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当医生帮助的是病人,做信息化却是在帮助医生和医院。  相似文献   

日前,读报读到这么一个奇闻,说一家医院,医生正欲诊断病情,患者却从包里取出录音机,让医生大吃一惊,患者解释,以备日后打官司作证据用。这一情节让医生心寒胆颤。在报纸上看到深圳一家医院与患者家属发生纠纷,为安全起见,医院全体医生护士,  相似文献   

杨宏桥和他的团队2009年开始基于智能终端实践移动医疗的时候,这还是业界一个美好的愿望。在医疗领域,309医院是最早实现全院采用移动医疗的医院。309医院的医生和护士们在2009年开始便不用使用纸质的病历卡来服务病人了。每个医生的手中都有一个iPad,可以对就诊病人、住院病人进行信息的录入、查房,医生可以随时查阅和研究病人的信息,对于住院病人的状况  相似文献   

医疗改革的核心问题和未来出路   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
医疗服务具有特殊的属性:医疗消费具有强制性和不可逆性:医疗供给在特定时间内是有限的。有限的医疗供给和最优的消费追求必然会导致医疗市场畸高的均衡价格和消费拥挤。医疗服务中,信息不对称严重;如果没有第三方对医生进行监督.代理人寻租就不可避免。缺乏对医生的有效监督正是我国群众看病难、看病贵的根本原因。要解决这个问题,政府可以通过医师协会建立对医生的第三方监管.利用执照制度约束医生的权力,调整医生的收入分配体制,改变医院的管理方式,最终顺利完成医疗改革。  相似文献   

一、从“病人是医院的唐僧肉”说起 近日,一名英国博士在武汉市政府组织的网络问政活动中质问副市长:“医生收入是否与病人消费挂钩,病人是医院的唐僧肉吗?”引起社会广泛共鸣。  相似文献   

15年前,香港医院管理局医疗信息总监张毅翔医生抱着“当医生1天只能医几十个患者,而用IT一天却可以医几十万人”的信念,由医生转行到医疗IT应用与管理工作。这种身份转变,使得他可以帮助香港医管局解决了医疗信息系统(CMS)推广的难题,进而有效地支持香港建立起了世界领先的统一医疗体系;  相似文献   

这个世界远比大众想象的要神奇得多。比如,也许在距离你不到一公里的某家医院,就有一台机器人医生正在手术中。  相似文献   

说起药品,就会想到生命和健康。随着现代化医疗水平以及人们生活水平的提高,无论是在医院还是自助医疗,为了便于医生或患者使用,对医药品的包装设计及材料都提出了更高的要求。必竟,与生命相关的不仅仅是药品质量,包装也同样起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

每到夜晚,艾迪康医学检验中心位于杭州市郊工业园区的办公楼里,总是灯火通明。白天从各个医院运抵的标本,此刻正在检验的流水线上紧张作业,以确保检验报告明晨准时出现在医生案头。这些本属于医院检验科的工作,例如对血液、分泌物、细胞、涂片、病理组织等各种标本做检验,正越来越多集中到艾迪康这样的医学独立实验室来——通过规模化操作降低检验工作的单位成本,  相似文献   

《黄帝内经》强调“上医治未病之病”,最好的医生是医治还没出现成型的疾病,防患于未然。实际上,与健康关系最密切的是饮食、运动、心态和睡眠这些非医元素,所以现在铺天盖地的养生保健让人们趋之若鹜,如若到了去医院看医生的地步,  相似文献   

阐述了我国油井水泥及外加剂标准体系的建立与发展阶段,重点介绍了我国油井水泥标准、油井水泥应用性能试验方法标准.以及油井水泥外加剂产品标准和相关标准。提出了完善我国油井水泥浆标准体系的思路与认识。  相似文献   

In this paper, we developed a new model of oligopolistic competition for fashion supply chains in the case of differentiated products with the inclusion of environmental concerns. The model assumes that each fashion firm's product is distinct by brand and the firms compete until an equilibrium is achieved. Each fashion firm seeks to maximize its profits as well as to minimize its emissions throughout its supply chain with the latter criterion being weighted in an individual manner by each firm. The competitive supply chain model is network-based and variational inequality theory is utilized for the formulation of the governing Nash equilibrium as well as for the solution of the case study examples. The numerical examples illustrate both the generality of the modeling framework as well as how the model and computational scheme can be used in practice to explore the effects of changes in the demand functions; in the total cost and total emission functions, as well as in the weights.  相似文献   

