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城市生态问题是基于不健康的人地关系所导致的,人口膨胀、城市扩张和资源性产业过度是导致城市生态问题的具体动力。城市生态修复是对城市生态关系的修复,通过城市生态系统分析诊断生态问题形成的关键关系和根本动因,通过积极有限的干预,协调自然过程的相关变量,建立自然过程主导的城市生态系统修复框架和路径,让自然做工。以太原市城市生态修复为例,探索建立以山地绿量为关键调节变量,通过绿量的快速提升修复冷岛效应、水源涵养效应、坡地风效应、建立“水绿共举,复绿养水,水绿孕城”的系统理念,实现城市系统整体格局修复、山地修复、水体与水系统修复、城市森林与绿地修复和棕地的系统修复。  相似文献   

目的提高对老年人全口义齿修复重要性认识,针对老年人全口义齿修复的难点进行分析,寻找解决的办法。方法对我院2011年3月至2012年5月收治的30例上颌牙槽嵴丰满欠佳,下颌牙槽嵴低平近口的老年患者,进行改良全口义齿修复的做法。结果针对老年人口腔结构的变化特点和心理需求,做到让老年全口义齿修复舒适、适用、美观。结论老年牙列缺失后,由于牙槽嵴吸收持续存在,老年人全口义齿修复定时复诊,及时重衬,义齿修复直至让患者满意。  相似文献   

林赞 《城市建设》2010,(6):168-168,170
本文阐释了常规建筑加固与修复的主要特点、适用范围和施工重点。结合工程体会,指出了在建筑结构加固与修复中,需要注意的一些问题。探讨了国内常用的直接加固和间接加固修复技术。  相似文献   

修复受损生态系统是提升生态系统稳定性、可持续性的重要举措,科学判断分析生态系统修复的优先区,对加强生态系统的管护有重要意义。以浙江省德清县的森林修复为例展开研究,识别出潜在森林修复区后,评估生态系统服务收益与修复成本,利用修复机会优化工具(ROOT)来确定不同需求目标情景下最具效益的优先修复区域。结果表明:(1)研究区中潜在修复区面积约6 497.5 hm2,其中森林退化区占77.7%,森林转化区占12.6%,处于较大坡度上的农田与种植园占9.6%。(2)研究区的优先修复空间选择效益评估结果中,以获得更多土壤保持功能为目标的需求情景,表现最为突出,仅需投入10.0%的修复成本代价,便可获得47.7%的潜在土壤保持功能。(3)不同目标需求情景下的土地类型修复次序也存在差异,以获得土壤保持与洪水调蓄功能为目标时,需重视森林与灌丛生态系统质量的提升;而以减少N、P流失为目标时,则需重视促进农田向森林与灌丛生态系统的转化。文章提出的“修复区识别—修复效益评估—高效益修复区优选”流程与方法,可为研究区及其他地区生态恢复工程实践提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

本文作者结合各处理方案的优缺点,结合本工程的实际情况,推荐采用外粘钢板的修复和螺栓锚固钢筋网用铁砂混凝土浇筑的2种修复加固处理方案,并对修复加固处理方案的施工技术要点加以阐述。  相似文献   

200kw发电机滑动轴承通过此次修复,更加完善了修复工艺,为今后巴氏合金轴瓦的修复提供了方便,减少了停机修理时间。  相似文献   

1不完善维修的可靠性所谓系统是为了完成某一特定功能,由若干个彼此有联系又能相互协调工作的单元所组成的综合体。它通常分为可修复系统与不可修复系统。不可修复系统是指系统或其组成部分一旦发生失效,不再修复,系统处于报废状态。这种系统通常是因为技术上不可能修复,经济上不值得修复或一次性使用不必要进行修复。而可修复系统是指通过维修而恢复其功能的系统。本文只讨论可修复系统,并且假设系统经过每次维修后恢复到全新状态。设系统的寿命为e,它一般为一随机变量,沦)为其概率密度函数,R(t)为未进行维修的系统可靠性。在…  相似文献   

随着居民对城市交通及环境要求的不断提高,非开挖管道修复技术的优势将越来越明显,本文阐述了几种非开挖管道修复技术的特点,并结合工程案例从经济方面对开挖和非开挖两种工艺进行了对比分析,为今后非开挖管道修复技术在工程中的设计和运行提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

