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正根据《国家发改委关于印发〈省级电网输配电价定价办法(试行)〉的通知》(发改价格[2016]2711号)的文件精神,省级电网输配电价实行事前核定,按照"准许成本加合理收益"的办法核定输配电价,以严格的成本监审为基础,弥补电网企业准许成本并获得合理收益。核定省级电网输配电价,先核定电网企业输配电业务的准许收入,再以准许收入为基础核定输配电价。省级电网输配电准许收入的计算公式为:准许收入=  相似文献   

正以输配电价改革为核心的新一轮电力体制改革彻底改变了电网的盈利模式,电网企业可以从传统业务和新型业务两个方面提升盈利能力。其中,传统业务包括以提高准许收入为目的的输配电业务和以提高售电量为目的的售电业务;而新型业务则包括综合能源服务和附加增值服务两方面,综合能源服务包括提供能源合同和电动汽车相关业务,附加增值服务则包括提供咨询服务、开展金融相关服务等业务。电网企业有必要在输配电这一主营业务之外,在新  相似文献   

正2014年,我国输配电价改革试点在深圳破冰,开启了我国新一轮电力体制改革。紧随其后,2015年,蒙西、安徽、湖北、宁夏、云南和贵州等地的省级电网也进行了输配电价改革试点。2016年3月,北京等12个省级电网和华北区域电网纳入输配电价改革试点,2016年9月,除西藏外的剩余14个省级电网启动试点。首轮输配电价改革试点于2019年底全面完成,第二监管周期(2020~2022年)输配电价也于2020年9月底完成核定。从试点方案、监审办法、定价办法及有关专家观点来看,核定输配电价的基础是电网企业输配电资产和业务,具体以有效资产为基础核定输配电业务的准许收入,  相似文献   

正发改委修订出台输配电价改革新政日前,国家发展改革委在深入总结第一监管周期输配电价改革实践,积极借鉴国际输配电价监管经验的基础上,修订出台了《省级电网输配电价定价办法》和《区域电网输电价格定价办法》。《省级电网输配电价定价办法》的修订主要体现在强化合理约束、细化核价范围、优化电价结构、实化监测制度四个方面;《区域电网输电价格定价办法》则  相似文献   

本文分析了我国移动和固话业务竞争态势,探讨了移动和固网在互联费用分摊上存在的不对称规制的问题,以我国2004年固定网与移动网电话业务市场为例,说明了通过规制因子可以控制移动--固网返还费用,提出了互联费分摊比例的建议.  相似文献   

合理确定输配电价电价改革的关键环节是确定输配电价。按照电力体制改革的目标,要"抓住中间,放开两头","中间"(输配电环节)价格如果不确定,煤炭、电力资源价格就不能合理传导到消费环节,也就无法体现资源真实价格。这主要涉及两个问题,一是输配成本与收益的确定,二是成本与收益的分摊。因输配环节后仍将是垄断经营,  相似文献   

正总结发达国家电价监管过程中的成熟经验,结合我国国情,完善适应我国社会主义市场经济的输配电价监管相关法律法规,为输配电价监管的有效开展提供法治保障。纵观世界各国电力市场的发展改革经验,放开竞争环节业务,监管垄断环节业务是电力体制改革的总体趋势。输配电环节属于自然垄断环节,其自身特点以及改革发展的要求,决定了要对其实行适度的价格激励管制。针对如何对输配电价进行科学合理的  相似文献   

正输配电价改革自深圳破冰、蒙西深入,截至2018年初,相继已经有三批共28个试点地区公布了输配电价,由于各省级电网结构、客户类别占比不同等多种因素造成已公布的输配电价数据差异很大,现对28个省级电网的输配电价数据进行研究。包含项目已公布省级电网输配电价均含增值税,但不含政府性基金及附加;除深圳外,均含交叉补贴;除初期核定输配电价的深圳、内蒙古、云南、贵州4省市外,后期核定的均含线  相似文献   

<正>2016年国家发改委正式印发《省级电网输配电价定价办法(试行)》(简称定价办法),并在全国范围内全面推行省级电网输配电价改革。输配电价改革作为电力体制改革的重要内容,将对省级电网企业的经营管理特别是财务管理产生重大影响,并导致整个企业经营模式的根本转变。面对输配电价改革,正确在确保安全可靠输配电和促进电力市场改革的前提下推动电网企业健康发展,提升企业财务管理水平,是今后一段时间省级电网企业财务部门面临的重要任务。  相似文献   

正新一轮电改启动以来,电网企业面临巨变———输配电价改革全面覆盖省级电网,输配电价监管机制初步建立;售电公司作为市场主体竞相成立,增量配电网投资业务试点进入实操阶段;大用户直接交易规模不断扩大,由计划向市场发展进展显著加快。17家省级电力交易中心成立,交易模式逐步由点对点交易过渡到多对多交易,由双边协商定价方式过渡到集中竞价交易;2017年电改将进入全  相似文献   

输变电工程造价分析信息平台建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电网投资规模的加大,相应的电网工程造价分析数据量也随之增大,工程造价分析数据管理水平对电网发展的影响愈发显著。本文基于大数据环境下输变电工程造价分析数据收集及分析现状,建立了数据覆盖面广、数据内容较为完善的输变电工程造价分析数据库,在造价分析信息平台建设的基础上,提出了建设全国输变电工程造价分析信息平台的构想,真正实现了信息的纵向贯通、横向共享,为优化电网工程建设方案,合理控制工程造价提供平台工具和决策参考。  相似文献   

