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我国平台经济视域下的数字内容产业协同创新存在效率不高的问题,本文依据平台经济理论,提出了包含创新资源供给方、创新资源需求方和平台企业的数字内容产业协同演化三方博弈模型,分析了不同主体产业协同创新的演化路径和演化稳定策略,明确了影响不同创新主体演化行为的关键因素。在此基础上,从建立健全创新资源供给的奖惩补偿机制、完善平台企业的监督考核机制以及跟踪分析创新资源需求方利用创新资源状况3个方面提出提高产业协同创新水平的具体建议。  相似文献   

供应链协同创新中的知识共享行为能实现知识资源在不同企业的优化配置, 能提升成员企业协同创新效率, 节约知识获取和再利用成本。本文考虑供应链成员企业公平偏好行为, 构建一个制造商和两个零售商组成的供应链协同创新中的知识共享博弈模型, 以零售商均为公平中性时供应链协同创新中的知识共享均衡策略为基准, 对比研究零售商的横向公平偏好和纵向公平偏好对供应链知识共享协同创新均衡策略的影响, 并对结论进行数值模拟。分析结果表明: 知识溢出效应能够提升零售商的知识共享努力水平; 零售商的横向公平偏好和纵向公平偏好对零售商的知识共享努力水平、销售努力水平、批发价格以及制造商的知识共享努力水平的影响不尽相同; 零售商的横向公平偏好和纵向公平偏好对零售商的协同创新效用和制造商的协同创新利润并不总是起到积极作用。  相似文献   

在产品创新过程中企业内各部门间由于利益、目标导向、权利等方面存在的差异,因而导致部门之间存在各种冲突、对抗或竞争行为。本文通过对企业在产品创新过程中各部门间的冲突和竞争行为的分析,构建了部门间协同竞争博弈模型,并提出产品创新中促进部门协同创新的策略,减少部门间的恶性竞争行为,提高产品创新的成功率。  相似文献   

探究煤矿产业智能化人才协同培育策略演化,是当前推进煤矿智能化人才供给侧结构性改革的迫切要求。构建了政府引导、高校牵头、企业参与的协同育人演化博弈模型,分析了政校企三方在协同育人过程中的策略选择,并用仿真分析探究了政校企协同育人策略的影响因素。结果表明:政府激励对煤矿企业策略选择的影响更为显著;违约成本对高校和企业均有影响;协同效应乘数越高,三方向协同育人演化的速率越快。  相似文献   

为分析政府不同补贴策略对协同创新的影响, 本文基于协同创新构建研发企业和生产企业博弈模型。基于此博弈模型, 对比分析政府补贴给生产企业和政府补贴研发企业对单位委托研发费用、单位零售价格、需求量和收益的影响。进一步, 研究协同创新下生产企业和研发企业协调机制, 使生产企业和研发企业整体收益达到整体最优。研究发现: 政府采取补贴策略可以提高研发努力程度, 但是政府补贴对象选取对研发努力程度没有影响; 消费者对创新的敏感度小于某一阀值时, 补贴给生产企业时单位委托研发费用最大, 补贴给研发企业时单位委托研发费用最小, 不采取补贴政策时居中; 通过约束研发成本的成本分摊契约可以使收益达到整体最优。  相似文献   

目前我国高新区创新能力研究主要集中在创新的投入产出绩效,忽视了高新区系统内生的结构与协同关系.本文从协同视角出发,在文献回顾的基础上构建高新区协同创新体系假设,构建结构方程模型.通过用AMOS软件对56个国家级高新区数据进行验证分析,发现知识主体、政府和企业三大主体系统对高新区产出协同关系较弱,而且知识系统与产出系统没有正向影响关系.文章对此进行了分析,并提出了针对性建议,对高新区协同创新能力建设具有较强的现实意义.  相似文献   

企业是技术创新的主体,在科技高速发展的今天,企业该如何提高自身的技术创新能力,使其能够持续、快速、健康地发展,便成为一个不可忽视的问题。本文在对企业技术创新能力研究综述的基础上,从协同的角度进一步完善了企业技术创新能力评价理论基础,给出了企业创新协同系统的概念和企业技术创新能力要素。遵循科学性、系统性、可操作性和代表性的原则,从研发能力、财务能力、协同能力和产出能力四个方面,选取了15个有代表性的评价指标,构建出了基于创新协同理论的企业技术创新能力评价指标体系。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化程度不断加深,创新活动日益成为一个整体,产业利益相关者的协同创新无疑成为快速提升产业自主创新能力的重要途径。本文从协同创新过程中协作关系的分析入手,通过博弈模型构建,分析协同创新中产业发展中利益相关者的策略与选择。通过模型分析与计算得出影响协同创新的三因素,并由此提出相应的对策和建议,以提升协同创新绩效,增强产业竞争力。  相似文献   

