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从理论上说,所谓做金融就是在处理一系列的随机事件。通俗点说,金融希望我们可以对未来从无知走向无所不知。但很遗憾,这是一件永远不可能完成的任务。永远,对个体而言,意味着一辈子。  相似文献   

越来越多的保险公司认识到建立和维持良好客户关系的重要性。然而,即使是最优秀的保险公司也不可能做到十全十美,不可能保证永远不发生失误或不引起客户投诉。时下,不少保险司非常看重自己在客户心目中的完美形象,担心客户投诉会给自己信誉带来影响或经济上的损失,却很少认真地考虑如何把坏变好。其实,客户投诉并不可怕,它是一种宝贵的信息资源,我们要正确对待客户投诉,  相似文献   

每年的3月24日,我都会想起一个人,但现在只能想念而不可能见面,因为他已经永远地走了。17年前的这一天,是我见他的唯一一面。当时他独自一人步行在茫茫无际、寸草不生的戈壁上的背影历历在目,  相似文献   

土豪的世界我们永远不会懂!而且世界上永远不缺少土豪,他们开豪车,住豪宅,穿戴昂贵的衣服首饰等等,这些寻常百姓可能一辈子都见不到,就连他们的食物都价值连城。你们见识过世界上最贵的食物吗?赶紧跟着小编来见识下土豪的食物吧!  相似文献   

“彼此如家人般相待”,这不是一句口号,而是欧扎克第一社区银行所秉持的做事原则。尽管网上银行十分方便,但是永远不可能代替温暖的握手和亲切的问候。现在,这一原则已成为这家非常新且非常小的银行在市场立足的法宝。  相似文献   

曹恬 《金融博览》2011,(15):42-43
“彼此如家人般相待”,这不是一句口号,而是欧扎克第一社区银行所秉持的做事原则,尽管网上银行十分方便.但是永远不可能代替温暖的握手和亲切的问候。现在,这一原则已成为这家非常新且非常小的银行赖以在市场立足的法宝。  相似文献   

简介无论是大宗商品、外汇、股票、股票指数还是债券等价格走势是否存在这样一种规律?这种规律不随时间、地域、投资者而改变。回答这个问题可能要先定义什么是规律,对这个问题的深究属于哲学范畴的讨论。但通过对大量价格走势图的观察可知,任何价格走势最基本的规律就是不能永远上涨也不能永远下跌,一直是上涨与下跌交替出现。  相似文献   

3月14日上午,十一届全国人大五次会议在人民大会堂举行记者会,国务院总理温家宝会见中外记者,并回答记者提问。温家宝说,今年可能是最困难的一年,但也可能是最有希望的一年。人民需要政府的冷静、果敢和诚信;政府需要人民的信任、支持和帮助。面对国际金融危机和欧债危机的蔓延、发展,关键是把我们自己的事情办好。我将在最后一年“守职而不废,处义而不回”,永远同人民在一起。  相似文献   

有人说,“你如果要想一辈子苦恼,就办一个企业。”经营一个企业,就意味着卷入了一场永远不可能结束的“战争”。在这场“战争”中,每一次大大小小的战役,部可能起因于采个资讯。由于所获得的资讯不同,对资讯的判断不同,所采取的行动不同,就有了不同的结果。  相似文献   

桂曙光 《国际融资》2013,(11):44-47
优秀的VC并不是永远都不会错过好项目、不投资坏项目,也不可能做到,但是.即便是成功的VC都会看走眼、放过好项目。这只是关于风险投资真相之一,还是其他种种真相.对此,创业者要有所了解  相似文献   

Bank equity capital can play several roles; for example as a buffer against (unexpected) loss, as protection for other creditors in bankruptcy, and as ‘skin in the game’. There was never sufficient discussion of which role(s) the BCBS capital adequacy requirements (CARs) were meant to play, and whether they did so satisfactorily. In practice they did not. I discuss what principles should lie behind CARs if we could design these from scratch. I argue that there should be a minimum intervention point triggering official action to depose management and shareholders, and then move to resolution, with an increasingly penal ladder of sanctions as equity capital falls towards this point. A similar approach should also be applied to liquidity requirements.  相似文献   