矿区生态环境的修复与管理   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
矿产资源的开发和利用,既对经济的发展起了巨大的推动作用,同时也对全球环境产生了重大影响。目前,我国矿区的生态环境问题十分严峻,面临的修复治理任务十分繁重。国外的矿区环保工作起步较早.工作开展得较好,他们的经验是制定并实施矿区环保和修复治理的法规。因此,深入研究矿区生态环境修复治理的法规并尽早颁布实施是我国目前急待解决的重大课题。  相似文献   

金燕婷  徐敏  朱颖 《经济师》2023,(5):166-167+170
现代学徒制是融传统的学徒制与现代职业教育于一体的新型的技术技能型人才培养模式,是校企合作开展职业教育的深度融合。文章结合我国口腔修复工艺行业发展需求和高职教育现状及实行现代学徒制的必要性,对高职口腔修复工艺专业现代学徒制人才培养模式进行有益的探析,积极促成专业办学体制与机制的创新,全面提升高职口腔修复工艺专业技术人才培养质量。  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2006,56(2):162-175
We employ a latent class choice model to evaluate the effects of alternative ecological characterizations of wetland functions and services on individual preferences, and to determine whether socioeconomic factors and psychometric measures of environmental attitudes can explain differences in individual's preferences and values for wetland restoration. This analysis combines a multiattribute choice model with information on individual's characteristics to evaluate preferences for restoration of the Greater Everglades ecosystem, one of the largest and most comprehensive wetland ecosystem restoration projects. To identify potential endpoints for Everglades restoration, two alternative ecological characterizations of the ecosystem were developed using the familiar distinction between function and structure. Survey data from a representative sample of the general population were used in a split-sample design based on the ecological characterization treatment. Within each subsample, the latent class analysis identified three groups who varied in their preferences for ecosystem restoration and socioeconomic profiles. The ecological characterizations had a significant influence on respondents' preferences and willingness to pay (WTP). The subsample responding to the structural characterization had a significantly larger share of respondents in the group who favored proposed restoration plans than the functional attribute subsample. In both subsamples, the group who favored restoration had a higher WTP for restoration than other groups. The latent class analysis also revealed socioeconomic and attitudinal factors that explain some of the heterogeneity in preferences and WTP within each subsample; this heterogeneity would not be identified with a standard choice model. In the context of Everglades restoration, the results provide a baseline assessment of public support and WTP that suggests an emphasis on structural rather than functional restoration endpoints. The approach described in this article can be used in other policy studies of wetland ecosystems because multiple ecosystem services can be represented within a stated choice survey and differences in preferences and values for these services can be measured.  相似文献   

目前国内兴起了建设湿地公园的热潮,为湿地资源的保护带来了强大的动力。然而湿地公园作为一种新兴的湿地保育措施,目前其设计建造大多还处于比较盲目的状态,没有固定规律可循。以湿地公园建设为依托,对湿地生态系统进行生态保护或恢复的设计理论探讨以及技术方法等层面的研究更是缺乏。考虑到湿地的重要生态价值,亟需从保护湿地生态系统的角度出发,提出一套系统的湿地公园设计和方法指导。湿地具有复杂的结构和功能,而不同湿地类型和环境条件下,湿地公园的类型和价值也不同,因而设计方案会有较大差异。因此,要做到根据不同湿地公园的类型,提出有针对性的设计方案和参数计算方法,从而对湿地公园中湿地生态系统的功能和价值进行有效的保护和恢复。  相似文献   

在梳理总结国土空间生态修复内涵的基础上,以海南岛为例开展了省域尺度国土空间生态修复分区实证研究。结果表明:(1)国土空间生态修复是以维护区域生态安全、恢复提升生态系统服务功能为目标,协同推进山水林田湖草整体保护、系统修复、综合治理的相关活动总和;(2)海南岛局部仍存在生态空间受挤占、生物多样性受威胁、生态系统服务功能下降等生态退化问题,亟须开展国土空间生态修复。建议按照"一核三区"总体布局推进海南岛国土空间生态修复,"一核"即中南部山区热带雨林核心区,"三区"即万泉河流域、南渡江流域、昌化江流域下游三个陆域生态修复区及其关联的近岸海域海岛海岸。  相似文献   

In the past, evaluations of ecosystem functions were mostly based on Costanza's model, whereas the spatial, quality and temporal characteristics of regional ecosystems were not considered in the model.Focusing on these Issues, coefficients of regional difference, spatial heterogeneity and willingness-to-pay (WTP) were established to modify Costanza's model, and a new comprehensive valuation model of ecosystem functions is proposed.The analytical results indicate that the comprehensive model could evaluate regional ecosystem functions in China accurately and provide more helpful information for decision-making.The empirical study on Zhangbei County in Hebei Province shows that the intensive human activities could limit the provision of ecosystem functions while the planned ecological programs might promote the restoration of ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

