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作为传统文化的精髓《弟子规》是宋明理学后儒家文化对今天现代服务外包资源最大的发现.《弟子规》对于服务外包现代物流企业职业素养最大的借鉴就在于:《弟子规》的人才教育和现代物流企业职业素养是一脉相承的,它能使企业员工树立乐观进取的人生态度,自觉实现由“他律”转向“自律”的员工行为,能培养企业员工对企业的虔敬之心,增强员工爱岗敬业精神,对工作更具责任心.  相似文献   

黄琴 《科技与企业》2013,(22):266-266
面对就业难的新时期,如何提高大学生职业素养成为重要课题。《弟子规》作为传统国学经典,对于培养德才兼备的优秀人才有着积极的作用,但在高校中的教学效果不尽人意。笔者尝试从一个新的角度探讨如何提高《弟子规》在大学生职业素养教育中的教学效果。  相似文献   

在西方管理文化"边际效用递减",中国本土还未衍生出新文化伦理范式的当下,代表传统文化精髓的《弟子规》等国学思想,或许能为国内企业文化的重构注入活力。当您为团队的凝聚力不够、员工敬业度不高而忧心的时候,是否尝试过从中国传统文化中寻找解决方案?——回答:"是。"事实上,国学热蔓延至企业界已经有些时日,中国企业特别是民营企业加速了企业文化重组的步伐,一些企业更是将国学热演进到底。如今很多国学班费用可以抵得上名校EMBA的费用。而在企业里,员工人手一本《弟子规》,将背诵弟子规作为考核内容也并不鲜见。  相似文献   

钟实  李赫 《物流科技》2009,32(10):69-70
企业物流业务外包正成为企业在发展过程中的一种经营策略.石油企业只有通过精细管理,降低生产成本,才能不断地增加企业的经济效益.强化石油企业的核心竞争力、利用石油企业外部资源的需要、降低和控制石油企业的成本、分担石油企业风险使得石油企业物流业务外包.同时也带来了石油企业对物流外包控制不足、增大石油企业对物流外包依赖、石油企业内部员工抵制等潜在风险.为此石油企业应正确选择物流供应商、明确服务需求、积极理顺沟通渠道、建立合理的物流绩效评价标准体系、加强对物流外包过程的管理和控制.  相似文献   

物流外包是研究现代物流的热点问题之一。文章通过SWOT分析了企业物流外包的可行性,得出企业的物流外包具有明显优势。并探讨了企业核心竞争力与物流外包的关系,在分析了企业物流外包的可行性的基础上,提出了企业物流外包的具体对策。  相似文献   

张红娟 《物流科技》2013,36(1):122-123
《仓储管理实务》是物流管理专业的一门核心课程,该课程对学生职业能力的养成和职业素养的形成起到直接的促进作用。为了提高教学效果,必须打破传统的章节教学体系,探讨"项目引领,任务驱动"的教学模式,采用"基于工作过程"的课程改革方法,结合仓储企业岗位需求和物流师资格考试内容来设计教学项目和教学任务,将理论知识和业务实际联系起来,让在校学生以企业员工的身份学习课程内容,真正做到"课岗证"三位一体。实践证明,这样的教学设计符合高职教育新理念,极大地提高了学生的职业能力。  相似文献   

为使物流外包企业在对物流服务提供商的管理中,同时考虑物流服务能力与外包风险,将外包风险的相关要素纳入到物流服务能力的评价中,提出了基于外包风险的物流服务能力要素体系。并利用模糊集等理论方法,为物流外包企业提供了一种基于三角模糊数的物流服务能力评价方法。  相似文献   

近年来,物流外包受到越来越多的关注,特别是《物流业调整和振兴规划》中对制造企业提出了“剥离或外包物流功能”、“促进物流业务分离外包”等建议,使“物流外包”的供需出现了新的趋势和发展。  相似文献   

课题以高职现代物流管理专业为研究对象,对其通识课程《商务礼仪》教学现状进行分析;分析《商务礼仪》课程在教学实施过程中课程思政实施存在的问题,并以所在教学单位的2021级现代物流管理专业学生教学为实例分析,提出高职现代物流管理专业通识课程《商务礼仪》思政教学改革策略,从而有效培养高职现代物流管理专业学生思政能力,提升高职现代物流管理专业学生职业素养,保障高职现代物流管理专业学生人才培养质量。  相似文献   

物流外包风险是指企业物流外包过程及其结果的不确定性。包括决策、运作等风险,具有随机性(偶然性)、突发性、隐含性和关联性等特征。物流外包风险产生的原因主要有决策的有限理性、信息非对称以及代理者的败德行为。正确进行物流自营与外包决策、科学选择物流服务商、审慎签订物流外包合同、加强对物流服务商的评估与管理、建立"双赢"合作机制、及时办理货物保险、采用AB角制等策略与举措,均可有效降低物流外包风险。  相似文献   

