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Volunteer tourism is an increasingly popular activity in which individuals combine travel with voluntary work. On the whole, existing literature has provided an optimistic view of volunteer tourism, suggesting that it represents a more reciprocal form of tourism and facilitates the development of cross-cultural understanding among participants. However, more recently, it has been argued that if volunteer tourism programmes (VTPs) are not carefully managed, they may lead to cross-cultural misunderstanding and the reinforcement of cultural stereotypes. Through conducting an Appreciative Inquiry into a number of volunteer programmes, this research sought to explore these ideas further and, in particular, identify the role that volunteer tourism sending organisations can play in order to ensure that cross-cultural understanding develops through volunteer tourism. The findings from this research suggest that the development of cross-cultural understanding should be perceived as a goal of volunteer tourism rather than a natural result of sending volunteers overseas. This paper argues that sending organisations can play an important role in facilitating the achievement of this goal through pro-active management prior, during, and after their VTPs.  相似文献   

The use of robots in hospitality and tourism is rapidly evolving. Restaurants progressively include robots as part of their staff, not only as waiters but also as chefs. The robotization of tourism and gastronomic experiences is a vital challenge that both service providers and customers need to cope with. Within this context, the paper investigates the perceptions of tourists towards the use of robots in restaurants. Drawing from a qualitative research design and built on a grounded theory approach, the results reveal the opportunities derived from the implementation of robots in hospitality and tourism. On the other hand, tourists also perceive the growing presence of robots in food services as a form of dehumanization of the gastronomic experience. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed with regard to a new experiencescape that is increasingly dominated by human-robot interactions.  相似文献   

陶长江 《旅游学刊》2020,35(3):127-142
文章围绕残障与旅游、残障旅游市场需求、残障旅游市场供给和无障碍旅游4大研究主题8个研究细类,梳理残障旅游境外研究状况。境外研究总体态势是以残障群体旅游需求为研究重点,围绕残障群体的旅游特点、动机、需求、偏好、决策、体验和出行障碍作诸多有益探索;同时基于残障群体的旅游需求特性,从旅行社、航空运输、住宿、景区4大旅游产业角度,针对性研究解决残障人群出行和旅游参与障碍、提供合理旅游产品和服务的思路和方法。文章最后评述了境外研究的思路、方法与不足,并从研究方法、研究团队构成和近期可以开展的研究领域对国内学者提出建议。  相似文献   

随着大众旅游初级阶段的到来,我国旅游业也相应进入了国家战略体系,加上旅游教育和人才培养层次的提升,基于中国学术立场和现实诉求的理论创新已是当务之急。在分析总结旅游发展阶段特征和当代旅游发展的核心价值取向的基础上,文章提出了当代旅游发展理论的核心观点:构建以旅游法为核心的国家意志体系,以旅游经济监测与预警为中心的宏观调控体系,以游客满意为导向的微观监管体系。  相似文献   

Camping tourism represents a growing part of the overall tourism industry. Despite this fact, this form of tourism has so far been rather neglected by tourism and hospitality research. Using a case study of a major campsite operator in the coastal part of Croatia, this study thus aims to contribute to the understanding of this specific tourist segment. In particular, a relevance-determinance analysis is conducted to reveal most decisive attributes for campsite choice, on the one hand, and for the actual campsite experience, on the other hand. Overall, the results provide valuable insight to practitioners, especially for the purposes of campsite marketing and experience management.  相似文献   

吴建兴  吴茂英  汪菁 《旅游学刊》2022,37(2):130-141
在后现代主义思潮的影响下,自我民族志在反思传统民族志中诞生。自我民族志凸显了"自我",是一种对研究者亲身经历的文化体验展开反思性描述的质性研究方法,已经引起了国内外旅游学者关注与应用。但这些研究大都仅采用了自我民族志的方法,未对自我民族志的理论与方法展开深入的探讨。该文以此为契机,首先,在理论层面梳理了自我民族志的起源、内涵,重点阐述了自我民族志与旅游研究的逻辑联系,论述了旅游研究对自我民族志的意义。然后,在此基础上,梳理了2000—2019年71篇应用自我民族志的旅游研究论文,重点阐述旅游领域中自我民族志适用的研究情景,结合文献分析各研究情景中方法论的优势,说明方法论局限以及克服局限的策略。最后,结合已有文献阐述自我民族志如何应用于旅游研究,提炼自我民族志在旅游研究中的理论贡献,并进一步讨论旅游研究应用自我民族志的巨大空间以及对自我民族志范式的贡献。  相似文献   


The present paper reviews the innovation literature related to tourism and examines the twin problems of operational definitions and measurement of innovation in the tourism sector. A conceptual model is then proposed by which the most relevant aspects of innovation and the most relevant aspects of the “tourism experience” can be integrated conceptually, and which can guide the development of related operational definitions and measurements and lead to a standardization of, and therefore an ability to aggregate, tourism innovation statistics across products, providers, markets and geopolitical regions. The model first categorizes innovations along two dimensions: an “invention-adoption” continuum and an “impact-on-the-tourism-experience” dimension, which includes accessibility, affective transformation, convenience and value. How the use of these categories can direct attention to important definitional and measurement issues are discussed as is how their use can improve the comparability of tourism innovation data collected from disparate sources. Finally, a third dimension, the economic impact of the innovation, is introduced to the model. The paper concludes with implications and guidelines for future research aimed at validating the model described.  相似文献   

