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非正规经济的正规化:广州城市摊贩空间治理模式与效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流动摊贩的治理一直是我国城市管理的难题。通过对流动摊贩、疏导区摊贩和城市管理者的调查,研究了广州摊贩空间疏导的模式与效应。疏导区是一种通过发挥基层政府和社会的作用,把闲置空间资源转化为摊贩经营场所的治理模式。调查显示,83%的流动摊贩对疏导区持否定和怀疑态度。究其原因,疏导区存在正负效应,前者表现在为摊贩提供了稳定的经营场所、良好的经营环境和扩大经营规模的机会,后者表现在租金商业化、空间固定化、区位限制和进入权不平等等剥夺了摊贩低成本、流动性等优势和降低了摊贩对政策的信任。寻求适度正规化,使摊贩进入疏导区后的收益大于损失,应是改善摊贩疏导政策的核心。  相似文献   

在中国特殊的城市化背景之下,城市流动摊贩集聚现象所受到的关注度不断提升,但因"非正式性"特征的存在使得其治理难度较大,并成为城市管理进程中的一道难题。通过归纳总结国内外相关研究,基于城市流动摊贩的不同概念界定,对上海城市流动摊贩的特征进行了分析,旨在为城市管理建言献策。  相似文献   

流动摊贩合法化路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国大多数城市都存在流动摊贩,这些城市里的流动摊贩几乎每天都与城管上演着"猫"与"鼠"的游戏。围绕着这一问题,在"禁"与"放"的争议中,流动摊贩合法化的呼声日趋增高。自国务院出台《个体工商户条例征求意见稿》后,针对流动摊贩是否应当合法化,展开了众多的讨论。从流动摊贩的特点及存在的合理及合法原因分析,借鉴目前国外部分城市流动摊贩的管理模式及经验,结合我国具体国情,提出我国流动摊贩合法化的路径建议。  相似文献   

在我国,流动摊贩的管理问题受到广泛的关注,流动摊贩的普遍存在与城市政府对摊贩的频繁取缔之间产生了多种矛盾。政府应该如何对待流动摊贩,应该采取何种政策管理流动摊贩以构建和谐社会,值得学者们探讨。  相似文献   

城市流动摊贩的治理一直是城市管理与规划中的难题。基于对摊贩经营类型、经营主体、时空分布等基本特征的分析,剖析治理的难点及当前治理方式的不足。从摊贩的伦理合法性、摊贩与城市矛盾的根源来反思当前治理的困境,提出了以接纳摊贩存在、服务促进转型、重塑空间契约关系为核心的供给型疏导理念,构建了供给型疏导理念的实施框架。并结合案例实证,总结了供给型疏导的基本原则和规划治理策略。  相似文献   

张磊 《城市问题》2013,(5):72-76
以北京市朝阳区为案例,依托北京市朝阳区城市管理监督指挥中心的流动摊贩数据库,将流动摊贩按照经营产品作类型划分,剖析了各类型流动摊贩随季节和时段影响的变化特征和规律。在此基础上提出了以数据库为基础,引入市场机制,对流动摊贩进行精细化管理的政策建议。  相似文献   

张楚婧  晁恒  李贵才 《城市发展研究》2021,28(11):118-124,封2
基于米歇尔·德塞图的日常生活实践的视角,以深圳市平山村流动摊贩为例,通过半结构化访谈、活动日志调查等质性研究方法,解读流动摊贩面对空间管治政策的生存韧性和社会空间建构.研究发现:在政府对非正规经济和非正规空间的双重限制与规训下,流动摊贩对就业与社会生活空间两方面都采取了反规训战术,就业空间的实践中不仅包括嵌入、伺机而动的抵制战术,还包括协商与印象管理;社会生活空间的实践中构建了以地缘关系为基础的社会网络,同时也有身份构建与认同、消费升级与改写及地方感的生成.对流动摊贩日常生活实践的关注,对理解和管理流动摊贩现象具有重要意义,也展现了城市高质量发展进展中对实现空间正义的追求.  相似文献   

