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性别收入差异及性别歧视的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别歧视带来的性别收入差异一直备受关注。文章基于吉林省1990-2010年间三期妇女地位的调研数据分析了吉林省的性别工资差异问题,并运用Oaxaca-Blinder对性别收入差距进行了分解。文章对20年间吉林省的性别收入差异进行了横向和纵向的分析,实证研究得到如下结论:性别分割是我国劳动力市场上一直存在的一种现象,性别收入差距总体趋势在扩大;个体特征差异能够在一定程度上解释性别收入差异,现阶段性别收入差异在很大程度上是由于劳动者本身的人力资本水平引起的,是正常合理的范围;歧视仍然是造成性别收入差距的一个原因,女性在获得教育的机会上还是比男性要低,而且女性很难进入到高收入行业和职业,使得在教育方面女性仍然处于不利地位。但是经过20年的发展,对女性的歧视逐步减弱。  相似文献   

人力资本是个人重要的一种资本。它对个人的社会经济地位和价值观等有着十分重要的影响。不同的性别间其人力资本是否存在差异呢?我们利用广西的调查数据,发现中国的人力资本存在性别差异,男性的人力资本比女性丰富,主要体现在女性的文化程度与男性相比存在一定的差距,而在职业培训方面女性和男性不存在差异。因此,要缩小人力资本之间的性别差异,主要应该从提高女性的文化程度着手。  相似文献   

陶娟 《经济研究导刊》2014,(35):299-300
我国文化起源《易经》说,男为乾,是为天;女为坤,是为地;二者各负其责,相互依赖,和谐共生,男女平等。男女平等也是我国的基本国策,新中国成立至今已经65年,我国在教育、婚恋、职业等诸方面都坚定不移地贯彻男女平等的思想。但男女在实际生活中还是不平等的,在职场、婚恋中女性处于明显的弱势,性别不平等现象非常普遍。探究性别不平等的原因,发现经济因素是造成两性不平等的一个很重要的原因。受社会观念的影响,家庭中的女性多以在经济上依赖男性为荣;受传统分工的影响,女性基本都承担了家庭照料责任,更使女性在家庭生活中放弃经济独立。经济上的不平等使男性无法真正尊重和欣赏女性,从而导致性别不平等。  相似文献   

当前我国社会职业阶层结构的开放对于男性和女性有着不同的意义,代际和代内社会职业阶层流动表明,女性的总流动率和上升流动率均低于男性,女性更多地受到父代尤其是母亲职业地位的影响,而男性则更容易通过自身努力从较低的社会职业阶层跻身到职业地位的上层。由此我们可以理解尽管社会流动率在增加,但是女性与男性的社会地位仍存在着较大的差距。  相似文献   

本文使用中国健康与营养调查数据,在健康的社会分层模式下探讨城市人口健康的性别公平问题。研究集中在两个方面:一是健康的总体性别差异、不同社会阶层的健康性别差异和同一性别内部不同社会阶层的健康差异;二是分析社会经济的性别不平等和健康行为上的性别差异对健康性别差异的解释力度。研究指出,中国城市人口健康存在显著的性别不平等现象,男性健康水平要好于女性。健康性别不平等不仅存在于所有社会阶层之中,而且呈"倒U型"分布。人口健康的性别差异主要是由于不同性别在社会经济地位上的差异造成的,女性处于明显的弱势地位。从这个角度讲,健康的性别不公平实质上是男女社会地位不平等的体现。  相似文献   

由于其生理机制及社会原因,使女性的性别特征明显区别于男性。首先,语言方面,女性在语音语调、词汇选择、句法结构等方面都有区别于男性的特点和风格。其次,在肢体语言的选择上,女性较男性而言体态更丰富优雅,且能传达出更多层次的意义。性格上,我们也可以称气质上,女性更多的温文尔雅对于谈判氛围的影响也起着重要的调节作用。对于谈判者而言,无论是他的语言、体态以及个人气质都可以作为一种交际表达的工具,在商务活动中具有很重要的作用。本文试图从女性的性别特征,即语言、体态、性格等三方面出发,去分析其在商务谈判活动中的优势,以此作为一个侧面了解女性特征在交际活动中的积极作用。  相似文献   