Beyond looking to emotion and affect for the purpose of understanding better the tourist experience in itself, this article considers what affect produced through tourism might do vis-à-vis our relationship with the world around us. With a particular focus on the production of ‘hopeful mood’, the article discusses the links between affect and tourism narratives of loss and of hope performed in two New Zealand tourism destinations. That both loss and hope narratives are produced in both destinations illustrates not only how tourism narratives are ‘affective’, but also that the affect produced is potentially selective. The implications of these narratives for tourism’s hopeful ‘worldmaking’ capacities are considered, along with suggested further avenues for research on tourism narratives, mood and affect.  相似文献   

This study deals with a normative concept of participatory development approach, which originates in the developed world. In particular, it analyses and explains the limitations to the participatory tourism development approach in the context of developing countries. It was found that there are operational, structural and cultural limits to community participation in the TDP in many developing countries although they do not equally exist in every tourist destination. Moreover, while these limits tend to exhibit higher intensity and greater persistence in the developing world than in the developed world, they appear to be a reflection of prevailing socio-political, economic and cultural structure in many developing countries. On the other hand, it was also found that although these limitations may vary over time according to types, scale and levels of tourism development, the market served, and cultural attributes of local communities, forms and scale of tourism developed are beyond the control of local communities. It concludes that formulating and implementing the participatory tourism development approach requires a total change in socio-political, legal, administrative and economic structure of many developing countries, for which hard political choices and logical decisions based on cumbersome social, economic and environmental trade-offs are sine qua non alongside deliberate help, collaboration and co-operation of major international donor agencies, NGOs, international tour operators and multinational companies.  相似文献   

世俗的朝圣:西藏旅游体验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西藏正成为越来越重要的旅游目的地,然而对西藏旅游体验具体的微观研究却相对缺乏。文章通过对西藏旅游者的深度访谈,来探讨他们的旅游体验。游客往往将西藏想象成一种神圣之地,西藏的旅游体验对于游客而言也具有神圣的意义,主要体现在游客对自然、宗教和藏族人的体验上。西藏纯净的自然可以净化游客的心灵,让他们联想到远离喧嚣的生活。西藏的寺庙和朝拜的信徒营造出一种虔诚而神圣的氛围,让游客内心备受震动。看到藏民的执着和虔诚,游客心中会产生一种满足感。而藏民淳朴的为人处世的方式更让游客感到一种自己社会所缺失了的真实。西藏的神圣不在于游客对其宗教的信仰上,而在于其社会文化意义,西藏提供了游客日常生活所缺失的自然与人文,满足了游客的精神需求。西藏的旅游体验与其说是宗教朝圣,毋宁说是一种世俗的朝圣。  相似文献   

本文首先通过语义内涵解读、现象考察和比较分析构建了穿越认知逻辑分析框架,然后从语义学视角应用发生学方法、心理距离理论,通过逻辑分析构建旅游时空穿越回环结构、旅游穿越过程结构机制模型,并对旅游穿越结构进行过程机制分析。研究结论认为:旅游的时空转换结构是一种穿越结构,旅游穿越表现出完整的时空穿越特征,具有人类穿越式对话的典型性;旅游结构的本质是时空穿越;旅游穿越就是通过物理时空转换建立心理距离,最终达成心灵对话之目标。因此,旅游运行的核心矛盾就是解决由物理空间转换带来的交通需要和由穿越式对话带来的旅游实景营造需要,从而实现心理时空穿越。本文通过对旅游结构本质的追问,将"穿越"这一日常化语言抽象为学术语言,形成旅游学内生性概念和范畴,为旅游体验活动提供了一种新型的解释话语,并为不同类型穿越结构、穿越感问题的研究拓展了探讨空间。  相似文献   

吕方园  郭萍 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):108-115
邮轮霸船已成为邮轮旅游发展之实质障碍,在2013年《中华人民共和国旅游法》(以下简称《旅游法》)生效之后,将邮轮霸船行为置于《旅游法》框架下进行考量确为解决问题之良策。首先明确邮轮公司与旅客各自的法律定位,邮轮旅客身份发生了从旅客到消费者再到不轨旅客的嬗变,将邮轮公司定性为《旅游法》下的履行辅助人则更为恰当,并厘清彼此之间的法律关系,进而分析邮轮霸船中"不轨旅客"因违反法定义务而对邮轮公司法定权利的践踏与公共秩序安全的危害。为此,邮轮霸船问题的有效解决亟须确立"疏堵并举"的法治化治理理念,严格执法,并以倒逼的方式来培养旅客的规则意识,同时,需要通过域外旅游纠纷裁决制度的本土化构建来形成一套行之有效的争端解决机制。  相似文献   

