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3月14日,全国首套产品质量电子监管码自动识别收银系统在北京物美超市启用。为了体验产品质量电子监管网,消费者们争相选购一些加贴有电子监管码的产品到专用收银台前进行结账。截至今年2月,全国累计入网企业31304家,已经实现激活上市企业6164家。  相似文献   

近日,19家知名企业联名上书,要求国家质检总局取消对食品安全管理的"食品监管码"规定。业内人士称电子监管码对食品安全管理无实质意义,而实施  相似文献   

近日,19知名企业联名上书,要求国家质检总局取消对食品安全管理的"食品监管码"规定。业内人士称电子监管码对食品安全管理无实质意义,而实施该制度后仅食品企业每年上交的"服务费"就是6000多万元。目前,国家质检总局已邀请21家企业代表上京讨论相关事宜。经济视点报4月2日报道19家知名食品企业联名上书,要求国家质检总局取消对食品安全管理无实质意义的"食品监管码"规定。  相似文献   

为了加快建立产品质量和食品安全追溯体系,加强产品质量监管网络,杜绝市场上假冒伪劣产品,创造和谐放心的消费购物环境,国家相关部门发布了关于在各大类产品中实施电子监管码的政策,所有产品必须加贴电子监管码后才能上市,并将最后期限确定为2008年12月31日.这一政策的出台表明了国家和政府相关部门对整顿市场和规范生产的决心.  相似文献   

电子监管码是我国新近推出的产品质量追溯手段,有利于建立产品质量及安全的追溯体系,但在推广过程中却遇到诸多难题.  相似文献   

国家质检总局对许多入网企业的赋码实际成本开展了细致调研后发现,许多企业加贴电子监管码的成本比企业原来使用的防伪贴成本大幅下降。总局提倡和鼓励消费者在购物环节,通过商场、超市连接电子监管网的收银系统,进行实时的、第一时间的免费查询。  相似文献   

<正>一前言在超市里购物时,各种商品都有13位的商品条形码,这就好比是商品的身份证,通过扫码,商品的名称、价格、产地、生产时间等信息就会显示在输出终端。随着科技的发展,这项技术在其他行业里得到了广泛地应用。药品电子监管码就是对这项技术的发展,也是政府对药管实施网络信息监督的一种新型措施。这项技术给每件产品赋予了特殊的身份证,就是它的电子条形码。每件药品上都有一个码,这就是药品的电子监管码。药品的电子监管  相似文献   

德国制造的艾利64系列条码打印机打印速度高达每秒16英寸,特有的300DPI边压式打印头和独特的印头自动检测功能,提高了打印清晰度及印头寿命。强劲的色带节省功能,大大降低使用耗材的生产成本。64系列特备4种打印宽度(106.6-213.2mm),适合电子监管码标签双排或多排同时打印,节省时间和劳动力。并且能连续24小时生产,每小时生产6万个标签,比一般的条码打印机快3—5倍,适合连接电子监管码文档或数据库完成高速、大批量的打印任务。  相似文献   

胡志鹏 《物流时代》2008,(12):66-68
当前,食品安全、商品质量备受世人关注。电子监管码作为一种对产品质量、企业信息的电子网络化监管、查询手段,在推广的过程中,企业对此态度却“冷若冰霜”。  相似文献   

9大类69种产品最迟2008年年底前须加贴电子监管码;国资委即将启动企业工资总额预算管理改革;企业为个人买房需征个人所得税;钢企将上调钢价转嫁成本压力;决策层高度关注浙江中小企业困境  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of different sources of monitoring information, quality of treatment and quality of decision‐making manipulations on perceptions of fairness and satisfaction with monitoring. Drawing on Blader and Tyler's four‐component model of fairness, participants were asked to rate their perceptions of fairness, satisfaction and intentions to comply with electronic performance‐monitoring policies that originated from formal organisational policies or from their direct supervisors. Results indicated that procedural justice violations originating from the supervisor (vs. formal organisational policy) led to lower perceptions of fairness and satisfaction with monitoring. Furthermore, the effect of procedural justice violations on compliance with monitoring was mediated by perceptions of fairness and satisfaction with monitoring. The present research has theoretical and practical implications for the design, implementation and communication of organisational electronic monitoring practices.  相似文献   

The purpose is to introduce the demand for the quality movement practice in hospital care. We show both the need and application of quality monitoring, especially the need monitoring activities having auto correlated data flows of which there are many in the hospital environment. The goal is to control the flow of quality care data in the dynamic behavior of these systems of acre in hospitals. These monitoring systems are designed to control and improve changes in the hospital care environment.  相似文献   