亲顾客偏离行为是指一线员工以帮助顾客、维护顾客利益、满足顾客个性化需求为首要动机,在服务交付过程中有意识偏离组织正式规章制度、服务规程或政策禁令的一种角色外行为。本文立足于亲顾客偏离行为"亲顾客"与"偏离组织规则"这两个特征,系统性揭示员工亲顾客偏离行为的形成机制与影响后果。在形成机制方面,揭示了服务型领导通过激发员工的心理安全感与工作自主性,来增强员工的自我效能感,最终促进员工的亲顾客偏离行为,组织创新氛围与员工冒险倾向在上述过程中起到正向调节作用。在影响后果方面,揭示了亲顾客偏离行为的双刃剑效应,既能引发涉事顾客的感知优待与赞许他人的道德情绪,促使其做出积极的服务评价;又会引发同属顾客的不公平感知与谴责他人的道德情绪,致使其做出消极的服务评价,涉事顾客的涉入度在上述过程中起到负向调节作用。本文有助于科学地认识、评估并有效引导员工的亲顾客偏离行为。  相似文献   

基于现有人力资源无法适应工程量的波动、单一的技能掌握无法实现员工角色类型转变的状况。目前单一的"I"型人员配置模式成为制约公司迅速发展的"瓶颈"。方案从现代人力资源管理的角度去探求适用、可行、高效的人力资源配置新模式——即"X-X"、"T-T"型人员配置模式。  相似文献   

随着当代社会步入21世纪,科技推动社会飞速发展,以科技创新为核心竞争力的知识型企业大放异彩,逐渐成为当今社会最具竞争力的企业。"90后"新生代员工是新一波就业人群,在企业中逐渐占据重要地位。但是,通过近期的研究和社会现状分析发现,"90后"新生代员工离职率上升,在工作中的职业倦怠问题日益突出,如何制定激励"90后"新生代员工更好地工作的策略是当前研究的重点。论文依据知识型企业中"90后"新生代员工的特点提出激励策略,为社会上的广大企业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Recent United States Congress legislation (the WARN Act of 1988) mandates that organizations must provide at least 60 days notice before a layoff of 50 or more employees can be instituted. As a consequence, individuals who are notified of their layoff often remain in their jobs for a significant period of time-and managers hope that these people will be good organizational citizens during thisremaining time. This article identifies different psychological factors that could explain why individuals would remain good citizens, even after notification of their impending termination. In a survey of 147 skilled employees who received notification of their layoffs, we found that the perceived fairness of the layoff process was the primary factor influencing their citizenship behavior. Additional analyses suggested that the perceived adequacy of the explanation of the layoffs, and whether the layoff victims were treated with respect and dignity, were the primary factors influencing the perceived fairness of the layoff process. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

In the past decade, businesses, for reasons such as greater flexibility and lower total costs, have increased their use of nontraditional workers such as independent contractors and temporary agency employees. The Internal Revenue Service's crackdown on misclassifying employees slowed this growth. Additionally, recent lawsuits by nontraditional workers against employers such as Microsoft Corporation have resulted in some client employers being forced to pay more benefits to nontraditional employees because of employment misclassification and coemployment rulings. Such rulings might reduce or even eliminate the use of some types of nontraditional employees. This paper analyzes the vast array of types of workers that have evolved into the nontraditional work force and the difficulty of defining employee with respect to entitlement to employer benefits. Possible recommendations for employers include auditing present use of nontraditional workers, accurately classifying employees, and taking proper actions to minimize problems in the future.  相似文献   

A growing number of companies are including lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) issues as part of their diversity initiatives and training. A potential problem with including LGB issues is the backlash from some employees who believe that such orientations are wrong. Further, given existing civil rights legislation it is not unreasonable for these employees to feel that their religious beliefs should be accommodated. This requires the organization to carefully balance the rights of religious objectors to such training while providing adequate support for LGB employees. This paper analyzes three cases where employees felt they were discriminated against because of their belief systems. In addition to identifying the key factors that led to the feelings of discrimination, the paper offers suggestions to prevent future occurrences.
David M. KaplanEmail:

随着“90后”成为职场新生代,青年员工离职的案例也越来越多,国有企业青年员工诉求渠道不畅、现代企业制度不健全依然是保证国有企业青年员工队伍稳定的绊脚石,畅通和拓宽青年员工诉求渠道对于国有企业稳定人才队伍愈发重要。  相似文献   

Imagineering is a philosophy that unleashes the latent potential of a company's employees. The end result is a highly motivated group of employees who will dramatically cut operating costs, improve quality, and solve the day-to-day management headaches. If employees have an "I don't give a damn" attitude, then it is management that must make the changes in the company culture. Management is responsible for most of the problems, directly and indirectly, in the company. Imagineering will solve most small and large problems in the company. However, be forewarned that imagineering requires the total commitment of management. And it is the management that must make the most changes.  相似文献   

The fast-growing category of defamation lawsuits in the United States involves actions by employees against their employers. Over the last decade, the courts have increasingly ruled in favor of the employee plaintiffs, thus creating an employee's right to reputation. This article identifies a variety of responses undertaken by organizations to reduce their legal liability and lessen the likelihood of employee defamation lawsuits. We argue that while organizational actions to reduce their legal liability may appear rational, such responses may also be creating situations in which employers, employees, and the public may be the unintended victims of a law without justice. The article concludes with a discussion of balancing the freedom necessary for managers to communicate about employees and the fairness of that communication.  相似文献   

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