高速铁路与旅游业:成果评述与经验启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
殷平 《旅游学刊》2012,27(6):33-40
我国高速铁路的迅速发展对区域旅游产业发展的影响逐步显现.旅游业如何应对高速铁路带来的交通变革亟须理论与经验的指引.文章对国内外高速铁路与旅游业关系的研究进行梳理,从高速铁路与旅游产业要素、旅游者动机与行为、旅游企业选址以及旅游空间格局等方面进行了归纳与综述.研究表明,国外研究具有内容系统化、理论多元化、方法多样化和研究规范化的特征.结合国内研究所取得的成果,文章从加强高速铁路与旅游者决策、旅游产品结构、旅游产业布局、业态创新、区域旅游空间结构演变及旅游发展模式创新等多个层面构建高速铁路与旅游业研究领域的内容体系,同时在规范学术研究和应用研究方法等方面对我国未来相关领域的研究提出了建议.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the relationship between tourism and global climate change. On the one hand, the tourism industry may be one of the greatest economic victims of climate change. Yet, on the other hand, the broader tourism sector is also a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. This study traces the evolution of academic interest in tourism and climate change. Growth in this area has tracked growth in interest in climate change in general, with tourism-related papers representing consistently about 0.5% of the published research on climate change.  相似文献   

旅游发展背景下政治不信任的形成因素及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈品宇  刘俊 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):93-107
信任或者不信任的动态关系变化对于理解现代社会、社会关系和发展过程是十分重要的。信任可以影响到旅游发展的成功或者失败,但是旅游学者很少关注到信任话题。文章以广东汕尾红海湾为例,采用质性研究方法,分析旅游发展背景下政治不信任是如何形成的,又是如何进一步通过空间实践影响旅游发展的过程。研究发现,政治不信任受到权力关系、收益成本感知、政治经济绩效、人际信任和文化导向5个因素的影响,是在特定的制度环境、社会互动和历史文化的复杂关系中交织形成的。政治不信任的存在,使得地方政府与地方社区之间拒绝社会交换以及社会资本的断裂,增加了旅游政策运行成本,延缓了旅游发展进程。研究一方面把政治信任理论视角引入国内旅游研究,另一方面修订和补充了旅游发展与政治信任的理论框架,并提出对政治信任研究的批判性思考。研究有助于推动从旅游管理"过程"的关注向旅游开发"起点"的关注,即政治信任问题一定程度上先天奠定了旅游发展的成功或失败,这为当下旅游开发中的善治问题提供了实践参考。  相似文献   

International tourism is an industry that is second only to petroleum as a commodity in world trade. There are many positions available in the international tourist industry to geographers who wish to pursue them. Nearly every geographic specialization, topical or regional, can be accomodated. There are opportunities for members of the discipline with experience ranging from the undergraduate to the post-doctoral levels in research and planning, information and marketing services, and technical services. Types of activities include development research and planning, location analysis, teaching, cartography, and others.  相似文献   

The research documented in this paper argues that the authentic learning environment is achievable through “academic practitioners” who can ground business education and research within practice. A culture fostering the academic understanding of the practitioner environment enables practical engagement with academic rigour. The case study illustrates specific examples from degree programmes engaging with student and academic voices, with a particular focus on the development of authentic learning experiences for tourism and hospitality students. Key aspects of business education need embedding within the development of tourism and hospitality curricula in order to engage with the tacit knowledge required by the sector through a holistic approach to curriculum development.  相似文献   

Although Macau is widely stigmatized as a gambling paradise, its colonial past has left the city with a wealth of heritage and cultural attractions that can be converted into priceless tourism resources. Macau's status as world heritage city further creates opportunities for the city to develop its heritage tourism business. This requires Macau to understand heritage tourists whose needs and wants may vary from ordinary travelers. A review of the literature, however, indicates that most academic discussions of Macau heritage are from a history or conservation perspective rather than from the prism of tourism; because of this, the present study aims to explore, from a tourism perspective, the critical factors that are essential to enhance tourist experience when visiting Macau's major heritage sites.  相似文献   

区域旅游线路的复杂网络特征——以福建省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域旅游线路呈现出的空间几何特征及其地理拓扑关系可以运用复杂网络工具进行剖析。该研究在国内外相关研究的基础上,以福建省为例,分别对省内出发和省外出发两种不同空间尺度的旅游线路进行定量分析,利用从出发地到各个旅游目的地形成的地理拓扑关系建构区域旅游网络,在此基础上从空间平均距离、形态指数、点度分布、中间性、匹配性、鲁棒性等统计量来分析旅游线路的空间网络结构。研究表明,多重区域旅游线路组合形成的网络整体上呈现出无标度网络特征,知名旅游目的地在网络中占据着核心位置;区域旅游线路的空间网络结构反映出福建省各旅游目的地的跨区合作已初见端倪,但仍需要深化推行产业集群区的跨区域合作经营;从点度的分布方面,省内旅游市场中的旅游线路在空间尺度上对旅游目的地的覆盖范围更加广泛,且各目的地的点度分布较为均衡,而省外旅游市场则仍需要继续与区域旅游的非核心目的地进行深度整合。  相似文献   

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