李志  应方淦 《价值工程》2013,(12):197-200
本文以社区矫正中的科技监管研究为突破口,借鉴国外的经验,分析了美国社区矫正工作中普遍应用的性犯罪计算机监控技术、基于GPS和RFID的社区服刑人员电子监控、矫正人员室内定位和追踪技术、司机非法驾驶监控技术和矫正人员酗酒、嗑药的分析技术等,为国内社区矫正的科技监管提供现状分析、方案比较,从而有效提高监管效率和质量。  相似文献   

Technology use in the workplace expands the ability to monitor employees through activities such as website tracking, email scanning, and social media monitoring. Monitoring is a fundamental aspect of the relationship between organizations, employees, and stakeholders and can affect perceptions of privacy, autonomy, and trust in the workplace. However, electronic monitoring is little investigated in public management research and we have minimal knowledge about the factors that prompt public managers to adopt electronic monitoring. Focusing on small- and medium-sized US municipalities, we investigate types of electronic monitoring and how organizational, sociopolitical, and technological factors shape electronic monitoring intensity. We test our hypotheses with data from a 2014 national survey of 2,500 local managers, website coding data, and US Census data. We find that electronic monitoring, especially monitoring online activities, is a response to organizational centralization, participation of internal stakeholders, social media use, and technology concerns.  相似文献   

目前,高等职业院校的教育教学质量监控工作仍然存在教育质量意识淡薄、缺乏全员质量观,人才培养质量监控体系不完整等问题。本文针对存在的问题,从树立科学的质量观、建设全过程教学质量监控体系、建立完善全方位的教育质量管理体系三个方面,提出了创新高职院校"四评"质量监控体系的基本思路。  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of experience at the current organization, prior experience at other organizations, and individual propensity to trust on workplace electronic monitoring and trust formation between employees and management. Taking a cognitive approach, these relationships are investigated through the lens of cognitive categorization theory. The paper discusses trustworthiness as the category label of a group of traits and behaviors that subsequently leads to lower levels of turnover, increased organizational commitment, and lower levels of electronic monitoring. Organizational and individual level outcomes are explored with respect to electronic monitoring procedures in organizations. The discussion focuses on implications for practice and future research as well as several ethical and managerial implications, and provides recommendations regarding implementation of electronic monitoring systems for managers.  相似文献   

This paper explores electronic workplace monitoring in light of the USA PATRIOT Act—federal legislation with a national security focus that expands the likelihood of electronic workplace monitoring to assist government investigators. The paper examines federal laws that cover the privacy rights of at-will employees in the context of electronic workplace monitoring, including recent cases that have narrowed employee privacy rights. The paper argues that business justifications for electronic workplace monitoring have been bolstered by national security concerns, resulting in decreased expectations of privacy in the workplace for at-will employees. There are persuasive arguments that employers should exercise restraint in the use of information obtained through electronic monitoring in discipline and discharge decisions related to at-will employees. These arguments in favor of exercising restraint flow from the text of the USA PATRIOT Act and consider the risk of discrimination lawsuits.  相似文献   

石磊  杨洋  徐伟娟  孙激 《价值工程》2010,29(5):211-212
中华医学会电子版医学系列杂志自2004年创刊以来,在医学界引起了积极的反响。但是随着时间的流逝,电子版杂志的很多问题也日渐暴露出来。提高电子系列杂志的学术水平和出版质量,提升电子杂志的形象,规范管理以保证系列杂志的整体质量,创办出精品期刊,考虑向网络期刊方向发展。真正担负起引领学科发展的责任,真正能够提升医疗的水平,为科研服务的同时更重要的是要为临床服务,做到"双效"、"双爱"。  相似文献   

尹彬 《价值工程》2010,29(34):247-248
近年来,江苏高职院校按照省教育厅关于《江苏省职业教育课程改革行动计划》的要求,大胆实践,勇于探索,创新实践课程体系,改进实践课程教学方法,实践教学质量已明显提高,实践性教学质量监控体系已基本形成。但对于进一步完善实践性教学质量监控体系,还存在很多有关认识和操作层面的问题,仍需要从现状和实践等方面进行深入的分析和研究,以期指导实践性教学质量监控体系的构建与实践。  相似文献   

气体传感器已广泛用于电子舌、电子鼻等仿生系统的设计。在环保检测、食品工业、毒品检测、反恐防恐、以及人类疾病的早期预测和实时在线监控等方面具有重要的应用价值。本文概述了气体传感器的研究进展和发展现状。  相似文献   

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