随着技术革新及消费行为的改变,单向直线式的线性渠道已逐渐由拥有多结点开放创新功能的平台所替代。开放创新、用户协同创新成为企业获取竞争优势的新路径。本文以淘宝网为个案,剖析了其平台主体结构、用户平台创业的双元嵌入路径,分析了TOP主平台、运营推广双辅平台的运行载体,概括了平台开发、双边市场及混合型三大类用户创业模式,创新性地提出了平台领导与用户创业协同发展的嵌入式开放创新模型,丰富和发展了开放创新理论体系。在此基础上,本文提出了培育体系竞争力驱动平台领导开放创新,提升用户平台创业能力驱动多线性平台嵌入,构建多主体协同创新驱动传统企业电子商务平台化转型的发展建议。  相似文献   

非对称信息条件下供应链协同的重复博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对实际供应链协同是一种非对称信息下的重复博弈过程,分析了非对称信息下两层供应链1:n的协同问题.在信息对称研究的基础上,运用重复博弈原理分析上游企业生产成本信息不对称下的供需双方策略选择问题,指出运用静态博弈分析该问题的不足,并给出二者的激励机制模型.最后通过数例分析,指出供需协同给供应链系统带来的竞争优势.  相似文献   

合作研发装备制造业共性技术可以实现资源共享、优势互补,分散研发风险,有效提升装备制造业的自主创新能力.要加强企业、高校、研发机构与政府的合作,构建装备制造业共性关键技术合作研发的组织模式,合理选择和开展共性技术研发活动,建立装备制造业共性技术研发组织的良性运行机制,以提升装备制造业乃至整个国家和地区的技术核心竞争力.  相似文献   

Technological interweavement: a means of achieving innovation success   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper, results are presented of an empirical study of the Lake Constance region covering a sample of 848 manufacturing companies. Based upon multivariate analyses, the paper documents that the mobilization of external resources and know-how is a critical factor for a firm's technological innovation success which in turn is the main determinant of commercial innovation success. The findings show that there are three kinds of technology-oriented external relationships, which prove to be of special importance: close contacts with customers, linkages to universities and research institutes and R&D-cooperations with other companies.  相似文献   

In recent years, many pieces of the Japanese puzzle have been identified and described as lessons for Western businessmen to learn. But the pieces are part of an interlocking system and to understand the role of each piece, it's necessary to see the whole. In the Japanese technology innovation system there are many parts—companies, universities, research institutes, government—and the way they are put together is the subject of this article by Joseph MacDowall. He points out some very unique characteristics about the way the system works. But he also points out some characteristics that are very much Western in origin. This article is based on the personal observations of the author, made during in-depth discussions he held during site visits to over 20 industrial plants or to their research and development laboratories, 25 government research institutes, and at least eight Japanese universities. During the four years he lived in Japan, Mr. MacDowall participated in discussions on the subjects of research, technology, work life, and Japanese culture.  相似文献   

This study draws on theories of organizational inertia and relational view to examine how the pursuit of partnership synergy influences radical innovation in different technological contexts. We differentiate between two types of synergy: explicit synergy, defined as the potential to exchange interfirm operational elements to renew processes or capabilities, and tacit synergy, conceptualized as the potential to synthesize cross-boundary resources to develop new perspectives or thinking modes. We find that both explicit and tacit synergies have positive impacts on radical innovation, and such impacts are contingent on interfirm technological diversity and environmental technological dynamism in opposing ways. Specifically, environmental technological dynamism positively moderates the relationship between explicit synergy and radical innovation but not the relationship between tacit synergy and radical innovation. In contrast, interfirm technological diversity positively moderates the relationship between tacit synergy and radical innovation but not the relationship between explicit synergy and radical innovation. Our study sheds new light on the generation of radical innovation in alliances. It also provides practitioners with useful guidelines for crafting synergy strategies that will facilitate the pursuit of radical innovation.  相似文献   