By definition profit refers to the difference between revenue and expenses. In for-profit organizations profit or surplus gives a return to the owners of the company and serves as a source of financing for capital acquisitions and working capital. Nonprofit organizations, which are not allowed a surplus, don't suffer on the first count because they have no owners. But they do suffer on the second count because, if expected to grow, they need to finance asset replacement and growth. In these days when funds for long-term debt are becoming scarcer, this author asserts, the need for regulators to allow 'nonprofits' to keep a surplus is increasing. In this article, he argues for a surplus and then discusses how managers and regulators can determine how much a nonprofit organization should be allowed. He presents a combination of a modified version of the return-on-asset pricing model used in for-profit organizations and a model for assessing working capital needs associated with growth.  相似文献   

黄泽民委员是第十、十一届全国政协委员,华东师范大学终身教授、博士生导师,他对世界经济、国际金融与国际货币经济学研究深入,对中国金融市场的发展有独到的见解,十年来,他在"两会"期间提交的数十个提案中,有多个被政府有关部门采纳,比如:建议国务院相关部门积极推进人民币国际化,建议尽快推出股指期货、促进股票市场健康发展,建议尽快建立中国的存款保险制度,以及关于适时推出国债期货的提案等。在今年召开的全国政协十一届五次会议上,他又提交了四个金融方面的提案。在接受《国际融资》记者独家专访时,针对目前中国金融市场面临的若干现实问题,他建议:监管层应考虑解除对证券公司过于严格的管制,推广对券商业务监管的备案制度,推进中国证券公司金融产品创新业务;由政府高层主导,社会保障、财税、金融监管、发展规划等多部委从制度层面、政策层面、操作层面共同推进养老金入市;创建环形清算借贷系统,在银行贷款、民间借贷和股权融资等传统融资方法之外,为中小企业融资寻找一种适合中国国情的创新服务模式和长效机制;在推进人民币国际化进程中,必须尽快推出利率衍生品,优先发展国债期货,建立包括发行市场、交易市场和利率风险管理市场的债券市场  相似文献   

什么是真正的特色小镇 特色小镇确实比较好,能够引导金融资源脱虚向实,是服务于实体经济的载体.当前,中国各地方政府都在以打造"特色小镇"为抓手而打造新的产业集群模式.但存在的问题在于,往往上面"一声令下",下面就一起"大干快上",导致现在的特色小镇有点儿太多了,都叫特色小镇就没那么有特色了.什么是特色小镇?范仲淹曾说过:"泯然众人矣".如果特色小镇都一样了,就像女孩子本来花大价钱买的衣服却在买后发现打了五折.同时,也不是什么地方都适合打造特色小镇,要根据当地的实际需求,特别是周边区域的实际需求.有西部挺偏远的地方说要打造一个金融小镇,听闻此消息让人很震惊,实在是想不出来怎么去打造这个金融小镇.建立特色小镇,从市场的角度来说,还是要围绕与产业链的互动,通过产融结合的模式打造,但说起来容易,做起来难.  相似文献   

金融需要网格吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年以来,关于网格的报道忽然多了起来。一时间,网格成为最炙手可热的IT技术。本刊2003年第2期发表了深圳发展银行高级顾问陈增圭的一篇署名文章,文章论述了网格在金融行业的应用前景,这篇文章在业内引起了很大反响,引发了人们心中的疑问———  相似文献   