影响井控质量的因素分析及应对措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油行业的高危性,决定了井控工作的重要性。近年来石油企业尽管在防井喷污染事故方面做了大量工作,投入了大量人力物力,采取了强有力的防范措施,但井喷事故仍时有发生。结合现场违章实例,分析了制约提高井控质量的影响因素,探讨了如何抓好井控质量管理,确保行业安全生产。指出,井控是一项系统工程,要树立“积极井控”的理念。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the role of interfunctional collaboration between marketing and purchasing functions in industrial companies. Interfunctional collaboration is considered as a measure of the internal alignment and partnership between departments in the firm, which in turn contributes to the creation of sustainable advantages via improved external partnerships and facilitating demand chain integration. We test the impact of customer orientation as well as the interactions between departments (specifically marketing and purchasing) as collaboration antecedents, and analyze the direct impact of marketing-purchasing collaboration on business performance. The model is tested on a sample of 148 industrial companies in Russia with two key respondents in each firm, incorporating the purchasing as well as the marketing perspective. The results show that marketing-purchasing collaboration mediates the effects of interfunctional interaction as well as customer orientation on business performance. Alternative model testing shows that the direct effects of these antecedent constructs on performance are non-significant in the context of Russian industrial companies.  相似文献   

从经济学视角看电力监管合谋   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从经济学的视角,运用委托一代理理论、扩展的“经济人”假设以及信息不对称理论对电力监管合谋行为及其成因进行了系统描述。论证表明,电力监管合谋有可能存在于电力行业的发电、输配电以及市场交易各环节,监管者作为扩展意义上的“经济人”,有可能与企业形成合谋联盟;而信息不对称的存在则为合谋这种违规行为创造了实现的机会。  相似文献   

Assessing value-in-use: A conceptual framework and exploratory study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Developing approaches for understanding customer perceived value is a priority for managers and scholars alike. A conceptual framework for assessment of value-in-use is proposed and explored within the context of a maintenance service provider. In contrast to value models in previous empirical research, the framework includes assessment not just of provider attributes but also of the customer's usage processes, as well as customer evaluations of the value-in-use they obtain. Interviews with members of a cross-disciplinary buying group provide support for the framework, including the observations that individuals can assess the quality of their usage processes and that they can articulate value-in-use at both organisational and individual levels; the further concept of network quality also emerges from the data. Assessment of usage process quality as well as service quality evolves as the customer's goals evolve. Practitioners may wish to elicit usage process quality and value-in-use as well as service quality. Research directions include scale development for both usage process quality and value-in-use.  相似文献   

We develop a medium-term model as well as a short-term model for understanding the factors affecting beer demand and for forecasting beer demand in Turkey. As part of this specific model development (as well as regression modeling in general) we propose a procedure based on statistical process control principles (SPC) and techniques to (1) detect nonrandom data points, (2) identify common missing, lurking variables that explain these anomalies, and (3) using indicator variables, integrate these lurking variables into the model. We validate our proposed procedure on several test examples as well as on the medium-term beer demand model. Both the medium and short-term models yield very satisfactory results and are currently being used by the company for which the study was conducted. In addition to the residual modeling regression approach developed using SPC, a major contribution to the success of the project (and the modeling in general) is the mutual collaboration between analyst and client in the modeling process.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the roles of personal, product related and economic factors in predicting rural consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions towards organic and free-range produce. A conceptual model is derived and tested via structural equation modeling on a sample of 222 rural consumers. The results show that attitude is explained by consumers’ food safety concern, ethical lifestyle and price perceptions. Attitude partially mediates the effects of ethical lifestyle and price on intention to purchase organic produce as well as the effect of ethical lifestyle on intention to purchase free-range produce. Attitude assumes a more central role in fully mediating the effect of food safety concern on intention to purchase organic produce, as well as the effect of price on intention to purchase free-range produce. Overall the conceptual model of consumer decision making performs well in both organic and free-range contexts yielding similar results.  相似文献   

建筑公司开拓国际市场的决策,必须基于对国际市场的机会和风险的正确了解,以及对自身实力正确评价。国际建筑市场风险大,但机会多,在决策中需要考虑到影响建筑公司海外市场的综合可变因素。文章对建筑企业开拓国际市场的实力、国际建筑市场机遇与风险等重要性因素进行了分析和评价。  相似文献   

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