街巷摊贩作为弱势群体的生存"落脚点",在新时代背景下治理思路多采取"疏堵结合"的方法.山地城市社区街巷较之平原城市更加用地紧张,难以划定充裕的街巷摊贩经营区,需要提出与之相适应的时空使用优化建议.选取典型案例进行实地观察,从"整体-聚集区-个体"三个层面对山地城市社区街巷摊贩展开研究,发现山地城市社区街巷摊贩时空分布具有聚集性、稳定性和流动性;整体层面上具有时空独立性和自足性,聚集区层面上具有适度流动性,个体层面上具有碎片化空间填补和较高的文化景观性等特征.基于此,从空间治理视角提出"空间适度流动、精准时空治理"的空间优化策略,包括"摊贩包容街巷"的空间优化建议和"适度正规化"的精细化治理建议.  相似文献   

目前,在城市管理方面出现了很多问题,特别是流动商贩与城管之间"不断上演"猫和老鼠"的游戏,暴力冲突事件层出不穷。本文从城管执法模式和几个暴力事件的回放开始,试用布迪厄的社会实践理论分析流动商贩再就业的社会资本,旨在要城市管理更加和谐合理。  相似文献   

论城市化进程中的低端需求——以城市摊贩问题为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市摊贩问题已经成为近年来城市管理中十分棘手的问题.对城市化进程中的人口流动趋势以及城市定位的问题进行分析得出,摊贩问题的出现,一方面反应了城市中有一个庞大的低端需求群体,另一方面说明城市常常忽视这种需求,将城市现代化与高端化等同.大量流动人口的涌现有利于城市竞争力的发展,加上城市中原有的低收入人群,使得城市必须保留一个能够满足这些人口消费的市场.城市化不是以排斥低端收入的人群为代价,而是要为低端需求留有充分的生存和发展的空间.  相似文献   

Immigrant street vendors in Chicago have fought for decades without success to change the restrictive and punitive city ordinance governing their work. The failure of the immigrant street vendors stands in marked contrast to the successful efforts of gourmet food truck entrepreneurs, who within only two years convinced the Chicago City Council to pass an ordinance permitting their work. The differential regulation of street vending reveals how local politicians use the rhetoric of the ‘creative’ city to justify building a city that appeals to young urban professionals, while simultaneously marginalizing the possibilities of working‐class immigrants to shape the city to their desires. This article aims to add to the literature on the politics of the creative class by demonstrating how discourses of creativity and entrepreneurialism get mobilized by competing interests, and how racial‐ethnic attitudes become integral to these discourses. The contrasting experiences of the vendors force us to ask: Why is the creativity of food truck entrepreneurs valued over the creativity of street vendors when, according to Richard Florida, creative class cities are supposed to be tolerant and immigrant‐friendly? Whose ‘creativity’ gets to be part of the ‘creative’ city? I draw on interviews with street vendors and a discourse analysis of media coverage of vending debates.  相似文献   

In global urban studies, different cities often serve as stand‐ins for various policy approaches. New York is closely associated with zero tolerance/quality of life policing—specifically the ways this crime‐fighting technique was used to manage and regulate public space in support of broader urban redevelopment goals. Whether celebrated or criticized, the image of New York as a city that was successful in ‘cleaning up’ public space has been exported across the globe, and has been invoked by a number of cities as they embark on their own projects to clear street vendors and other unwanted actors from public space. This article will challenge this established narrative through an examination of struggles over street vending and public space in New York during the 1980s and 1990s. It will show how the revanchist project of public space management was challenged and ultimately limited by vendors using discourses of free market populism and entrepreneurship. It demonstrates the ways in which the image of New York as a city of settled and well‐regulated public space does not tell the complete story, and how New York, like many other ordinary cities across the globe, is a city of contested spaces and uncertain regulatory effectiveness.  相似文献   

Bogota's public space policy is often credited with promoting inclusionary principles. In this article, I explore critically the content of Bogota's articulation of equality in public space policy. In so doing, I present a critical view of the work Bogota's insistence on equality does to mediate class relations in the city, relying on deeply held conceptions of both social extremes. This results in the construction of a version of social harmony in public space that at once depoliticizes the claims to public space of subjects such as street vendors and the homeless and claims a new role for the middle class in the city. The analysis focuses on two examples of community governance schemes, documenting the logics and methods used by communities to implement official visions of equality and justify the exclusion of street vendors and homeless people from the area. By looking at the articulation of these exclusions in local class politics through seemingly inclusionary rhetoric, the article accounts for ‘post‐revanchist’ turns in contemporary urban policy, while anchoring its production in local processes of community governance.  相似文献   