零基预算能克服大多数省级电网公司长期沿用的"基数加增长"的增量预算编制方式中的不足,不受既成事实的影响,以成本定额为依据,量化、细化各成本项目,一切都从成本支出的合理性、必要性和效益性出发.零基预算可使预算指标更加实事求是,规范了经营活动,防范了经营风险,减少了人为因素对预算制订过程的影响和开支的随意性与盲目性,确保了预算的科学性和严肃性,可及时发现和消除经营活动中遇到的问题,使各项成本费用处于可控、受控状态,便于按统一口径对各责任中心绩效的公平考核,体现了全员、全过程的经营管理思想,最终达到合理使用、有效控制、高效运作资金的目的,促进和保障企业经营战略的实施和经营目标的实现.  相似文献   

The present study offers an argument, through a technical exposition, which suggests that there are cost differences inherent in serving different types of buyers in the electric utilities industry. To this end, we employ a translog joint cost function (for electricity production) with three outputs, which allows for the examination of the cost differences between wholesale and retail trade for vertically integrated, investor-owned companies in the industry. The regression estimates suggest different costs at the means, however the estimated marginal cost curve for wholesale power is not as robust as those for low-voltage and industrial power.  相似文献   

电力市场中输电固定成本分配方法对比研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
龚演平 《电力技术经济》2009,21(5):10-17,31
在投资建设输电网的成本确定以后,如何将输电固定成本公平合理地分配给电力市场各个参与者是输电网开放面临的主要课题之一。分别按照基于边际成本、基于综合成本和基于合作博弈的方法对现有的输电固定成本分配方法进行了介绍、对比和总结,并分析与比较这些方法的优缺点。最后对我国电力市场改革中输电固定成本分配方法提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the cost structure of a sample of Italian wastecollection firms in order to assess economies of scale and density and, therefore, definethe optimal size of the firms. A total and a variable translog cost function were estimated using panel data for a sample of 30 firms operating at the provincial level over the period 1991–1995.The empirical evidence suggests that franchised monopoly, rather than side-by-sidecompetition, is the most efficient form of production organization in the waste collection industry. Further, the majority of firms are not operating at optimal scale.  相似文献   

Political targets for implementing the German “energy turnaround” aiming at the ambitious extension of renewable energies to generate electricity. However, a majority of the renewable supply is provided by intermittent sources, e.g. wind and solar power. For balancing the increasing supply fluctuations additional storage options are claimed beside of an enforced grid infrastructure and a more flexible demand side. Despite of the political guidelines the economics of additional flexibility measures has to be considered. For this paper we analyse the costs of large scale stationary battery storages to be operated in wholesale markets and transmission grid level. By deriving a key figure based on a life-cycle cost approach, we are able to evaluate the additional costs of electricity of selected battery technologies (lead-acid, lithium ion, sodium sulphur, redox-flow). Moreover, current and valid parameters of the cost analysis are received by scientific and industrial stakeholders of battery systems via online survey and face-to-face interviews. According to the stakeholder estimation a nationwide operation of stationary battery storages will be established at wholesale and transmission grid level until the year 2030. The life-cycle cost analysis, which also includes estimated future cost reductions, shows that lead-acid batteries remain the cost-efficient technology, assuming about 100 storage cycles p.a. In addition, a sensitivity analysis reveals the impact of increasing annual storage cycles as well as the achievable cost reduction by economies-of-scales of the power unit of the storage system.  相似文献   

本文针对物流配送系统集成优化问题,考虑取货和送货两种业务的配送情形下仓库和车辆的容量上限约束,构建包括仓库的开放成本、配送成本以及容量溢出成本的非线性混合整数优化模型,设计变邻域搜索启发式算法对模型进行求解。算法通过泰森多边形确定位置上的初始订单分配,再通过扫描半径及消费者数据结构标识实现邻域搜索,改进算法对解决方案进行迭代更新,完成优化求解。最后通过对辽宁宅急送取/送一体化物流配送案例进行数值分析,验证算法可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(5-6):415-425
There is an ongoing discussion in the market which Next Generation Access (NGA) architecture best suits future needs and which investment and cost differences exist. The discussion can be subsumed as P2P vs. GPON, which is somewhat misleading as this article reveals. The discussion is driven by the fact that the high capital cost and the long asset life time of fibre mean that the technology choices made today will dominate the opportunities for telecommunication business of all market players, incumbents, competitors, content providers and business and residential users for many years in the future.The paper analyzes the cost and other differences between Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) access network architectures and their related different wholesale approaches by using the well-known and understood steady state approach applied in other NGA analyses in the past. In addition to the steady state analysis a dynamic cost evaluation is included taking into account the different investment behaviour of the FTTH architectures over time. The results describe investment and cost differences between architectures, incumbents and wholesale based competitive operators. The analysis has been performed for different geotypes (clusters) of decreasing population density in a representative European settlement structure.  相似文献   

We study the competitive and welfare effects of wholesale price-parity agreements. These contracts prevent a monopolist, who sells its product to final consumers both directly and indirectly through alternative distribution channels, to charge different input (wholesale) prices to competing intermediaries (e.g., platforms). In a multi-channel and multi-layered industry, organized as an agency business model, we find that the monopolist and the intermediaries do not necessarily have aligned incentives concerning the introduction of wholesale price-parity. While these agreements always hurt the monopolist, they may benefit the intermediaries when competition between the direct and the indirect distribution channels is sufficiently intense. Moreover, when this is the case, in contrast to retail price-parity agreements that typically reduce consumer welfare, wholesale price-parity may also benefit consumers.  相似文献   

工程项目成本精细核算对建筑施工企业成本管理具有相当重要的作用,它是建筑施工企业管理的基础和核心。章从施工企业角度分析了现阶段建筑施工企业在项目成本管理中存在的问题,研究了施工企业如何按照工程项目施工准备、施工、竣工结算的实施顺序,对项目进行成本精细核算的方法。  相似文献   

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