本文运用Eviews7.2 软件,采用面板数据模型实证研究了高校科技创新对我国区域技术进步的影响,得到了面板数据回归结果。结果表明,高校R&D 人员投入和专利技术产出对中部和西部地区的技术进步起着显著的促进作用,R&D 经费投入对中部、西部及东北地区的技术进步起着阻碍作用,同时科技论文产出对区域技术进步的影响不显著。这表明高校应当改革传统的以论文数量、科研经费为导向的高校科研考核制度,改进和完善科研评价体系,加强人才队伍建设,整合人才资源,形成优秀的科研团队,同时要加强产学研合作,建立企业与高校之间的信息平台,从而实现信息交流和资源共享,促进高校的科技成果向企业转化。  相似文献   

在综合供给与需求角度下的经济增长的相关研究结论基础上,本文通过构建中 国经济增长的面板数据模型研究发现,外来投资对中国经济增长的影响较弱,内 部投资对经济增长贡献远高于外来投资;消费因素受到金融危机的影响较小,它 对经济增长的拉动作用并没有降低,而出口因素受金融危机的影响较大;东、中 部的劳动力处于富足状态,而西部经济需要更多的劳动力。面板数据模型的实证 分析结果表明,金融危机对中国经济增长的影响是显著的,它改变了各影响因素 对经济增长的促进或拉动作用,这种改变的幅度又随区域的不同而有所差异;中 国经济增长结构不均衡,有进一步优化的空间;开拓以西部为主国内市场,不仅 能使中国经济获得进一步增长的动力,更能为中国经济发展提供战略层面的安全 保障。  相似文献   

Although essential to all institutions, organizational change is a complex and high risk activity. In this paper, we examine how organizations develop and implement capabilities to facilitate organizational change. Drawing on the dynamic capability perspective and a ‘resourcing’ synergy view, we investigate how realized absorptive capacity in terms of transformation and exploitation capability directly affects organizational change, and how process innovation practices act as an effective mechanism that link transformation and exploitation capability with organizational change. To distinguish our analysis, we focus on both an emerging organizational form and an emerging economy context. Specifically, on the basis of a questionnaire survey of 316 academics from entrepreneurial universities in Malaysia, we find that both transformation and exploitation capability are facilitators of organizational change. However, the relationship of transformation capability with organizational change is fully mediated by process innovation practices, while the relationship between exploitation capability and organizational change is partially mediated by process innovation practices. Our research therefore contributes to the dynamic capability perspective of organizational change and absorptive capacity by highlighting the importance of integrating organizational transformation and exploitation capability with process innovation practices in different ways to facilitate organizational change. Our findings and accompanying discussion on how process innovation practices can generate moves towards universities that are more entrepreneurial will also be of interest to university managers and policy makers.  相似文献   

我国许多地区的区域技术创新体系建设由于社会资本的缺乏导致科研和生产脱节、中小企业无能力开展技术创新、大学园区不能充分发挥技术创新带动作用。社会资本为区域技术创新体系的构建提供了新的研究方向,只有不断丰富社会资本,完善信任机制和互惠规范、增强组织间与个人间的信任程度、发育区域技术创新网络才能加快区域技术创新。因此,基于社会资本的区域技术创新体系的构建关键在于建立一种制度和网络体系,形成企业、大学科研机构、地方政府和中介机构之间的互惠、互动与合作。  相似文献   

Public industrial research institutes are important in regard to aiding industry development in many countries. Research institutes have to constantly change their strategies according to their industrial environments in order to remain influential. The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has been recognised as a successful institute in facilitating industrial development. During its 40‐year development process, ITRI has gone through three stages of strategic repositioning and organisational reforms. The evolution of the organisational structure and the interactions with its social‐technological environment are both complex and dynamic. This study proposes a framework which integrates the role of the institutes with organisation structures and strategies to analyse the process of the evolution of ITRI. Based on the framework, this study uses system dynamics to identify the underlying structure driving the process of its evolution. The result shows that it is important to align the organisational structure with development strategies; in a long‐term perspective, the strategies for short‐term and long‐term goals can reinforce each other. The recent transition of ITRI suggests a new direction‐seeking role for public research institutes to play among the national innovation systems. This study also discusses the potential impacts of the system dynamics approach to R&D management.  相似文献   

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