基于浙江和陕西两省741户农户、2841个农民个人的土地承包数据表明,与男性相比,女性在土地分配中处于更不利的地位.在实施禁止土地调整政策的村庄,女性拥有更少的土地.女性更可能因为婚嫁等原因而产生居住地迁移,从而使得她们个人的土地承包权难以得到有效保障.在处于适婚年龄段的女性中,无地和少地妇女的数量更多.  相似文献   

李云  李锡元 《技术经济》2011,30(7):122-126
通过对326个有效样本进行统计分析,探究了不同性别、不同学历层次和不同婚姻状况的职业经理人的组织信任与其离职倾向之间的关系。结果显示:职业经理人的组织信任与其离职倾向均显著负相关;就两者的作用机理而言,工作满意度在学历层次为非本科的职业经理人的组织信任与其离职倾向的关系中未发挥中介作用;就职业经理人离职倾向对其组织信任和工作满意度变化的敏感程度而言,男性比女性更敏感,本科学历的比非本科学历的更敏感。  相似文献   

职业生涯是指一个人从职业学习伊始至职业劳动最后结束的整个人生职业工作历程.一个女人的职业生涯是短暂的,尽管科学已证明女人的生命普遍长于男性,但绝大多数的女人的职业生命都不到三十年.女性特质给予了女人美丽的资本,也在一定程度上羁绊了女性的职业发展.本文通过分析女性人格特点、职业生涯特点、影响因素,提出女性职业生涯管理的对策.  相似文献   

"官二代"在负责人和专业技术人员中存在明显的职业性别隔离。只有极少数"官二代"能够成为负责人,而绝大部分"官二代"从事负责人以外的其他五类职业。工作变动及时代变迁使得"官二代"职业层次总体有所提高,但女性的提高程度小于男性。性别、受教育程度、政治面貌及工作获得途径对"官二代"能否成为负责人具有显著影响:女性成为负责人的可能性总体小于男性;接受过高等教育的男性更容易成为负责人,提高受教育程度对男性成为负责人的影响大于女性;求职/应聘能够显著提高女性成为负责人的可能性,党员身份和自主创业对女性成为负责人的影响大于男性。  相似文献   

This paper updates and deepens our understanding of the wage performance of immigrants in Germany. Using the German Socio‐Economic Panel, it documents that immigrant workers initially earn on average 20% less than native workers with otherwise identical characteristics. The gap is smaller for immigrants from advanced countries, with good German language skills, and with a German degree, and larger for others. The gap declines gradually over time but at a decreasing rate and much faster for more recent cohorts. Less success in obtaining jobs with higher occupational autonomy explains half of the wage gap.  相似文献   

Evidence from some OECD countries suggests that skilled immigrants are over‐represented in entrepreneurship. We offer an analytical explanation to show that it may be a direct outcome of asymmetric information between immigrants and potential employers in the rich countries. Limiting occupational choices to self‐employment and employment, we show that skilled immigrants vis‐à‐vis natives may be proportionally over‐represented in small businesses. This compensates for the income loss in the labor market. It results from higher critical risk aversion among skilled immigrants compared with natives and subsequently leads to higher average income for all immigrants in the cross‐section. Finally, we show why a lesser number of unskilled immigrants enter self‐employment and discuss the speed of income convergence between all immigrants and natives.  相似文献   


Since 1986, the United States has made considerable efforts to curb undocumented immigration across the US–Mexico border, resulting in an increase in migration costs for undocumented immigrants from Mexico and placing a particularly heavy burden on undocumented immigrant women. Using data from the 1990, 2000 Decennial Census and the 2006–8 American Community Survey, this study finds three effects of rising migration costs for immigrants from Mexico: (1) A decrease in the relative flow of older and highly educated undocumented immigrant women relative to men; (2) An increase in the skill composition of immigrant women relative to men; and (3) An increase, due to stronger positive selection, in the average earnings of those groups most affected by increased migration costs, particularly women. This research has important implications in light of the barriers and increasing dangers that women across the globe may face when migrating.  相似文献   

Muslim immigrants to Europe display distinctive attitudes toward women in a wide range of survey data. This study investigates whether this translates into distinctive behavior. Relying on a dictator game in France and an identification strategy that isolates the effect of religion from typical confounds such as race, we compare the donations of matched Christian and Muslim immigrants and rooted French to in‐group and out‐group men vs. women. Our results indicate that Muslim immigrant participants deviate from Christian immigrant and rooted French participants in their behavior toward women: while the latter favor women over men, Muslim immigrants favor men over women.  相似文献   