本文针对西北干旱半干旱地区湖泊水环境现状,如水位下降、面积萎缩、水质成化、生态系统退化、生物多样性减少等,从控制外源污染的技术、消除内源污染的技术、藻类控制技术和水质强化净化技术等方面总结了目前国内外使用较为广泛、理论比较成熟、处理效果较好的生态修复技术,提出在湖泊生态修复过程中应考虑的因素。在西北干旱半干旱地区湖泊的生态修复中,应根据当地湖泊的实际情况,对各种技术进行综合应用。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to assess the possible contribution of an input-output model towards two of the basic principles of the sustainability strategy of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) and Post-Normal Science. According to these principles, decision-support tools should offer a holistic perspective and handle high uncertainty. The difficulties in reaching sustainability are due partly to the prevailing use of “narrow-system-boundary” tools that are non-holistic. Consequently, they fail to capture important ecosystem services and ignore interdependencies between them. To comply with the basic principles, our method allows environmental assets to be evaluated in multiple units and integrates results from recent researches in natural sciences. Both enable coverage of interdependencies between ecosystem services. Thereby, we enlarge input-output modelling from the two conventional ecosystem services of sink and provisioning to the most vital ones: the supporting services. An application to the Seine estuary addresses the impacts of maritime transportation infrastructures on nursery habitats for commercial fish. The ecosystem services covered are life support and resource provisioning. Our results show that the restoration of a total of 73.7 km2 of nursery areas over the period 2004-2015 would result in a stock of sole in 2015 that exceeds the “business as usual” scenario by 44.2% (uncertainty range: 35.9%-69.9%). In spite of high restoration costs, the negative macro-economic impact is very low. However, on the sector level, a trade-off results between nurseries and three economic sectors. The quantification of such trade-offs in our model is particularly useful to public participation in decision-making.  相似文献   

星云湖湖滨带生态建设与水生植被恢复研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来由于人为活动的影响,星云湖的生态结构遭到了严重破坏。这是导致其污染自净能力下降,水质恶化加速的主要内在因素。本文在2000年3月对星云湖湖泊水生生态演替调查及其原因分析的基础上,根据湖泊生态学的原理,提出了星云湖湖滨带生态建设与水生植被恢复的建设途径。  相似文献   

黄土高原生态环境建设与土壤质量演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤质量高低对植被恢复具有重要作用,它不仅影响植物群落的发生、发育和演替的速度,而且也对生态系统过程、生产力和结构等具有重要影响。植物演替过程.也是物种对土壤肥力逐渐适应、改造及不同物种在不同肥力梯度下相互竞争和代替的过程。因此,植被恢复过程也从多个方面影响着土壤质量,植被是土壤质量改善的重要驱动力之一。黄土高原地区实施退耕还林还草后土壤质量将在某种程度上得以恢复.不同类型植被土壤质量恢复还具有明显差异,并且在一定时间范围内,随恢复时间延长,土壤质量不断改善。  相似文献   

A consistent methodology enabling the estimation of the economic losses associated with drought and the comparison of estimates between sites and across time has been elusive. In this paper, we develop an ecosystem service approach to fill this research gap. We apply this approach to analysis of the Millennium Drought in the South Australian portion of the Murray–Darling Basin which provided a natural experiment for the economic estimation of hydrological ecosystem service losses. Cataloguing estimates of expenditures incurred by Commonwealth and State governments, communities and individuals, we find that nearly $810 million was spent during the drought to mitigate losses, replace ecosystem services and adapt to new ecosystem equilibria. The approach developed here is transferable to other drought prone regions, providing insights into the potentially unexpected consequences of drought and ecosystem thresholds and socioeconomic and political tipping points after which ecosystem restoration may become very costly. Our application to the South Australian Murray–Darling Basin demonstrates the potential of this approach for informing water, drought preparedness and mitigation policy, and to contribute to more robust decision-making.  相似文献   

根据恢复性设计的目标和原则以及湿地景观恢复性设计的概念,可将恢复性设计在湿地景观的应用分为三大类,即整个生态系统完整性的应用、从生态性和科学性出发的湿地景观恢复技术应用、从美学角度考虑的湿地景观价值应用。应该从加深基础理论研究、定性研究与定量研究相结合、景观恢复与景观设计相结合、动态监测、实地调查、长期定位研究三者有机结合四个方面进行湿地景观的恢复性设计。  相似文献   

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