Everybody loves the stories of heroes like Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, and Gandhi. But the heroic model of moral leadership usually doesn't work in the corporate world. Modesty and restraint are largely responsible for the achievements of the most effective moral leaders in business. The author, a specialist in business ethics, says the quiet leaders he has studied follow four basic rules in meeting ethical challenges and making decisions. The rules constitute an important resource for executives who want to encourage the development of such leaders among their middle managers. The first rule is "Put things off till tomorrow." The passage of time allows turbulent waters to calm and lets leaders' moral instincts emerge. "Pick your battles" means that quiet leaders don't waste political capital on fights they can't win; they save it for occasions when they really want to fight. "Bend the rules, don't break them" sounds easier than it is--bending the rules in order to resolve a complicated situation requires imagination, discipline, restraint, flexibility, and entrepreneurship. The fourth rule, "Find a compromise," reflects the author's finding that quiet leaders try not to see situations as polarized tests of ethical principles. These individuals work hard to craft compromises that are "good enough"--responsible and workable enough--to satisfy themselves, their companies, and their customers. The vast majority of difficult problems are solved through the consistent striving of people working far from the limelight. Their quiet approach to leadership doesn't inspire, thrill, or provide story lines for uplifting TV shows. But the unglamorous efforts of quiet leaders make a tremendous difference every day in the corporate world.  相似文献   

Getting the attention you need   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Employees have an enormous amount of business information at their fingertips--more specifically, at their desktops. The floodgates are open; profitable possibilities abound. But having to handle all that information has pushed downsized staffs to the brink of an acute attention deficit disorder. To achieve corporate goals, business leaders need their employees' full attention--and that attention is in short supply. Authors Thomas Davenport and John Beck have studied how companies manage the attention of their employees and their site visitors. In this article, they analyze the components of attention management through three lenses--economic, psychobiological, and technological--and offer guidelines for keeping employees focused on crucial corporate tasks. Their lessons are drawn from the best practices employed by today's stickiest Web sites and by traditional attention industries such as advertising, film, and television. The authors say executives must manage attention knowing that it's a zero-sum game (there's only so much to go around). Managers should also consider capitalizing on the basic survival and competitive instincts we all have that help determine how much attention we pay to certain things. For instance, the threat of corporate demise--and the consequent loss of jobs and livelihoods--undoubtedly focuses workers' attention on the need to change. Likewise, internal competition among business units may give employees added incentive to pay attention to a profit or sales goal. Leaders today need to pay more attention to attention because it's widely misunderstood and widely mismanaged, the authors conclude.  相似文献   

立实 《国际融资》2007,(1):17-20
经过加入世贸5年的锻炼,中国企业的实力日益强大,对于国际规则的运用和掌握也越来越熟练,走出去的步子也将迈得越来越大.在这个过程中,企业不可避免将面临错综复杂的国家风险因素:国际市场风险、国际业务风险,以及众多的由政治制度、法律、税务、市场需求和文化差异所带来的风险.风险是双刃剑,漠视它可能招致无可挽回的损失,而过于畏惧又会使企业失去良机,关键在于如何规避它.那么,企业应当如何有效利用出口信用保险,将企业走出去的风险降至最低呢?企业和中国信保在走出去的项目中又是如何分工合作的呢?  相似文献   

Allen Tough 《Futures》1993,25(10):1041-1050
What do future generations need from us? Various procedures, including individual and group role playing at 13 locations in nine countries, can help us answer this question. In general, future generations need equal opportunity (a legacy as beneficial as ours was), our caring about their well-being, and attention to their needs in our legislatures and parliaments. Their particular needs are for us to focus on peace and security, the environment, the worst risks of all, governance, the knowledge base, children and learning. The needs of future generations may provide the centrepiece for a new global ethic that improves our prospects for a positive future.  相似文献   

程实 《国际融资》2006,(8):29-30
2006年6月16日,整个世界都为阿根廷疯狂了.潘帕斯雄鹰在死亡之组的巅峰对决之中用6粒赏心悦目、无可争议、精彩绝伦的进球向所有人诠释了华丽足球的真正含义.  相似文献   

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