变成现实之后,人们更加感受到唯物辩证法那不尽的光辉——愈是在高度复杂的时代变迁中,愈是要清醒地认知这样一个道理:简单为王。沃尔玛的老板莎姆·沃尔顿创业前,就对他的家乡小镇作了深入的考察,那些每天操持家务的乡间妇女数着每一个铜板精打细算过日子的情景,给他印象极深。创业伊始,就把这块牌子扛了40多年。一直到现在,沃尔玛超市的成功底蕴就是它能够在价格政策上的“超越”。就像当初克劳克对麦当劳的敏锐直觉一样,也像当年潘可顿运用灵感发现可口可乐的商业价值一样,莎姆发现…  相似文献   

做企业家和做英雄一样,应该保持低调。最低调的企业家,应该是沃尔玛的老板莎姆·沃尔顿。当他成为亿万富翁后,仍然到他们家街角的理发店理发,出门坐低等舱,住下等宾馆,到家庭餐厅就餐。他没有“标准照”,开的是创业时的旧式小货车。沃尔顿一家也从来不买豪华游艇,他的儿子罗伯逊·沃尔顿子承父业后,也一直保持低调。有一天,当下属告诉他,沃尔玛已经被《财富》杂志评为500强后,他只是点了点头,然后低头干他的活儿。而换成别人,欢庆、欢呼和欢天喜地总是免不了的吧?换成我们,喜悦、喜庆和喜出望外是当然的吧?实际上,我们就有些人乐得把哪怕是…  相似文献   

张兰 《房地产导刊》2011,(6):89-91,88
中国是具有五千年传统历史的文明古国,城市规划、建筑设计、景观设计都是传统文化中的重要组成部分,它们反映着古人对老庄哲学和古典美学"天人合一"的理想追求,更多体现的是一种诗情画意的意境创造。  相似文献   

你是最好的吗?也许你有这个自信,但一定要有验证的方法:也许你没这个自信,但事实证明了你的优秀,让人大吃一惊。方法也好,事实也罢,全都存在于比较之中。  相似文献   

一个心理实验很有意思:一群女大学生自愿参加一个讨论性心理的会议,其中1/3的女生经历了一个漫长而严格的检测选拔程序才争取到入会资格,另外1/3经历了一个不太严格的选拔过程,最后1/3则未经任何程序上的困难.在这个会议上,所有人都听同样的讨论会发言(一段录音),其结果是经历严峻考验的1/3人认为这一讨论是有价值和有趣的,而那些未经严格挑选或未花力气就取得资格的人则认为:讨论会上的发言简直是在浪费时间,枯燥乏味.为什么会出现这种现象呢?原因在于,凡是付出努力的人在心理上都要为自己的行为辩解.  相似文献   

<正>现有西方主导的品牌评价方法,更多地代表发达国家的利益,适合销售范围覆盖全球的国际品牌,不利于我国处于成长期的品牌,甚至会阻碍我国品牌的发展。因此,我们需要加快建设我国的品牌价值评价体系,尽快与世界接轨,改变品牌定价权缺失的现状,为中国标准走向世界奠定基础。  相似文献   

介绍了上海北芳物流有限公司的发展历程,分析了良好的外部环境是公司创新求变和发展的驱动力,例举了相关供应链物流服务的几个案例,总结了企业成功的关键要素。  相似文献   

Small firms contribute significantly to the UK economy, but most research into learning and work features the experience of large organisations. This article focuses on learning and work in small organisations. An interpretive framework relating to organisational learning is derived from the literature. Data on learning in small firms that internationalise are analysed to assess the extent to which models of organisational learning are applicable to the context and challenges they face. The article suggests that the large firm model of learning is inappropriate; the distinctive culture and communication systems of small organisations require different approaches to the acquisition, transmission and interpretation of knowledge. Tacit knowledge, developed through informal learning, is a priority and learning through local business networks is more important than participation in formal programmes. Advocacy of human resource development (HRD) practices based on conventional theories of organisational learning, therefore, may hinder rather than encourage performance in small organisations.  相似文献   

The theory of probability employs a deductive method of thinking which traces effect from cause. Statistics uses an inductive method of thinking and tries to trace cause from effect. This noble goal can be successfully achieved if and only if a researcher deals with a homogeneous data set. A homogeneous data set is generated logically and then it is to be tested statistically. The homogeneity principle bridges the gap between probability theory and applied statistics and makes statistics as precise as the theory of probability. In this role statistics opens new horizons for estimating parameters when the central limit theorem is not applied.  相似文献   

经济全球化的概念,最早是上世纪80年代中期提出来的.作为时代特征,经济全球化伴随20多年来信息技术的革命性发展而渐成潮流,伴随10多年来世界各国经济社会利益大调整而越加变化多端.阿尔及利亚总统布特弗利卡形象地说,"经济全球化的列车已经开动,不管你是否坐在车上".  相似文献   

Each year at budget time, the standard question asked of the materiel management group is "Why do you have so many people?" Our answer had been that we do not have enough people. With more people, we could lower total cost and manage inventories better. The inevitable standoff occurs with each side feeling that the other does not understand the need for materiel management services. In early 1993, we decided to be prepared to answer the famous question of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, "How do you know?" We wanted to show people we really did know our business and thus initiated a project to benchmark planning, purchasing, and scheduling services of other companies. This article shares not only the results of the benchmarking efforts, but also the techniques for getting started.  相似文献   

大同煤矿集团公司高度重视企业文化建设与创新,坚持以高品质的企业文化来推动企业科学发展.特别是近年来,企业从自身实际出发,确立了"制度管企,文化管人'的企业文化建设总体思路,以文化力增强各项工作的执行力,有效地提升了企业管理水平,增强了企业核心竞争力,为推动企业科学发展、和谐发展、可持续发展奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

中国南车集团公司株洲电力机车厂(以下简称株电厂)是国家大型一类企业和国务院重点调度的520户重点企业之一,中国轨道电力牵引装备主要研制生产基地和城轨交通设备国产化定点企业,享有中国电力机车之都的美誉。工厂致力于为中国和广大发展中国家提供安全、快捷、舒适、经济的运载212具,主要研制生产高速客运、客货两用、重载货运  相似文献   

Marginal Workers and Their Decisions to Work or to Quit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract . What motivates the marginal worker to decide to work or to quit and collect unemployment insurance or welfare payments? A study of poultry processing plant workers in Georgia indicates that few quit to obtain more leisure. Dissatisfaction with compensation is only a secondary factor. Primary ones are cumulative dissatisfaction with work and the total work environment. Changes in supervision and in the Job structure are suggested.  相似文献   

汪光焘 《房地产导刊》2012,(10):35-37,34
中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,也是工业化、城镇化快速发展的人口大国。2011年,我国城镇化率首次超过50%,达到51.27%。城镇人口为6.9亿人,“十二五”期间,预计每年新增城镇人口约2100万人。此外,我国每年有2.1亿农村人口在流动,7000万城市人口在流动。我们面临的是资源短缺、生态退化、污染严重等资源和环境问题,如何实现生态环境保护与经济社会发展的“双赢”,是中国面临的长期挑战。  相似文献   

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