This paper examines the educational self-selection of immigrants to the United States across forty-two countries of origin and analyzes determinants of selectivity, including home-country gender status (as measured by the United Nations’ Gender Empowerment Measure [GEM]). Measuring educational self-selection, the study uses data from the 2006 American Community Survey and the 2000 and 2014 Barro–Lee Educational Attainment Measure to construct the Net Difference Index between immigrants and nonmigrants. It compares the educational attainment difference between immigrants and nonmigrants who remain in the home country and demonstrates that immigrants to the US are more educated than their home-country counterparts across all immigrant groups (positive selection). Regression results further indicate that higher gender inequality in the home country influences more highly educated women to migrate. The paper also confirms that higher migration costs and lower income inequality in the home country influence more highly educated individuals to migrate.  相似文献   

This paper uses a two-step Heckman approach to investigate to what extent there are differences in income from work between immigrants and natives in Sweden. Contrary to previous studies this study takes the selection effect, i.e. the probability of having an income from work, into account when calculating the effect on income from work of a change in any of the explanatory variables. Our study shows that when the selection effect is taken into account, the differences in income from work between immigrants and natives are smaller than when the selection effect is not considered. We find that immigrants have a lower income from work than the native population when we control for variables such as schooling, experience, civil status and region of residence. Furthermore, immigrant cohorts with a recent year of immigration have a considerably lower income from work than earlier immigrant cohorts.  相似文献   

I analyze the competition among different countries for ‘desirable’ and ‘undesirable’ potential immigrants, using both an immigration quota and a level of (imperfect) ‘scrutiny’ that would‐be immigrants face. Scrutiny imposes costs on immigrants and therefore makes it less attractive to immigrate. The number of applying undesirable immigrants increases in immigration quota and decreases in the level of scrutiny. In contrast, the number of desirable applicants can go in either direction as scrutiny increases and is independent of the immigration quota, because an increase in the immigration quota is completely crowded out by more applications by undesirable immigrants.  相似文献   

Immigrants and the Use of Government Transfer Payments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the use of government benefits and allowances by Australian immigrants relative to their native-born counterparts. The study extends the Australian literature by employing micro-level (Australian Longitudinal Survey) data, controlling for a number of relevant variables including first or second generation immigrant status and the nature of transfer payments received. The data on young adults employed in the study provide a comparable population for examining the relative use of benefits among those of similar age, allowing comparisons based on only the relevant types of benefits. The results consistently reject the hypothesis that immigrants are disproportionately using benefit payments and thereby imposing a burden on public funds. These results are of interest, especially since Australia is already a major immigrant-receiving country, and since the Australian welfare system is more extensive in its coverage than most other immigrant-receiving countries.  相似文献   

长江三角洲都市圈老人乡村休闲养老研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李松柏 《经济地理》2012,32(2):154-159
近年来,长江三角洲都市圈越来越多的老人选择季节性移居乡村休闲养老,这种发展趋势是老龄化程度不断加深、城市养老资源不足和乡村休闲旅游快速发展共同作用的结果。通过对两个乡村休闲养老目的地的调查研究,结果表明:休闲养老目的地的形成可以分为在乡村旅游发展基础上的自发模式和企业投资促成的“联众模式”两种;乡村休闲养老者群体主要是低龄老人,选择乡村休闲养老目的地时主要受目的地自然环境、人文环境、休闲养老配套设施、生活基础设施、管理服务和目的地形象等因素的影响。季节性移居乡村休闲养老不仅可以缓解老龄化背景下都市圈不断增大的养老压力,而且可以解决乡村休闲旅游设施淡季的闲置问题,推动乡村环境的改善,促进当地村民的就业致富和城乡文明的交融与传播。都市圈具备条件的乡村可以把满足周边城市乡村休闲养老需求作为未来经济转型发展的一个方向。  相似文献   

Labor Market Interactions Between Legal and Illegal Immigrants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper looks at the situation of legal immigrants who employ illegal immigrants for various services. This enables the legal immigrants to allocate more time to other work, thereby increasing their earnings. Illegal immigrants employed by legal immigrants may specialize in certain professions and may themselves employ other illegal immigrants. A subeconomy evolves whose sole purpose is the provision of services by illegal immigrants for legal immigrants.  相似文献   

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