谢治菊 《城市问题》2011,(11):77-83
流动商贩治理是城市社会管理的重要内容,对流动商贩的有效管理有利于促进城市社会管理的优化。传统城市社会管理体制下的流动商贩治理存在治理理念落后、治理主体单一、治理机制不健全、治理模式暴力因素明显、治理成本较高等问题。在新型城市社会管理模式下,要实现对流动商贩的有效治理,必须在治理理念、治理主体、治理手段、治理机制、治理模式等方面有所转变。  相似文献   

周航  胡钢 《城市问题》2008,(1):82-86
从北京市街头游商贩卖盗版及非法出版物的人员构成、活动区域、活动时间、经营手段等方面的特点入手,分析了这一现象存在的主要原因,提出了治理的主要对策.  相似文献   

Through a critical comparison of the spatial management of street vending in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay and New York City, USA, we show how uncertainty enables the management of vending and urban space. By uncertainty, we mean a condition characterized by legal complexity and negotiable enforcement of laws and regulations. Putting New York and Ciudad del Este in dialogue, we demonstrate that these negotiated legalities are not limited to Southern urbanisms, nor are they remnants of unmodern social forms. We find similarities in how vendors experience and negotiate uncertainty, even as divergent mechanisms link uncertainty and inequality. By claiming streets as sites of work, vendors challenge dominant notions of global urbanism which conceive of sidewalks as sites of circulation, rather than livelihood. Especially in Ciudad del Este, vendors know the biases of law, and ground their claims to livelihood in ethics rather than legal compliance. Yet vendors’ claims can also reinscribe hierarchical relationships with frontline enforcers and reinforce exclusionary notions of rights based in productive citizenship. Understanding how uncertainty works as a logic of governing helps expose these unavoidable tensions and therefore to imagine and construct pathways toward more just urban economies.  相似文献   

甄娜  张钊 《价值工程》2012,31(1):94-96
商业步行街是指众多不同规模,不同类别的商店有规律地排列组合的商品交易场所。商业步行街从立项建设到开始经营,涉及诸多方面的内容,其策划应建立在充分的调查研究基础上,并运用城市经营理论与社会组织力量建立与管理商业步行街。  相似文献   

赵华 《价值工程》2011,30(4):181-181
城市路灯管理是市政设施现代化程度的标志之一。随着我国现代化建设的发展,城市建设标准越来越高,城市道路照明已成为城市建设的重要组成部分。先进、高效、安全、可靠的城市路灯自动化监控系统可以增强城市服务的功能,提高城市品位,繁荣市场经济,同时对路灯管理部门节能降耗、提高社会效益和经济效益起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

无障碍设计的理想目标是无障碍,基于此,认为无障碍城市环境是人性化的城市环境;无障碍城市街道家具设计可以就城市居民与城市公共环境之间的障碍来进行改善和解决。认为在我国还处于原始探索阶段的无障碍城市街道家具是一种全新的设计理念和城市街道家具发展模式,也是一个复杂的系统工程;无障碍城市街道家具设计的初衷和终极目的是帮助障碍人士主动参与城市生活,享受城市所带来的方便。  相似文献   

A new policy approach that seeks to formalize street vendors by immobilizing them in designated places has been taken as an alternative to exclusion in Guangzhou, China. This article develops an analytical framework for understanding this spatial formalization by drawing upon Foucault's concept of governmentality. Formalization can be understood as a form of spatial governmentality that seeks to guide the behaviour of informal economic individuals towards officially desired norms by creating bounded spaces. While the formalization programme reflects a moral form of political rationality that directs modern governments towards principles of social justice, it is fundamentally founded on a dispositional spatial rationality that imagines the dependence of social control on the ordering of space. However, this spatial rationality entails a tension between the goal of formalization and its practical effects, resulting in a failure to respect vital attributes of street vending and vendors’ counter‐responses to it. The article concludes by questioning the government's formalization approach, given its ignorance of the reality of informality, and opens up the question of what might be good formalization.  相似文献   

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